10-10-2012, 10:50 AM
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
Originally Posted by Spexxvet
"Those who really control things" need a large labor pool, willing to work for low pay, in order to control more and more wealth. How will they achieve this?
1. Increase births. Reduce the use of birth control. Reduce abortions.
2. Keep workers uneducated. Encourage myth belief over science. De-fund basic education. Increase the cost of higher education.
3. Keep workers in debt. Encourage them to think that if they don't stay with their unpleasant, low-paying, dead end job they'll lose what few worldly possessions they have and be unable to provide for their family.
4. Keep workers in fear. Make them feel that the rest of the world is out to get them. Make them afraid they'll lose their jobs. Make them afraid they won't go to heaven. Make them afraid of each other. Make them afraid they'll get sick or injured.
5. Eliminate minimum wage laws.
6. Remove safety and environmental regulation. Young, strong workers are more efficient. Older workers miss time, and cost more in health care. Retired workers deliver absolutely no return on the pension/social security/ medicare investment. Better for workers to die young and be replaced.
7. Keep unemployment high. When more workers compete for the same jobs, there is downward pressure on the salary for those jobs.
8. Reduce protectionist regulation, making it easier to access the huge, low-paid labor pool around the world.
9. Weaken organized labor. Divide and destroy workers' demands.
10. Transfer wealth from the workers to the wealthy. Bribe (called "contributions") government lawmakers to give public money to the private sector through bailouts, tax incentives, subsidies.
I just got a shiver down my spine...