It made a real mess. There was a bottle of DIF wallpaper remover right next to it, and that bottle had kind of disintegrated (from the solvent fumes?) and was mostly empty, so the puddle on the concrete floor was a wet sticky mess of dissolved plastic and yucky solvent stuff watered down with DIF. It was right next to the main sewer stack, so at first, I thought I had a sewage leak. Absolutely no odor, so the solvent was pretty much gone by the time I cleaned it up.
Bonus is that I took an inventory of the old latex paint cans as I was deciding whether to clean them off to save them or just get rid of them. And I had to empty the entire shelving unit to pull it away from the wall to clean up the puddle back there. So I went through it to throw out junk.
Looks like I have a trip to the household hazardous waste drop off in my near future. Hope they are open tomorrow.
There's too much crap in this basement. I need a garage.