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Old 11-26-2015, 08:02 AM   #11
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 3,774
Originally Posted by glatt View Post
So I know some bacteria (like with botulism) produce toxins and even if you cook them and kill all the bacteria, the toxins still remain. Is the Canada Albania bacteria like that? If not, how can eating a dead bacteria harm you?

Understand that I in no way support what she is doing and I think it's disgusting.
No, Candida albicans doesn't make a heat-stable toxin like E. coli 0157H7 or Staph aureus, etc.

The questions in my mind re harm would be
a)whether our guts entirely destroy the dead organism or whether a few cells make it through the gut wall - not necessarily to actively infect, but to cause an immune response that could go awry;
b) whether bits of the dead bacterial/yeast DNA could get incorporated into my own normally benign flora with bad results;
c) depending on the organism, it only takes a few cells to infect and cause disease - Shigella needs fewer than 10. So a few hardy survivors (or uncooked/live tag-alongs from a surface or utensil) could cause disease, given that she's starting with a pathological organism.

Our immune systems deal with pathogenic organisms constantly, but deliberately presenting our bodies with huge loads of them doesn't make sense. The author says that people have Campylbacter in their kitchens already (only if you prepare poultry) and stick their filthy hands constantly into food prep (apparently she has no concept of hand-washing, and sticks her hands into more than just bread dough. I hope all of her friends read her blog and plan accordingly when it comes to her serving any type of food to them). Neither of those debatable claims addresses the issues with her project. So she then accuses dissenters of being vag-phobic and misogynistic.

She started with a question (Gee, I wonder if C albicans could actually be used to make bread, since we call it 'yeast'?) that could easily have been answered by looking up information on C albicans and on the type of yeast used to make bread. She admits that her experiment failed to answer her question; poor study design. So she resorted to insulting people who weren't impressed by her use of discharge scraped off a dildo as leavening for her bread recipe.
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