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Old 10-24-2008, 12:16 AM   #1
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What Did You Dream About?

What's the last dream you remember?

Do you dream in color? I never understood that question. I can't imagine not dreaming in color. Vivid, cinematic, complex technicolor. That's why I hate getting up in the morning. Well, that and my alcohol consumption the night before.

But then again (I digress) I once knew a guy, a computer programmer if it matters, who swore he could not visualize anything. I mean, if I told him to close his eyes and "see" something in his mind's eye, he could not do it. I have a hard time imagining that. I often feel like I have a separate "video" going on inside my head...whoa.

Anyhow. My dream last night: I was in my poetry class, woefully unprepared. For some reason I had decided to bring my MP3 player to school with me, which I never do, and I had been listening to it as I walked from my first class to the poetry one. When I got to poetry class I tried to put it away, but the earphone wire got all tangled up and I tried to untangle it, and it kept getting hung up and caught on stuff - my bag, the desk, etc. - so I was still working on it when class started. And the teacher, who is in reality a very nice lady, asked me a question. I was busy fighting with the earphones, so I, I mean.... The teacher said "What she MEANS is that she hasn't read the assignment and has no idea what is going on today." UGH.

Understand, for me, that is almost the equivalent of the "oops, I forgot to put my clothes on today" dream. I've had those too, but not for a while.

I have a thing about dreams - I love dream analysis. This one was really obvious, though. I have a presentation coming up in poetry class that involves a recorded sound file. :shrug: But I like the ones that really make you wonder.
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Old 10-24-2008, 12:22 AM   #2
lobber of scimitars
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I'm not very good at dream recall, but most of them have something to do with hot dogs chasing bagels.

In color.
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Old 10-24-2008, 12:25 AM   #3
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Plain, blueberry or onion? Wieners, or flaming canines?
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Old 10-24-2008, 07:27 AM   #4
Glutton for Gluttony
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Do you ever dream in grayscale? Most of my dreams are in color, but every now and again one will be in black and white or be very muted. I also sometimes dream in still pictures, like a poorly done stop-motion film.

As for dream recall, the one I remember from last night was completely nonsensical, but it involved flying, searching, colorful bowling balls and a castle. And a rollercoaster. Usually my dreams are more coherent, though.
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Old 10-24-2008, 08:09 AM   #5
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Mine involved my sister (not so much a guest star as a regular cast member) and my teacher when I was 10.

I can't remember much, but I do know at one point I was explaining to my sis that I'd had a dream...

I have very good dream recall if I choose to remember - I've put a few in the Cellar Dreamin' thread.

My standard dream themes are finding money (always coins), having to pull myself along in order to walk properly - grabbign fences, grass verges etc and being annoyed that it's so hard, finding extra rooms where I live, almost whole suites somethimes which always disappoints me when I wake up, and being back at college/ being married again and wanting to leave (both). In the dream I know I've managed to talk people round into letting me have a second chance, and I'm on the verge of letting them down AGAIN! I know they will be disgusted with me for walking out a second time. Those are a relief to wake up from.

Guest stars are my ex husband, my (evil) ex significant other, who is always wonderful to me in my dreams and the first boy I ever went on a date with.

My brother is always a child in my dreams, and I alternate between vert violent physical fights with my sister, and being really close - usually talking about the fact there was once a real distance between us.

Oh I forgot another theme - often I am so angry at the way my family (Mum & sis) are treating me that I behave worse and worse and worse, often realising I have now gone too far to turn back. Although when I wake up I realise I was being a monster, in the dream I honestly think it was justified.

There you go. My dreams.
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Old 10-24-2008, 08:37 AM   #6
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Mostly, the dreams I remember are the ones that are so bad, I wake up in terror. That's not a good thing. I have good dreams too, but just don't remember them as easily. Most mornings I don't remember my dreams.

Last night's dream was particularly bad. It involved an old high school friend of mine, who is now a lawyer, going into a jail to try to post bond or something to get an innocent loved one out of jail, he was not allowed to and became very agitated, the guards started beating him and everyone there, including me. Then the dream was outside, and one or two bad cops were using torches and burning balls dragged on chains to round up all the people they considered to be undesirable and run them out of town. One of the bad cops got separated from the rest, and he was brutally and graphically murdered right in front of me by a couple of the victims being run out of town. Then I woke up. During the whole dream, I was a spectator or a victim, but never a person taking any action.


I used to dream I could fly. That was fun.
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Old 10-24-2008, 10:12 AM   #7
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Most of my dreams involve the ex. No, not husband, boyfriend, the one who caused my split personality and post traumatic stress disorders. You can imagine how those go. Pretty much like video recordings of this day or that evening or the other weekend while I was living there. Not pleasant.
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Old 10-24-2008, 10:25 AM   #8
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Ahhh, I was going to start a nightmare thread because of the dream night before last.

I was with one of my good friends, and she was telling me that someone died. Right then a man I didn't know standing there, melted into a blob, and ended up looking like a blob of skin, a puddle with his balding head right on top.

I went back to sleep and had more disturbing dreams, and everytime I woke up the house was odd for one reason or the other. I finally woke up to go to work at 5:30 am, and the house still seemed eerie. I went to let my dog out and I saw an arc of electricity go through my bedroom door where the top right corner of the door should have been. (I couldn't see it was still too dark)

The whole night was eerie, including the dreams, and odd happenings when I got up. Was it me, still half dreaming? I don't know....I think it was so windy that night that maybe it disturbed me subconsciously. A real opening to Halloween. I also woke up and thought I heard breathing outside of my bedroom door, and thought my dog must have somehow gotten outside the kennel, and when I checked, she was right where she was supposed to be. The dreams caused an eerie night along with the weather. And all I wanted was to get back to sleep. But instead, I subconsciously scared the crap out of myself.
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Last edited by Cicero; 10-24-2008 at 11:15 AM.
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Old 10-24-2008, 10:51 AM   #9
I can hear my ears
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It's alright, we told you what to dream

This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan
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Old 10-24-2008, 12:18 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
My standard dream themes are finding money (always coins), having to pull myself along in order to walk properly - grabbign fences, grass verges etc and being annoyed that it's so hard, finding extra rooms where I live, almost whole suites somethimes which always disappoints me when I wake up,
I have those too! It really ticks me off when I wake up and discover that there really isn't a whole other level of rooms in my house between the 1st and 2nd floor. They're always really neat rooms too, with marble floors, maybe an indoor pool, a 2nd kitchen and craft workshop, and the way to get to them is always kind of tricky, like I have to squeeze through a narrow passage beneath the stairs. Odd. Wonder what it means? Self discovery, I guess.
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Old 10-24-2008, 12:21 PM   #11
I can hear my ears
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it's widely accepted that when you dream of extra rooms in your house, you are actually yearning for some vigorous anal.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan
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Old 10-24-2008, 12:27 PM   #12
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Old 10-24-2008, 12:27 PM   #13
I can hear my ears
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oh yeah!
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan
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Old 10-25-2008, 10:36 AM   #14
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Alright, analyze this one. I'm leaving a casino with a 5 gallon bucket filled with my winnings, which happen to be in cherries instead of money. Somewhere on my way home, the cherries change into concord grapes. I stop at a traffic light, and a moose is standing beside the road, eating shrubberies. He stops, sniffs the air, and comes over to the car, and tries to eat my grapes. I roll up the windows, get out of the car, and punch him in the nose. He responds by rearing up, and tramples my car into a pile of junk. Then I woke up.
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Old 10-25-2008, 11:16 AM   #15
Radical Centrist
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I'm pretty sure that dream is about divorce.
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