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Old 10-18-2012, 01:39 PM   #361
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Originally Posted by Cyber Wolf View Post
Edited for accuracy, in bold...

Cuz... yknow... the Executive Branch doesn't actually make the laws. They just champion the ideas then signs/doesn't sign the paper once it gets to his desk.

Actually, the executive branch DOES make the bills, into laws, by signing them (normally).

But you're quite right that we do need a Conservative House of Rep. and Senate, to help him.

Or you can listen to the mad ravings of Nancy Pelosi!
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Old 10-18-2012, 01:40 PM   #362
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Let me try another tack.

What do you think should have happened starting 21 Jan 2009? What do you think the Obama administration should have done that they did not do?

Another similar question.

What do you think a McCain-Palin administration would have done starting in Jan 2009? How would things have been different?
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 10-18-2012, 02:04 PM   #363
Cyber Wolf
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
Actually, the executive branch DOES make the bills, into laws, by signing them (normally).

But you're quite right that we do need a Conservative House of Rep. and Senate, to help him.

Or you can listen to the mad ravings of Nancy Pelosi!
Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing about needing a "Conservative House of Rep. and Senate" to "help" anybody, nor is that relevant to the actual process of legislation.

That will not solve the problem of an inactive Congress either because there will always be varying degrees of everything, even Conservatives, and they will oppose each other for the sake of image and career. Plenty of times they've been too busy focused on calling each other out, posturing, blocking, and whining within their own ideology, trying to prove themselves More Conservative Than That Guy/Gal instead of putting that energy towards work that they actually support. Liberals do it too. Tea Partiers do it. Libertarians do it. They all do it. Even independents will argue with each other over how independent they are/aren't. If you take out the visceral need to one-up the other guy, Congress would get a lot more done, regardless who's sitting in the seat.

And if we're going to pick even smaller nits, the Executive Branch does not create any laws. It only signs off on(or not, if they don't sign) a final submission and that finalization turns it into law. It does none of the actual writing, scripting, lawyering, debating, pushing, blocking, etc. All of the making, all of the creating, all of the growth of a bill is done in Congress. Executive Branch is only a cheerleader here.

And for the record, I don't give Pelosi a second thought. Or a first one. Unless someone invokes her, like you did. Then I promptly forget about her. Until you invoke her again, which I'm sure won't take long.
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Old 10-18-2012, 02:16 PM   #364
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
When you overspend by a Trillion dollars in EVERY YEAR, and still can't restore a robust economy.

Time for you to go. You've done all the good you could do, clearly.
That ultra liberal newspaper (sarcasm), the Wall Street Journal, says you are full of shit. Why do you lie so much?

• In the 2009 fiscal year — the last of George W. Bush’s presidency — federal spending rose by 17.9% from $2.98 trillion to $3.52 trillion. Check the official numbers at the Office of Management and Budget.

• In fiscal 2010 — the first budget under Obama — spending fell 1.8% to $3.46 trillion.

• In fiscal 2011, spending rose 4.3% to $3.60 trillion.

• In fiscal 2012, spending is set to rise 0.7% to $3.63 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of the budget that was agreed to last August.

• Finally in fiscal 2013 — the final budget of Obama’s term — spending is scheduled to fall 1.3% to $3.58 trillion. Read the CBO’s latest budget outlook.
What's that you say? Oh, I see, you said "overspend" not "spend". You don't care that Obama has increased the budget less than any president since Ike in the 1950s? You still think that when the economy is weak and tax revenue is lower, the government should spend within its means? Don't you realize that when times get tough, that's when you get more people who are unemployed and you need the government to come in and pay for services that weren't needed so much during the boom years.

It like a family, saving up for a rainy day during the good times, and then spending some of that rainy day fund to get through the bad times.
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Old 10-18-2012, 02:17 PM   #365
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
Actually, the executive branch DOES make the bills, into laws, by signing them (normally).

But you're quite right that we do need a Conservative House of Rep. and Senate, to help him.

Or you can listen to the mad ravings of Nancy Pelosi!
Hm. The Force is strong with this one.

I accept your challenge to discuss this issue by using factual realities.

Originally Posted by Adak View Post
When you [Obama ed. by BigV] overspend by a Trillion dollars in EVERY YEAR, and still can't restore a robust economy.

Time for you to go. You've done all the good you could do, clearly.
In light of the first quote here, please explain the second quote.

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Old 10-18-2012, 02:35 PM   #366
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I think Adak is maybe a college frosh.
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Old 10-18-2012, 02:42 PM   #367
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
How far outside are you? Pluto?
Across the pond.

Because the liberals (and that includes Bush Jr., who was a liberal in spending), has spent us into the poor house, failed to secure our borders, and in order to get their large campaign contributions, failed to rein in the Wall St. types getting into very risky and highly leveraged derivatives.
Right. That famously liberal president about moving the fucking goalposts.

And as to failing to rein in Wall St types....I'm sorry are we talking about the same mitt Romney? Are you seriously suggesting that he will in any way take on the Wall St types? They are his people. Look at how he conducted himself in business. He didn't create jobs in America, the country he professes to love, he sent that work to other countries where the workforce have fewer demands (like a living wage and contracted protections).

He ran his companies for the sole benefit of the high-end shareholders and boardmembers. At the expense of the workforce.

He pays minimal tax on vast wealth compared to most ordinary Americans, and that still wasn't enough for him. No, he still had to siphon funds offshore to reduce that bill still further. For himself and for his companies.

That tax, which he is choosing to divert through international systems rightly belonged to the American people. He begrudges the American people the same levels of tax that other people are expected to pay out.

Frankly, if he's so patriotic, if he loves his country if he feels the burden of national duty is upon him, then he should have put his money where his mouth is.


Romney is a Conservative basically, and KNOWS business. He'll run us back into the black ink.
He'll definitely run you somewhere mate. And it may well be a black place.
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Old 10-18-2012, 02:45 PM   #368
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Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
I think Adak is maybe a college frosh.
Is that code for trolling dumbass? Cuz, I'd have to agree.

My patience wears thin pretty fast when someone makes up stuff and posts it thinking nobody will check on it, and if they do and prove the info is wrong, thet just ignore that and roll right along as if everyone thinks they are right.

Romney is a liar. It's been proven over and over by independent sources as well as partisan ones. He has no actual plan for fixing anything. He wants us to believe he can create 12 million jobs after SAYING it is NOT the job of government to create jobs.
He told us to let Detroit go bankrupt and when that didn't happen, he had the nerve to say HE desrves the credit for SAVING Detroit, not President Obama.
He's for access to birth control except when he's against it. He's for the Lilly Ledbetter act except when he's against it. He's for gay marriage except when he's against it.

I don't care if Mitt Romney turns out to be Jesus Christ in disguise. ANYONE who works and behaves like that shouldn't even have followers on TWITTER, much less politically.
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Old 10-18-2012, 03:39 PM   #369
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
Here's a fun fact: snip
I guess you missed my post.
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Old 10-18-2012, 04:12 PM   #370
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
I think Adak is maybe a college frosh.
Or campaign employee. Or both.
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Old 10-18-2012, 06:22 PM   #371
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Adak is typical of baggage that Romney would bring to the White House. Is there anyone who has not been insulted by him? Or has accused him of overt lies? Or finds him honest? Welcome to what has happened to a wacko extremist wing of the Republican party. No wonder they tried to put a witch from Delaware into the Senate. And voted out a major asset of the Senate - Sen Lugar of Indiana. No wonder long time conservatives including Dole, Snow, Powell, Simpson, etc have complained about damage to their party.

Michelle Bachman said taxes should be zero. And then said we should double our military. So fringe Republican types strongly approved. Adak demonstrates the future of this Republican Party. Followers of Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and other extremist talk show hosts. People educated in soundbyte and ideology. He even blames George Jr's 2007 recession on regulations created in 2010. Baggage that a Romney presidency would impose on all Americans and American allies.

See his rhetoric? No wonder we decided to unilaterally attack three nations. And tried to get into a shooting war with China over a silly spy plane.

Defined long ago was a warning about destructive Limbaugh et al rhetoric. DanaC - appreciate what I was warning about more than 8 years ago?

Adak simply demonstrates kids raised on Limbaugh, et al. Expect to see more who rationalize just like him. This is our future. Not just in America. The adverse affects will be felt throughout the world. They were told we want America to fail. They will go to war on any excuse. They will enrich the rich as the expense of all others. Adak demonstrates how this will happen.

Last edited by tw; 10-18-2012 at 06:31 PM.
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Old 10-18-2012, 07:49 PM   #372
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
Across the pond.
Bloody clear, mate. I'm just messing with ya.

Right. That famously liberal president about moving the fucking goalposts.
The Conservative goals never budged, but Bush was a lunkhead of a social conservative, and a liberal on fiscal policies. In my view, that's backwards from what it should be.

More famously, (to me at least), he lied about WMD in Iraq. Iraq secret service had tried to assassinate his Dad on a trip (Bahrain I believe??), so he had an axe to grind with Saddam, clearly. Lying about the reason to go to war, is not the way to do it.

I'm not sorry to see Saddam dead, however. I don't think you are either?

And as to failing to rein in Wall St types....I'm sorry are we talking about the same mitt Romney? Are you seriously suggesting that he will in any way take on the Wall St types? They are his people. Look at how he conducted himself in business. He didn't create jobs in America, the country he professes to love, he sent that work to other countries where the workforce have fewer demands (like a living wage and contracted protections).
Unfortunately, neither party will take on Wall St. I'm beating a dead horse on this matter, I know.

He ran his companies for the sole benefit of the high-end shareholders and boardmembers. At the expense of the workforce.
EVERY business is run to make profit. That benefits everyone, or the employees find better jobs.

He pays minimal tax on vast wealth compared to most ordinary Americans, and that still wasn't enough for him. No, he still had to siphon funds offshore to reduce that bill still further. For himself and for his companies.
Romney doesn't even know what he pays in taxes, until after he signs the return. That's ALL managed as a blind trust so he can avoid any hint of favoritism.

Of course, his tax preparer makes sure he pays the least taxes - that what tax preparers DO. That's their one and only job!
That tax, which he is choosing to divert through international systems rightly belonged to the American people. He begrudges the American people the same levels of tax that other people are expected to pay out.
That's because of the way our stupid tax code is written. When you make money overseas, you pay taxes in the country you made it in, AND you pay taxes on it, in the USA.

Now, if you subsequently bring that money back to the states - guess what ?? You may be forced to pay tax on it, AGAIN.

That's one reason why all international investors in the US, keep a certain amount of money, OUTSIDE the US.

Romney did not create the tax code! He absolutely is following the requirements of the law - just like everybody else who invests both here, and overseas.

Frankly, if he's so patriotic, if he loves his country if he feels the burden of national duty is upon him, then he should have put his money where his mouth is.
Actually Romney gives a great deal to charity, both inside and outside his church.

It's crazy, I drive past a Staples every day. Now, the libs near and far, are vilifying the guy, because he's successful and saved businesses AND JOBS. Net effect for Romney? More jobs saved or created in America. Yes, jobs were also created overseas, but more jobs were also created HERE.

In the UK, you have successful businesses, but I wonder when the last time was that you really felt the thrill of a major upturn in your businesses and economy as a whole? Do you remember how great that was?

Seems like you never really recovered that entrepreneurial spirit, after the two WW's. You did some great mad stuff during WWII, though! Dam busting bombs, night fighting in North Africa, the great Bletchley Park stuff, the "man who never was", in Spain, sinking the Bismark, and that lovely Spitfire.

I miss THAT UK.

Last edited by Adak; 10-18-2012 at 08:06 PM.
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Old 10-18-2012, 08:02 PM   #373
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Originally Posted by Cyber Wolf View Post
Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing about needing a "Conservative House of Rep. and Senate" to "help" anybody, nor is that relevant to the actual process of legislation.
WHAT?? The legislative branch of the federal government is NOT RELEVANT to the actual process of legislation??

Thanks for the laughs.

That will not solve the problem of an inactive Congress either because there will always be varying degrees of everything, even Conservatives, and they will oppose each other for the sake of image and career. Plenty of times they've been too busy focused on calling each other out, posturing, blocking, and whining within their own ideology, trying to prove themselves More Conservative Than That Guy/Gal instead of putting that energy towards work that they actually support. Liberals do it too. Tea Partiers do it. Libertarians do it. They all do it. Even independents will argue with each other over how independent they are/aren't. If you take out the visceral need to one-up the other guy, Congress would get a lot more done, regardless who's sitting in the seat.
Absolutely, I agree. We see it all the time, especially in the primaries.

And if we're going to pick even smaller nits, the Executive Branch does not create any laws. It only signs off on(or not, if they don't sign) a final submission and that finalization turns it into law. It does none of the actual writing, scripting, lawyering, debating, pushing, blocking, etc. All of the making, all of the creating, all of the growth of a bill is done in Congress. Executive Branch is only a cheerleader here.
The President will have input into legislation he will favor, but he does not write any of the bills for either legislative branch.

And for the record, I don't give Pelosi a second thought. Or a first one. Unless someone invokes her, like you did. Then I promptly forget about her. Until you invoke her again, which I'm sure won't take long.
Oh, we could torture you with the socialist Maxine Waters! Have you met Ms Waters? She's so far left, right has disappeared entirely from her universe.
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Old 10-18-2012, 08:11 PM   #374
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
I guess you missed my post.
It shows that top management jobs in both business and government, are VERY largely held by males.

On every corporate board of directors I have every known, males have dominated. Perhaps one woman will be in charge of something like Human Resources (which is an increasingly important position).
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Old 10-18-2012, 08:28 PM   #375
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Originally Posted by Happy Monkey View Post
Or campaign employee. Or both.
I'm pretty sure I know who Adak is. We all like him under his regular name, but he is sticking to this login through election day because, let's face it, the group speak from the left is dominating the board right now. Imho he is getting some right wing group speak off his chest in an attempt at balance. I'm prolly voting the devil we know rather than the devil we don't because the GOP should not be rewarded for their obstruction of reasonable budget offers from Obama. That doesn't mean I'm happily running off the Democratic cliff. Both parties are populated by extremists right now but I don't consider Obama to be one.
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