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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Standard Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:o Embarrassmt Embarrassmt
:yelgreedy Yelgreedy Yelgreedy
:( Frown Frown
:eyebrow: Eyebrow Eyebrow
:3eye: 3-eye 3-eye
:yeldead: Yeldead Yeldead
:) Smilie Smilie
:sniff: Sniff Sniff
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:neutral: neutral neutral
:mad: Mad Mad
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:cool: Cool Cool
:right: Right Right
:mad2: mad2 mad2
:3_eyes: 3 Eyes 3 Eyes
:thepain: Pain Pain
:p: Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:blush: blush blush
;) Wink Wink
:greenface Greenface Greenface
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:yelsick: Yelsick Yelsick
:meanface: Meanface Meanface
:thumb: Thumb Thumb
:gray: grayalien grayalien
:heart-on: Heart On Heart On
:confused: Confused Confused
:facepalm: facepalm facepalm
:redface: embarrass embarrass
:biggrin: biggrin biggrin
:hedfone: hedfone hedfone
:sweat: Sweat Sweat
:kisspink: pinkkiss pinkkiss
:evil3: Evil3 Evil3
:mg: omg omg
:thepain3: Pain3 Pain3
:nuke: nuke nuke
:evil2: Evil2 Evil2
:browhappy Browhappy Browhappy
:thepain2: Pain2 Pain2
:sick: Sick Sick
:scream: Scream Scream
:earth: Earth Earth
:blunt: blunt blunt
:dead: Dead Dead
:dunce: Dunce Dunce
:angel: angel angel
:headshake Headshake Headshake
:biggrinlo Biggrinlove Biggrinlove
:turd: turd turd
:unsure: Unsure Unsure
:smack: Smack Smack
:joint: joint joint
:thumb2: thumb2 thumb2
:censored: censored censored
:grouphug: Grouphug Grouphug
:condom: condom condom
:grinnylov Grinnylove Grinnylove
:drool: drool drool
:joylove: joylove joylove
:mecry: Mecry Mecry
:nuts: nuts nuts
:ipray: pray pray
:skull: Skull Skull
:santa: Santa Santa
:luv: Luv Luv
:cry: Cry Cry
:chill: chillpill chillpill
:2cents: 2cents 2cents
:fingerx: fingerx fingerx
:elkgrin: Elkgrin Elkgrin
:bacon: bacon bacon
:zzz: Zzz Zzz
:hearts: hearts hearts
:compute: Program Program
:wstupid: Wstupid Wstupid
:lame: lame lame
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:crone: crone crone
:king: king king
:apickle: Pickle Pickle
:guinea: Guinea Guinea
:biggrinje Biggrinjester Biggrinjester
:lovers: lovers lovers
:biggrinha Biggrinhat Biggrinhat
:weird: Weird Weird
:ivy: Ivy Ivy
:biggrindu Biggrindunce Biggrindunce
:ymca: Ymca Ymca
:us: Us Us
:dreads: Dreads Dreads
:biggrinba Biggrinbandit Biggrinbandit
:destiny: Destiny Destiny
:vader1: Vader1 Vader1
:ghost: Ghost Ghost
:alien2: Alien2 Alien2
:vikingsmi Viking Viking
:reaper: Reaper Reaper
:ninja: Ninja Ninja
:xmashat: xmashat xmashat
:rasta: Rasta Rasta
:muse: Muse Muse
:stpaddy: Stpaddy Stpaddy
:morncoff: Vba8394 Vba8394
:biggrinpi Biggrinpimp Biggrinpimp
:tinfoil: tinfoil tinfoil
:cop: Cop Cop
:sadsperm: Sadsperm Sadsperm
:drunk: drunk drunk
:devil: Devil Devil
:rainfro: Rainfro Rainfro
:dunce: dunce dunce
:apimp: Pimp Pimp
:cheerldr: cheerldr cheerldr
:artist: artist artist
:wheelchr: wheelchair wheelchair
:headbag: headbag headbag
:noevil: Noevil Noevil
:cop: cop cop
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:menorah: Menorah Menorah
:alien: alien alien
:donut: donut donut
:gift: gift gift
:tux: tux tux
:female: Female Female
:coffee: coffee coffee
:stop: Stop Stop
:bogroll: Bogroll Bogroll
:litebulb: Litebulb Litebulb
:thumbsdn: Thumbsdown Thumbsdown
:cheese: cheese cheese
:question: Question Question
:thumbsup: Thumpsup Thumpsup
:bandaid: bandaid bandaid
:nuke: Nuke Nuke
:rainbo: rainbo rainbo
:lobwtf: lobwtf lobwtf
:lobstah: Lobstah Lobstah
:apaw: paw paw
:worm: Worm Worm
:flower: flower flower
:wolf: Wolf Wolf
:fish: Fish Fish
:queen: queen queen
:male: Male Male
:apinkr: Pinkribbon Pinkribbon
:yellowr: Yellowribbon Yellowribbon
:whtblk: Whiteblack Whiteblack
:blkwht: Blackwhite Blackwhite
:usar: Usaribbon Usaribbon
:redr: Redribbon Redribbon
:blackr: black ribbon black ribbon
:tealr: Tealribbon Tealribbon
:apurpler: Purpleribbon Purpleribbon
:spam2: Spam2 Spam2
:spam1: Spam1 Spam1
:fsm: Fsm6fr Fsm6fr
:haggis: haggis haggis
small animations
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:whofart: whofarted whofarted
:dead3: dead3 dead3
:shock: Shock Shock
:yesnod: yesnod yesnod
:zzz: sleep sleep
:rar: pissed pissed
:eek3: eek3 eek3
:haha: hafuckingha hafuckingha
:speechls: Speechls Speechls
:love2: Love2 Love2
:eyeball: Eyeball Eyeball
:lol: Lol Lol
:finger: twofinger twofinger
:love: Love Love
:shotgun: shotgun shotgun
:flipbird: flipbird flipbird
:heartpump Heartpump Heartpump
:bawling: Bawling Bawling
:hug: hug hug
:handball: Handball Handball
:eek2: Eek2 Eek2
:eek6: Eek6 Eek6
:blah: blahblah blahblah
:typing: typing typing
:rollanim: Rollanim Rollanim
:biglaugha Biglaugha Biglaugha
:worried: worried worried
:Flush: Flush Flush
:crazy: Crazy Crazy
:fart: Fart Fart
:tuba: tuba tuba
:driving: Driving Driving
:flycatch: flycatch flycatch
:cuss: Cuss Cuss
:lol2: Lol2 Lol2
:hugnkiss: Love2 Love2
:help: Help Help
:bitching: bitching bitching
:shocking: Shocking Shocking
:idea: Idea Idea
:rollhappy Rollhappy Rollhappy
:jig: jig jig
:fuse: fuse fuse
:boxers: boxers boxers
:angry: angry angry
:sadpace: sadpace sadpace
:frog: Frog Frog
:madhop: Madhop Madhop
:kettle: kettle kettle
:coffee2: Coffee2 Coffee2
:sick2: sick2 sick2
:notworthy Notworthy Notworthy
:sniper: sniper sniper
:corn: Popcorn Popcorn
:bonk: Bonk Bonk
:smashfrea Smashfreak Smashfreak
:stickpoke Poke Poke
:apistola: Pistola Pistola
:banghead: banghead banghead
:comfort: comfort comfort
:rtfm: Rtfm Rtfm
:fumette: Fumette Fumette
:3way: 3way 3way
:jail: jail jail
:shred: shred shred
:keys: keys keys
:drummer: Drummer Drummer
:bs: Bs Bs
:thankyou: thank you thank you
:welcome: Welcome Welcome
:yum: yum yum
big animations
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:vomit: vomit vomit
:vomitblu: Puke Puke
:madmoon: madmoon madmoon
:rattat: rattat rattat
:mock: mock mock
:magnum: magnum magnum
:beer: beer beer
:redcard: redcard redcard
:lolsign: Lolsign Lolsign
:guinness: Guinness Guinness
:footpyth: python python
:celebrat: Partyguy Partyguy
:nadkick: nadkick nadkick
:comp1: Comp1 Comp1
:lurker: Lurker Lurker
:blownup: blownup blownup
:flamer: Flamer Flamer
:borg: borg borg
:runaway: runaway runaway
:bolt: bolt bolt
:juggle: Juggle Juggle
:rotflol: Rotflol Rotflol
:robot: Robot Robot
:repuke: Repuke Repuke
:violin: violin violin
:band: theband theband
:dedhors2: dedhorse2 dedhorse2
:dedhorse: dedhorse dedhorse
:bass: Basssmilie Basssmilie
:girlband: girlband girlband
:folks: folks folks
:firefox: firefox firefox
:rant: Rant Rant
:birthday: Birthday Birthday
:behead: Behead Behead
:hide: Hide Hide
:brikwall: Brickwall Brickwall
:bong: Bong Bong
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:doit: doit doit
:ggw: boobies boobies
:eaty: eaty eaty
:3some: 3some 3some
:urinal: urinal urinal
:knockdup: knockdup knockdup
:bj4: bj4 bj4
:jagoff: jagoff jagoff
:bj3: bj3 bj3
:bj2: bj2 bj2
:bj: bj bj
:whip: whip whip
:moon: moon moon
:spank: spank spank
:sheep: sheep sheep
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:f18: Belize Belize
:f185: Suriname Suriname
:f57: Elsalvador Elsalvador
:f217: Yugoslavia Yugoslavia
:f89: Indonesia Indonesia
:f121: Marshallislands Marshallislands
:f153: Peru Peru
:f25: Brazil Brazil
:f46: Croatia Croatia
:f206: Unitednations Unitednations
:f78: Guatemala Guatemala
:f110: Libya Libya
:f142: Northernireland Northernireland
:f7: Argentina Argentina
:f174: Slovenia Slovenia
:f195: Togo Togo
:f67: France France
:f99: Jordan Jordan
:f131: Mozambique Mozambique
:f163: Samoa Samoa
:f35: Centralafricanrepublic Centralafricanrepublic
:f17: Belgium Belgium
:f184: Sudan Sudan
:f56: Egypt Egypt
:f216: Yemen Yemen
:f88: India India
:f120: Malta Malta
:f152: Paraguay Paraguay
:f24: Botswana Botswana
:f45: Cotedivoire Cotedivoire
:f205: Unitedkingdom Unitedkingdom
:f77: Guam Guam
:f109: Liberia Liberia
:f141: Nigeria Nigeria
:f6: Antigua Barbuda Antigua Barbuda
:f173: Slovakia Slovakia
:f194: Tibet Tibet
:f66: Flag Flag
:f98: Jersey Jersey
:f130: Morocco Morocco
:f162: Saintlucia Saintlucia
:f34: Caymanislands Caymanislands
:f16: Belarus Belarus
:f183: Stvincent Grenadines Stvincent Grenadines
:f55: Ecuador Ecuador
:f215: Wales Wales
:f87: Iceland Iceland
:f119: Mali Mali
:f151: Papuanewguinea Papuanewguinea
:f23: Bosnia Herzegovina Bosnia Herzegovina
:f204: Unitedarabemirates Unitedarabemirates
:f76: Grenada Grenada
:f108: Lesotho Lesotho
:f140: Niger Niger
:f5: Angola Angola
:f172: Singapore Singapore
:f44: Costarica Costarica
:f193: Thailand Thailand
:f65: Finland Finland
:f97: Japan Japan
:f129: Montenegro Montenegro
:f161: Rwanda Rwanda
:f33: Capeverde Capeverde
:f182: Stkitts Nevis Stkitts Nevis
:f54: Easttimor Easttimor
:f214: Virginislands Virginislands
:f86: Hungary Hungary
:f118: Maldives Maldives
:f150: Panama Panama
:f22: Bolivia Bolivia
:f15: Barbados Barbados
:f203: Ukraine Ukraine
:f75: Greenland Greenland
:f107: Lebanon Lebanon
:f139: Nicaragua Nicaragua
:f4: Andorra Andorra
:f171: Sierraleone Sierraleone
:f43: Congo Kinshasa Congo Kinshasa
:f192: Tanzania Tanzania
:f64: Fiji Fiji
:f96: Jamaica Jamaica
:f128: Mongolia Mongolia
:f160: Russia Russia
:f32: Canada Canada
:f181: Srilanka Srilanka
:f53: Dominicanrepublic Dominicanrepublic
:f213: Vietnam Vietnam
:f85: Hongkong Hongkong
:f117: Malaysia Malaysia
:f149: Palestine Palestine
:f21: Bhutan Bhutan
:f14: Bangladesh Bangladesh
:f202: Uganda Uganda
:f74: Greece Greece
:f106: Latvia Latvia
:f138: Newzealand Newzealand
:f3: Algeria Algeria
:f170: Seychelles Seychelles
:f42: Congo Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville
:f191: Tajikistan Tajikistan
:f63: Faroeislands Faroeislands
:f95: Italy Italy
:f127: Monaco Monaco
:f159: Romania Romania
:f31: Cameroon Cameroon
:f180: Spain Spain
:f52: Dominica Dominica
:f212: Venezuela Venezuela
:f84: Honduras Honduras
:f116: Malawi Malawi
:f148: Palau Palau
:f13: Bahrain Bahrain
:f201: Tuvalu Tuvalu
:f73: Gibraltar Gibraltar
:f105: Laos Laos
:f137: Netherlandsantilles Netherlandsantilles
:f2: Albania Albania
:f169: Serbia Serbia
:f41: Comoros Comoros
:f190: Taiwan Taiwan
:f62: Ethiopia Ethiopia
:f94: Israel Israel
:f126: Moldova Moldova
:f158: Qatar Qatar
:f30: Cambodia Cambodia
:f51: Djibouti Djibouti
:f211: Vaticancity Vaticancity
:f83: Haiti Haiti
:f115: Madagascar Madagascar
:f147: Pakistan Pakistan
:f12: Bahamas Bahamas
:f179: Southvietnam Southvietnam
:f200: Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
:f72: Ghana Ghana
:f104: Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan
:f136: Netherlands Netherlands
:f1: Afghanistan Afghanistan
:f168: Senegal Senegal
:f40: Colombia Colombia
:f189: Syria Syria
:f61: Estonia Estonia
:f93: Isleofman Isleofman
:f125: Micronesia Micronesia
:f157: Puertorico Puertorico
:f29: Burundi Burundi
:f50: Denmark Denmark
:f210: Vanuatu Vanuatu
:f82: Guyana Guyana
:f114: Macedonia Macedonia
:f146: Oman Oman
:f11: Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
:f178: Southkorea Southkorea
:f199: Turkey Turkey
:f71: Germany Germany
:f103: Kuwait Kuwait
:f135: Nepal Nepal
:f167: Scotland Scotland
:f39: China China
:f188: Switzerland Switzerland
:f60: Eritrea Eritrea
:f220: sovietflag sovietflag
:f92: Ireland Ireland
:f124: Mexico Mexico
:f156: Portugal Portugal
:f28: Burkinafaso Burkinafaso
:f49: Czechrepublic Czechrepublic
:f209: Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
:f81: Guinea Guinea
:f113: Luxembourg Luxembourg
:f145: Norway Norway
:f10: Austria Austria
:f177: Southafrica Southafrica
:f198: Tunisia Tunisia
:f70: Georgia Georgia
:f102: Kiribati Kiribati
:f134: Nauru Nauru
:f166: Saudiarabia Saudiarabia
:f38: Chile Chile
:f20: Bermuda Bermuda
:f187: Sweden Sweden
:f59: Equatorialguinea Equatorialguinea
:f219: Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
:f91: Iraq Iraq
:f123: Mauritius Mauritius
:f155: Poland Poland
:f27: Bulgaria Bulgaria
:f48: Cyprus Cyprus
:f208: Uruguay Uruguay
:f80: Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau
:f112: Lithuania Lithuania
:f144: Northkorea Northkorea
:f9: Australia Australia
:f176: Somalia Somalia
:f197: Trinidad Tobago Trinidad Tobago
:f69: Gambia Gambia
:f101: Kenya Kenya
:f133: Namibia Namibia
:f165: Saotome Principe Saotome Principe
:f37: Cherokeenation Cherokeenation
:f19: Benin Benin
:f186: Swaziland Swaziland
:f58: England England
:f218: Zambia Zambia
:f90: Iran Iran
:f122: Mauritania Mauritania
:f154: Philippines Philippines
:f26: Brunei Brunei
:f47: Cuba Cuba
:f207: Unitedstates Unitedstates
:f79: Guernsey Guernsey
:f111: Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
:f143: Northernmarianas Northernmarianas
:f8 Armenia Armenia
:f175: Solomonislands Solomonislands
:f196: Tonga Tonga
:f68: Gabon Gabon
:f100: Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
:f132: Myanmar Myanmar
:f164: Sanmarino Sanmarino
:f36: Chad Chad
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