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Trilby 02-18-2010 04:47 PM

What Did YOUR Kitty do?
My kitty (Spiderman) crawled up on my shoulder to suck on my earlobe and purr and then she passed some wicked gas. There's a cloud hovering over the keyboard as I type.

What did your kitty do?

lumberjim 02-18-2010 04:48 PM

Spike farts constantly, the piker.

Elspode 02-18-2010 06:04 PM

Eden is also a methane factory, and he likes to terrorize the other cats. He is young and playful.

kerosene 02-18-2010 06:21 PM

Cleo tears up carpet.

Pico and ME 02-18-2010 06:53 PM

Turbo bites Pico and makes him yelp like a baby. Neither one of them fart.

Pie 02-18-2010 07:46 PM

Luna barfs. Often.

Undertoad 02-18-2010 07:57 PM

Is this a thread about vaginas?

Trilby 02-19-2010 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 635801)
Is this a thread about vaginas?

if you want it to be.

Shawnee123 02-19-2010 07:16 AM

My cats don't fart that I know of. They eat a lot, and poo a lot.

And Gaines won't stop his incessant meowing. He wants to go outside, until I open the door and he stands there looking outside and looks at me like "waddya mean it's still cold?" I wouldn't think he'd mind. We found him hiding under my car one winter when we had a streak of minus 20 temps, a thousand years ago.

So he doesn't go out then he meows again, repeat process.

He's really lucky he's so darn cute. ;)

Oh, and 17 in April Tajjy likes to barf. Well, I don't know if she really LIKES it, but she does it a lot.

Griff 02-19-2010 07:30 AM

Ray works Merlin's perimeter for hours upon hours. Merlin, being an Aussie, can't turn his attention away.

Gravdigr 02-19-2010 09:15 AM

My Bombay, Slick, is a very well-behaved kitteh. But he will only drink from the bathtub.

jinx 02-19-2010 11:12 AM

Dennis is a good boy. Best cat I've ever had.
Spike just ate a ham sandwich. And farted.

limey 02-19-2010 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 636008)
Dennis is a good boy. Best cat I've ever had.
Spike just ate a ham sandwich. And farted.

Spike's a nickname for LJ, right?

SamIam 02-19-2010 11:48 AM

Flicker and Sylvester are still kittens yet, so there's plenty of high spirits to go around. This morning they were playing a game of tag combined with a game of let's see who can jump highest off the bed. Woke me right up, that did. Neither one farts, thank heavens.

Shawnee123 02-19-2010 11:49 AM

Taj is happier drinking out of my glass of water. So, in addition to their water bowl, I keep a big cup of water on the floor in front of the TV. Her head is always in it.

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