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monster 04-14-2018 10:25 PM

April Answerfest for Absolute Newbs & Ancient Dwellars
bit late 'cause I had other shit going on, but you don't get away without the monthly interrogation ;) (remember, this is the woman who had the Spanish Inquisition appear at her husband's funeral... :p:)

Anyhoo... If you're new here and would like to give us all an opportunity to know you better.... have at it! And if you've been here forever but just like these things and feel we need to know.... gopher it....

1) When was the last time you dropped food on the floor and picked it up and ate it?
2) Which celebrity death last year surprised you the most?
3) Black or White?
4) Would you rather get a crown or a colonoscopy?
5) What's the scariest city you have visited?
6) Ketchup: Squirt it all over or make a neat dollop to dip into?
7) 1 or 999?
8) Most annoying insect?
9) Harry Potter or Star Wars?
10) Finish This Haiku
. Because I just can't be arsed
. ___________________

Gravdigr 04-15-2018 03:41 PM

1) When was the last time you dropped food on the floor and picked it up and ate it? Today. About two hours ago I dropped a CheezIt. I read once that ya eat two pounds of dirt in your lifetime, so, I figure I might as well get it over with.

2) Which celebrity death last year surprised you the most? Tom Petty, easily.

3) Black or White? Black. He said in blue.

4) Would you rather get a crown or a colonoscopy? Colonoscopy. Shut up!

5) What's the scariest city you have visited? Toss up between Miami, and Atlanta.

6) Ketchup: Squirt it all over or make a neat dollop to dip into? Dollup. Most of the time. Sometimes I like to squirt it all over the place, and make a mess. I like making a mess.:)

7) 1 or 999? One. Because whatever they are, they might be bad. With my luck, it's prolly bad. I don't want 999 of anything bad.

8) Most annoying insect? Mosquito. Second most annoying insect? Anything that flies about my face. Can't stand things flying about my face.

9) Harry Potter or Star Wars? Harry Potter, but, only cuz o' Emma Watson. Pass on both actually.

10) Finish This Haiku
. Because I just can't be arsed
. ___________________ I got nothing today.

Undertoad 04-15-2018 03:44 PM

3) Black or White? It don't matter

5) What's the scariest city you have visited? I would like to say Gary, IN but we just drove through. I will say Camden, NJ.

7) 1 or 999? Based on what 69 is, I'd say 1 - since 999 is probably an upside-down triple spoon, involving at least two males, and that's not what I'm into. So to speak.

lumberjim 04-16-2018 11:52 AM

1) When was the last time you dropped food on the floor and picked it up and ate it?

not a memorable event, so I'll guess it was last week sometime.

2) Which celebrity death last year surprised you the most?

Chris Cornell. that was suicide, which is always more shocking.

3) Black or White?


4) Would you rather get a crown or a colonoscopy?

Crown, easy. I'd rather be King than have tubes up me bum

5) What's the scariest city you have visited?

San Juan PR, but I've been in scarier rural settings.

6) Ketchup: Squirt it all over or make a neat dollop to dip into?

Blop for fries/tots, line down the middle of a chicken cheesesteak. And those are the only 2 appropriate uses of ketchup.

7) 1 or 999?

I've got 999 problems, but this aint 1

8) Most annoying insect?

anyone that answers anything other than mosquito is a communist

9) Harry Potter or Star Wars?

Star Wars. Harry Potter's world is full of elitism and division. Star Wars is the hope that we don't exterminate ourselves.

10) Finish This Haiku. (Because I just can't be arsed)

Finish this Haiku
There are only two lines left
It should be easy

glatt 04-16-2018 01:08 PM

1) When was the last time you dropped food on the floor and picked it up and ate it?

Saturday, and it fell in the dirt outside.

2) Which celebrity death last year surprised you the most?

Tom Petty. No fair that the people I care about start dying.

3) Black or White?


4) Would you rather get a crown or a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy. Preventative versus correcting a problem.

5) What's the scariest city you have visited?

Baltimore in the late 80s.

6) Ketchup: Squirt it all over or make a neat dollop to dip into?


7) 1 or 999?

999 because moar is better.

8) Most annoying insect?

Used to be mosquitos, but that spot is now taken by ticks.

9) Harry Potter or Star Wars?

Star Wars

10) Finish This Haiku
Because I just can't be arsed
and fuck these rules about syllables.

Gravdigr 04-16-2018 02:37 PM


No fair that the people I care about start dying.

lumberjim 04-16-2018 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 1007115)

8) Most annoying insect?

Used to be mosquitos, but that spot is now taken by ticks.

10) Finish This Haiku
Because I just can't be arsed
and fuck these rules about syllables.

8: Communist

10: Lawl

Gravdigr 04-16-2018 05:13 PM

Yeah, #10 was pretteh good.

sexobon 04-16-2018 05:15 PM

7) 1 or 999?
I looked at 1, which is the loneliest number, and said Nein nein nein.

Griff 04-16-2018 05:16 PM

1) When was the last time you dropped food on the floor and picked it up and ate it? Breakfast
2) Which celebrity death last year surprised you the most? Everybody dies, no surprise.
3) Black or White? Read all over.
4) Would you rather get a crown or a colonoscopy? Crown, useful out-come.
5) What's the scariest city you have visited? Tijuana.
6) Ketchup: Squirt it all over or make a neat dollop to dip into? All over.
7) 1 or 999? 1 seems more stable.
8) Most annoying insect? Mosquito.
9) Harry Potter or Star Wars? Star Wars
. Finish This Haiku
. Because I just can't be arsed
. This is my Haiku

Clodfobble 04-16-2018 05:20 PM

I am pleasantly surprised at the number of floor-eaters. I would have thought I was in the minority.

Gravdigr 04-16-2018 05:38 PM

Floor eater?:eyebrow:

I prefer to be referred to as a carpet muncher.

monster 04-16-2018 06:43 PM


limey 04-18-2018 07:03 AM

1) When was the last time you dropped food on the floor and picked it up and ate it? Dunno, yesterday or thereabouts ...
2) Which celebrity death last year surprised you the most? David Bowie
3) Black or White? Black
4) Would you rather get a crown or a colonoscopy? Crown (better the devil you know)
5) What's the scariest city you have visited? I really can't think of one. Although there was a night-time shooting at the night club in my block when I was living in Moscow I generally felt safe.
6) Ketchup: Squirt it all over or make a neat dollop to dip into? Dollop, definitely
7) 1 or 999? 1, easier to keep hold of.
8) Most annoying insect? Yep, ticks.
9) Harry Potter or Star Wars? meh
10) Finish This Haiku
Because I just can't be arsed
so you must do it.

Gravdigr 04-18-2018 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 1007205)
2) Which celebrity death last year surprised you the most? David Bowie

Change your calendar.:D

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