Originally Posted by classicman
I really didn't read Mercs post, but are you implying that two wrongs make a right here? That whats good for the goose is good for the gander? That simply because it was done before it is ok to do it again?
I am saying that both parties work the system and often use every parliamentary procedure or rule they can to support their positions and achieve their goal.
Parliamentary procedures that one party may use to its advantage have been around as long as Congress itself. It is not "two wrong making a right" and the procedures are not illegal or unethical, but, IMO, simply represent the nature of the system at its best or worst to give voice to the minority party but to ensure that, in the end, the majority still rules.
Republicans have used cloture/filibuster procedures over the last three years more than twice as often as previous minority party in any given session of Congress in the last 50+ years. That is their right as the minority party.
I might find it frustrating, but I dont think it makes them scumbags.
The hypocrisy is the selective outrage....the

in this case is the latest in the never-ending references to scumbags, whores and/or Nazis.....IMO, childish and more appropriately left to those at the level of the emmas and williamtalks.
The follow-up reference to the "Savior".....more childish