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Old 07-01-2010, 09:15 AM   #1
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How many times?

How many times could you see a basket of clean laundry upended and spread out all over the floor, and pick it up again? This is a serious question, aimed at finding the average person's breaking point. Moving the laundry basket to somewhere inaccessible is not an option, actually folding the laundry and putting it away is not an option right now, and killing the creature that keeps dumping it out is not an option.

How many times would you get down and pile it all back in the basket, before you just gave up and let it sit there all over the floor (getting stepped on by said dumping creature,) until such time as it could be folded, a minimum of several hours later? Ten times? Five times? Not even once?
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:22 AM   #2
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Three. Same as the number of licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop. But seriously, three.
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:26 AM   #3
Pete Zicato
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Clod - I've got to read this as a theoretical exercise. I can't imagine a situation in which the basket could not be put in a closet or some such. Or using a heavier basket that can't be dumped. Something.

Having said that, I'd probably pick it up twice before looking for a more permanent solution.

Talk nerdy to me.
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:27 AM   #4
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Once! .. then I would just say pick up the clothes>>> with a growly face.

I actually have never encountered that problem with clean clothes. The disappear somewhere but I would be all growley about it if it happened. It is the dirty ones, in the bathroom, that get kicked into tripping positions and that works just fine too.
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:34 AM   #5
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I would say about once before I changed something. I barely believe in doing things the first time, so twice would really be beyond the pale. I'd put the basket outside on the back porch if needed, or back in the dryer if available.
And now I'm finished posting.
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:35 AM   #6
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two or three times

...speaking as someone whose neatly folded laundry baskets mysteriously keep getting dumped out rather than put away and who regularly gets so fed up she eventually leaves them to be trampled on until she can corral the offenders into putting the damn stuff away. So what if they look like jumble sales, at least they're clean jumble sales, for about 10 minutes.....
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:38 AM   #7
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Instead of using a basket, use a large plastic trash bag. It's easy to carry over your shoulder, it stays where you put it down, it's just as easy to pluck & fold out of, and it can do double duty hiding the body.
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:47 AM   #8
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Or use a basket with a top. We put ours on top of a stand up freezer.
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Old 07-01-2010, 09:56 AM   #9
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this is a subjective exercise. I personally would not tolerate it at all if I witnessed it being done intentionally. Your reality is far different.

If I was in the shoes I know you're in, I would expect that my answer would be different than my current one, but still fewer times than yours would be.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:40 AM   #10
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For the record, I only picked it up once, then let it sit the second time. I was just wondering if that made me a slob. Eventually Mr. Clod finally got out of bed (not his fault, he had a bunch of servers breaking in the middle of the night that needed his attention,) so I had a separate room I could move the basket into.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:50 AM   #11
Happy Monkey
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Have you thought about getting a snake?
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:17 AM   #12
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If I knew beforehand that it would be a futile exercise, I wouldn't even pick it up once. If it required me picking it up a few times before I clued in, I would hope that I would catch on to the situation by the third dumping, so I would only pick it up twice.

I would look for another solution, but if I didn't see one, I'd just leave it there.
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:27 AM   #13
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I don't understand why you can't put the laundry away. Just MAKE IT be part of the process. Seriouly, when you go to the bathroom, you KNOW that you aren't done until you wipe and flush, right? Now tell yourself that you aren't DONE with the laundry until it is put away. It will take less time to do this than it does to keep putting it back in the basket, so you are really saving time.
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:34 AM   #14
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An intriguing thread about a basket case...............
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Old 07-01-2010, 12:16 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Flint
I don't understand why you can't put the laundry away. Just MAKE IT be part of the process. Seriouly, when you go to the bathroom, you KNOW that you aren't done until you wipe and flush, right? Now tell yourself that you aren't DONE with the laundry until it is put away. It will take less time to do this than it does to keep putting it back in the basket, so you are really saving time.
Because I'm doing laundry for 6 people, including 2 who wet through their diapers onto their sheets almost every single night. This particular basket was the third in a series started yesterday evening. It had to come out of the dryer to make room for load number 4 (which would get mildewy if it just sat in the washing machine,) but I did have to go to bed at some point last night. I could have folded load number 3 first, it's true, but I wasn't going to stay up for another hour and a half just so I could finish folding load number 4 as well, so what's the difference? In the morning, tasks like feeding them breakfast and replying to employer emails took precedence. And then some time on the Cellar took precedence as well. Don't judge me, punk.
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