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Old 11-18-2001, 11:42 PM   #1
Scopulus Argentarius
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'Splain Yourself Part II

Since we've thrown some light on the origins of people's nicks over here. I'll start round two.

What do you like to do that is not work related or computer related (i.e. hobbies)

and I'll answer....

I like to run and garden; and, I've been known to brew a batch of beer or two (but it has been a while).

(Currently recovering from a nasty muscle pull(s) the running and any beer has to wait (prescription drugs))
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Old 11-19-2001, 01:41 AM   #2
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General social stuff
which leads to
getting drunk and doing things you regret along with other people (two ways of interpreting that one - both count)
General beach exploration (i live less than 1 minute from the beach)

taht do? =)
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Old 11-19-2001, 06:54 AM   #3
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Okay, why not?

- Spending time with my daughter
- Flying or teaching flying
- Skiing
- Tennis
- Raquetball
- Shooting pool
- Movies
- Cooking
- Visiting friends and family
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Old 11-19-2001, 10:43 AM   #4
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-more computers
-learning more about the world around me

i think that's about it. computers are my hobby, man. that's why i have so many

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Old 11-19-2001, 12:37 PM   #5
Scopulus Argentarius
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Originally posted by dhamsaic

-more computers
-learning more about the world around me

i think that's about it. computers are my hobby, man. that's why i have so many


I'm a linux nut myself... what's your favorite distro dhamsaic ?
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Old 11-19-2001, 02:14 PM   #6
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i like a lot, to be honest. my absolute favorite would have to be debian - i find it to be a joy to administer. instead of having to go find the source, download it, compile it and hope it works right, i can type

apt-get install XXXXXXXX

and it downloads and installs it for me right away, and i know it'll work. plus, debian is exceptionally stable, and that's important to me - i hate downtime.

i'm also a fan of redhat. i appreciate what they're doing for linux, and i think they make a pretty good distribution. it's pretty solid overall, and it tends to work with no problem. Xconfigurator is great (though i haven't used it in years).

and, believe it or not, i like slackware a lot too slackware is what i cut my teeth on back in '96, and it's just stuck. i don't use it on any of my "main" boxes, but it resides on one machine and is my uptime king - some 400 days as i write this, and the last time it was rebooted was so i could put a UPS on the box to save it from power outages. i just like slackware a lot.

suse isn't too bad either. i haven't played with it as much as i would like, but i can see how it has its place. mandrake is also pretty good. it used to be my favorite distribution because i could recommend it to a friend and know that they could get it installed pretty easily, but i found my way back to debian. needless to say, i myself have never run mandrake, but i've gotten it set up for a number of friends and have found it to be relatively painless.

those are really the distributions i've messed with - slackware, redhat, debian, mandrake & suse (in that order) - i have all of them currently installed on machines (except mandrake obviously). also, my dad uses corel, and he likes that... but it's based off of debian, so BFD. but they did a nice job packaging it. he was really impressed with the install.

fyi, my main box currently is a redhat install (5.0 -> 5.1 -> 5.2 -> 6.0 -> 6.1, but wouldn't go to 6.2 because i've customized so much that it broke my system - so i just spent 5 hours fixing it and upgraded everything manually after that). i'm currently in the process of building its replacement (bought more parts today!), and that will run debian, as do all new boxes i build.

how 'bout you?
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Old 11-19-2001, 03:26 PM   #7
lurkin old school
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OK, I'm In.
Let's see...I'm sitting at work...what would I rather be doing right NOW?

Hockey! The 'spansion MN Wild, also go to College games if possible. My Canadian husband has succeeded in convincing me of the greatness of this sport. Its the best.

Gardening- I dig dirt, going through seasonal withdrawl. but I dig the snow too.

Arty stuff, beautifully and skillfully made things. museums, painting, printmaking.

Good coffee,beer and wine. I would love to try making beer and wine too, but I am intimidated to start. Will I poison my friends? Would they notice?

Travel. I love that feeling of seeing someplace new, you notice everything. Meet cool people.

Hunting for good Irish pubs with live music and without TVs in them.

More Good Live Music.

Laughing as much and as long as possible.
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Old 11-19-2001, 06:10 PM   #8
Scopulus Argentarius
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Originally posted by dhamsaic
i like a lot, to be honest. my absolute favorite would have to be debian - i find it to be a joy to administer. instead of having to go find the source, download it, compile it and hope it works right, i can type

apt-get install XXXXXXXX

fyi, my main box currently is a redhat install (5.0 -> 5.1 -> 5.2 -> 6.0 -> 6.1, but wouldn't go to 6.2 because i've customized so much that it broke my system - so i just spent 5 hours fixing it and upgraded everything manually after that). i'm currently in the process of building its replacement (bought more parts today!), and that will run debian, as do all new boxes i build.

how 'bout you?

I've got a few boxen at home and work. RH7.1-SMP , a Caldera (pretty smooth install), Mandrake (Latest version - 0.1 , not that impressed - slow as a dawg on decent hardware.), and RH6.0 (or two). I'm a fan of red-hat and I'm considering trying out suse because I've heard wonderful things about it.

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Old 11-19-2001, 09:12 PM   #9
Person who doesn't update the user title
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As officially listed on my profile here on the Cellar:

being obnoxious
eating cheesesteaks
riding subways
being me

In addition to that:

going to the beach
sports ( playing days are over)
surveying the internet
drinking (wine, soda, beer)
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Old 11-19-2001, 09:42 PM   #10
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Re: 'Splain Yourself Part II

Originally posted by Scopulus Argentarius
Since we've thrown some light on the origins of people's nicks over here. I'll start round two.

What do you like to do that is not work related or computer related (i.e. hobbies)
Inline skating, recreational and speed.
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Old 11-19-2001, 11:46 PM   #11
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Oh bloody hel lets leave the distro wars out of this - although for refrence Debian is THE shit.

*laughz rusotto i thouhg you said inline skating, recreational and speed (as in the drug) for a second...had me wondering..

You do any streetcourses or anything?
I forgot blading on my list..
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
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Old 11-20-2001, 08:11 AM   #12
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
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my personal rather-be-doings

anything to do with airplanes (flying, discussing, learning, waxing)
gourmet cooking
shooting arts
muscle cars
reading fiction (esp Clive Cussler)
carpentry projects
kinky sex (no, I will NOT elaborate!)

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Old 11-20-2001, 02:20 PM   #13
Dafydd Wynne-Evans
Cakeman D
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flying (mostly being a passenger now)
computers (re-starting my linux fascination for the tenth time)
reading (mostly adventure/crime fiction)
--BrianR-- Dirk's the greatest isn't he?
thinking about all my 'druthers at work.

Action is transitory,—a step, a blow;
The motion of a muscle, this way or that
-- William Wordsworth
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Old 11-25-2001, 10:33 AM   #14
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Re: 'Splain Yourself Part II

Originally posted by Scopulus Argentarius
I've been known to brew a batch of beer or two
Scopulus be stillin' that sweet, sweet moonshine...

For me:

Reading. Working on The Illuminatus! Trilogy right now.

Sleeping. I have the most kickass dreams, man.

Music. I do a lot with music. I listen to a lot of it, compose a bit of it from time to time, and I've written more than a few songs of my own, which brings us to our next one...

Writing. I write songs, poetry, the occasional story, and I try to keep up my journal.

Movies. I have a nice-sized collection (VHS, but I hope that will change this Christmas), and attend theaters with not a lot of infrequency. Just saw "Spy Game" with Redford and Pitt. Go see it, it's worth the price.

Gaming. Not just PC, but I'm a pretty solid Nintendo guy (remembers his dalliance with the Genesis). Best I have is a N64, but again, something that will hopefully change by Christmas (prays for Teh C00b).

I tinker a lot with things. VCR, CD player, computer, basically any device around the house. I'm the resident tech support/engineer of the house. Many are the instances when the terms "Michael, how do I program the timer on the VCR?" or "Michael, hook up the cable box." have rang through the house.

I'm a total Star Wars buff. The only stage in my development is if I were to go to a convention, then I would be a full-blown nut. But I won't. I'm sad for going there, and it's sad to see Mark Hamill wrestling with obscurity.

That's about it for me. I'm not that complex a guy outside of games like AoE or other strategy-oriented games. Accept me...please?


Like the wise man said: Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
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Old 11-25-2001, 03:25 PM   #15
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Re: Re: 'Splain Yourself Part II

Originally posted by Chewbaccus
D'oh! Thanks for putting that up Mike...I cannot BELIEVE I forgot about that...

Yes, I write. Essays, stories, songs, poems. (I need to update the essays though...some of them are a bit outdated.) Photography too. Supposedly, I've been published, but I have yet to see the poems in the books in which they were supposed to be published. Hence, I rarely submit anything to those folks anymore.

Truth be told, my dream job is to write or to work with music (A&R, writing). Unfortunately, neither pays well. And so for now, I slag away at a shitty job taking claims for lost, stolen, and damaged cell phones. But I still have my patience...and ambition.
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