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Old 10-21-2019, 01:14 PM   #181
still says videotape
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Not what I needed to visualize over lunch
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- Louis D. Brandeis
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Old 10-21-2019, 02:04 PM   #182
henry quirk
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"The big kicker for me is the RNC emails which were definitely hacked, but never leaked. Folks are being blackmailed, the only question is who and for how much (obviously not money.)"

1: We know the Repub accounts were hacked how?

2: If hacked, we know the Repub accounts had dirt in 'em how?

3: If there was dirt, we know blackmail is happenin' how?


"I'd lay any amount of money on Lindsey Graham being compromised, for example. Dude was railing against Trump in some of the strongest terms out there, both before AND after he was elected. Then he takes a one-on-one golf game alone with Trump, and since then he's been licking the guy's balls 24/7."

Seems to me Graham got his balls after Mccain kicked. I think Johnny had dirt on Lindsey, dirt he took to his grave freein' Graham up to go where he preferred instead of where directed.
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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Old 10-21-2019, 02:30 PM   #183
Radical Centrist
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Originally Posted by henry quirk View Post
1: We know the Repub accounts were hacked how?
via the Wiki article

On January 10, 2017, FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia succeeded in "collecting some information from Republican-affiliated targets but did not leak it to the public". In earlier statements, an FBI official stated Russian attempts to access the RNC server were unsuccessful, or had reportedly told the RNC chair that their servers were secure, but that email accounts of individual Republicans (including Colin Powell) were breached. (Over 200 emails from Colin Powell were posted on the website DC Leaks.) One state Republican Party (Illinois) may have had some of its email accounts hacked.
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Old 10-21-2019, 02:38 PM   #184
henry quirk
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So: RNC servers weren't accessed but individual accounts were. Seems to me: them accounts musta been clean (or Maddow and O'Donnell would told us all about it).

So: #1 is answered ( UT), and #'s 2 and 3 sorta answered.

All that's left is: was LG bein' blackmailed about his homosexuality by JM or is he bein' blackmailed about his homosexuality by the Ruskies?
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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Old 10-21-2019, 05:50 PM   #185
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Unproven is that they influenced many votes. We examined the Facebook campaign here. It was pretty weak; and most of it didn't even focus on politics, it was more about divisive issues.
I have a very different view about this. Divisive issues are the biggest problem in our society-- divisiveness is ruining our politics, our civil society, and our lives. I know you don't disagree with this. Our political system is gridlocked by two corrupt entities, and people won't vote them out-- because of divisive, "scare issues." This is the primary method of controlling politics in America-- if you manipulate the divisiveness, you manipulate the whole machine.

I would argue that, in general, the ONLY factor that influences votes is divisive issues.

And, specifically, a way that votes are influenced? By getting people (for example, on the Left) to argue among themselves, and not be able to form a coalition to challenge authoritarianism. In 2016, this was by fueling a contentious Primary--it was contentious on it's own, but the Bots made sure we never stopped fighting about it. In 2019, it's people arguing about Gabbard on Facebook--this is happening today, right now. If "the Left" is having arguments started by Russian bots (on Facebook RIGHT NOW), they end up, for example, voting for Jill Stein (2016) which is what HRC--I assume-- was talking about, albeit in the stupidest way possible. Apparently she never heard "don't feed the trolls"
There's a level of facility that everyone needs to accomplish, and from there
it's a matter of deciding for yourself how important ultra-facility is to your
expression. ... I found, like Joseph Campbell said, if you just follow whatever
gives you a little joy or excitement or awe, then you're on the right track.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Bozzio
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Old 10-21-2019, 09:45 PM   #186
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Take a look at the ads, here's a decent gallery of them

bold is mine:
Among the Russian-bought ads, event-based posts became fairly frequent in 2016. The day after the election, an event called for an anti-Trump rally in Union Square even as another ad called for Trump supporters to rally outside Trump tower. In another instance, the ads promoted both a pro-Beyoncé and anti-Beyoncé event in New York City.
Getting ready for 2020, 3 years 364 days in advance? I think divisiveness was/is a goal all its own.

Russian bots (on Facebook RIGHT NOW)
I was just accused of being one on Twitter!

Thing I don't get is wouldn't it be more effective to hire actual people to postd? That way if responders call them a bot, they can tell them to sick their metallic dick. (Actually that's not what I did, but only because I thought of it too late.)
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Old 10-21-2019, 09:55 PM   #187
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Facebook deleted "inauthentic behavior" today - you can see the kinds of ads they're running now --
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Old 10-22-2019, 09:52 AM   #188
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Buzzfeed: Stop blaming Russian bots for everything

just saying. it's conspiracy theory
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Old 10-22-2019, 07:25 PM   #189
Read? I only know how to write.
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Every American intelligence agency says Russians and their bots are still targeting the weakest among us: adults who still think like children. But a Buzzfeed soundbyte says it is not happening. So Buzzfeed must be right.

"to sick their metallic dick" only says something informative to those who are easily manipulated by propaganda, soundbytes, hearsay, and bots. Objective is to target / manipulate the emotional (reptilian) brains. That is what soundbyte reasoning targets using emotion and easily believed lies - an adult's reptilian brain.

Since someone said those bots do not exist, then all American intelligence agencies must be wrong. Reality - the reason Saddam had WMDs: soundbytes said so without even one fact or number to justify it. Facts and soundbytes said he could not. More facts even said why the lie was created. But that means using the brain that reasons; and ignoring the brain that only makes decisions from hype and other emotions.

Those bots target adults who still think like children. We see some here. They post insults (even today) rather than honesty, facts, and numbers. They are the target. So easily manipulated as to even vote for The Don. Not only are Russians still active with propaganda. But so many in America even deny how easily that emotional propaganda so influences them.
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Old 10-22-2019, 08:02 PM   #190
henry quirk
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"to s(u)ck their metallic dick"

mr roboto sez, domo arigato!
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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Old 10-22-2019, 10:03 PM   #191
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Since someone said those bots do not exist, then all American intelligence agencies must be wrong. Reality - the reason Saddam had WMDs: soundbytes said so without even one fact or number to justify it.
The American intelligence agencies said Saddam had WMDs.

You've come full circle, now, you just don't realize it.
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Old 10-23-2019, 09:06 AM   #192
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
The American intelligence agencies said Saddam had WMDs.
No they did not. Did you hear what the intelligence agencies were saying repeatedly? No. To this day, you still believe that lie. As clearly and repeatedly demonstrated in the Cellar back in 2003.

Where was Cheney getting this stuff? American intelligence agencies were constantly scrambling. They could not find any evidence for myths that we now know Cheney invented. That, sir, is irrefutable fact even back then. It was posted here in the Cellar back in 2003 constantly. Because you kept repeating those Cheney lies.

Intelligence community is again doing same with so many Trump lies.

Cheney was taking raw data and inventing 'ghouls hiding to kill us all'. Because Cheney said the intelligence community was not seeing 'his' truth. So only Cheney could properly analyze raw data - to see through lies he accused the intelligence community of creating. Why did he call them wrong? The entire intelligence community was not reporting what only Cheney knew. And what UT was told to believe.

Saddam never had or even intended to have WMDs that could attack America. We invaded Iraq because he had weapons that could attack America - the lie.

Liars were so corrupt as to even out CIA agent Valerie Plame because Ambassador Wilson clearly exposed another Cheney lie.

Even Hardball was a liar. German intelligence kept saying so. But that honest fact contradicted Cheney lies.

Shock and Awe was created because liars (such as Hardball) were believed - because that is what Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al wanted to believe. Facts be damned. An expression constantly referenced here in 2003 - because the intelligence community was not saying what Cheney was saying.

The entire WMD thing was a lie that extremists believed because it satisfied their emotions. And was not reported by the intelligence community. UT simply and constantly listened to propaganda.

So biased as to put up pictures of the three National News broadcasters as monkeys doing "No see, no speak, no hear". A mockery by UT because truths they were reporting contradicted UT's biases and unjustified beliefs.

Special Forces captured a trailer. Biological material was found inside that trailer. So Cheney declared it was a portable biological weapons trailer. It was a weather trailer. To create hydrogen for balloons, they used river water that contained had biological debris. Cheney, et al did not care what that river bacteria was. That was enough for wackos to relabel that weather trailer as a biological weapons factory.

UT believed that lie and all others - because some only believe what they want to believe - due to political biases. Another fact stated with the always required reasons why.

UT could not bother to first learn all facts before just knowing Saddam had WMDs. He even denied what George Jr finally admitted. Saddam did not have those WMDs. Intelligence community said it was only a weather trailer. But extremists - who eventually caused the unnecessary death of 5000 American servicemen, intentionally ignored facts.

He even mocked the news anchors from NBC, ABC, and CBS because they (we now know) were accurately reporting the facts.

Cherry picking. It works with people who only see what they want to see. And those are also called Trump voters. Shame on you UT for still denying obvious reasons why you were so wrong. You openly endorsed lies that got 5000 America servicemen uselessly killed.

How ironic. The scumbag president was only ten minute away from doing same in Iran. And our wackos even think that was OK. It is called 'wag the dog'. It is called contempt for the American serviceman.

What the intelligence community was saying was ignored because a political bias wanted to believe a lie. It is called cherry picking. It is routine when extremists invent lies - such as a Caravan approaching the American border to kill us all. Such lies work on extremists who know only from their childish brain and resulting emotions. Even Hitler demonstrated the technique 90 years ago. It works on those who only want to hear what their emotions say.

An irrefutable fact. The scumbag president has surrendered in the Middle East - all but endorsing what will be classic ethnic cleansing. UT will not criticize that president created disaster. Since admitting to that surrender would contradict right wing bias that he did not have over 20 years ago.

Last edited by tw; 10-23-2019 at 09:16 AM.
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Old 10-23-2019, 09:54 AM   #193
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You're kind of losing it compadre

Did y'all know tw is a hunt and peck typist?
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Old 10-23-2019, 10:30 AM   #194
henry quirk
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you've been found guilty, Tommy

you big fat friggin' LIAR


I'm a *hunt & peckist: ain't no crime in that.

*on the SM 9 or a comp keyboard I poke with index fingers and space with my right thumb; on this Ipad I use my right index finger for everything
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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Old 10-23-2019, 10:32 AM   #195
henry quirk
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"You're kind of losing it compadre"

Cuz he knows he and his done 'lost'.
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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