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Old 10-04-2016, 08:19 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Am I the only kaiju fan on The Cellar???

So, in 2014 we made a Godzilla movie that really honked off a lot of fans with the whole "8 minutes of Godzilla footage" despite raking in huge bucks at the box office.

Toho Studios decided this was a good reason to make their own new Godzilla movie (Toho has always owned Godzilla) which they planned to call Godzilla: Resurgence. They changed it to Shin Godzilla after the Independence Day sequel copped the 'Resurgence' part.

Then they told us that the US would have to wait until next year and only get to see Shin Godzilla on DVD. Apparently I wasn't the only one un-thrilled by this decision, because at this year's San Diego Comic Con a bunch of folks from Funimation Studios announced they have the streaming, Blu-Ray, DVD, and theatrical distribution rights to Shin Godzilla. I about had a heart attack and started prowling the Net for news.

It's gonna be a limited release, something like 440 theaters for 1 week. The closest theater to my house that will have it is in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and their manager is apparently an idiot. Told us to call back SIX DAYS before opening night to find out if the theater was going to have it or not (Funimation sure thinks they will!). We also got an uber-snotty email from Regal Cinemas, the parent chain, telling us that just because they OWN the theater and dictate EVERY detail down to how much butter is on your popcorn does NOT obligate them to set show times so just sit your butts down and wait like good little monkeys.

So we're going to Idaho Falls instead. Over Chief Joseph Pass, probably. Note both the elevation and the fact that we will be hopping OVER the Continental Divide. In October. Somehow, in his skulking online for info, my neighbor got us OPENING NIGHT tickets! I've been a Godzilla nut since I was about 10, and this will be the first time I get to see a Japanese-made Godzilla movie in a theater. Excited? Me? VERY!
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Old 10-04-2016, 08:38 AM   #2
To shreds, you say?
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Yes, you are.
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Old 10-04-2016, 08:40 AM   #3
To shreds, you say?
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Not really.

Who doesn't love Godzilla? Or as some of us call him, FlyingSpaghettiMonsterzilla.
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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Old 10-04-2016, 01:04 PM   #4
The Un-Tuckian
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Am I the only kaiju fan on The Cellar???

Big V, and maybe Ibby will like this Godzilla news.

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Old 10-04-2016, 02:39 PM   #5
John Sellers
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I have most of the Godzilla movies on VHS tapes.

I'm also a big fan of other kaiju (strange beast) as well, such as Anguirius, Gamera, Rodan, King Ghidorah, Mechagodzilla, Kumonga (and pretty much any other giant spider in science fiction, fantasy, or myth), Mothra, Battra, King Kong, Minya, Kraken, centaurs, the Great Intelligence, Kroll, Clover, etc.

Last edited by John Sellers; 10-04-2016 at 02:48 PM. Reason: Augment
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Old 10-11-2016, 07:42 AM   #6
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John, the only one I ever got on VHS was Vs. Biollante, which is now available on DVD. For 20 years I hunted for Godzilla 1985 aka Godzilla: the Legend Reborn, never getting closer than $200 a pop on VHS on greedBay. Found it late last year or so on a print-to-order site, where I also got a version of Destroy All Moonsters that has the monsters' conversations subtitled. I think I have like 25 of the 34-ish movies accepted as Godzilla canon (in which I do NOT count the 1998 US-made Jay Leno Lizard).

I love the fact that Mr. Chujo from the original 1962 Mothra is the same actor who played Mr. Chujo in Against Mechagodzilla in 1992!

Plus I got my 50something biker neighbor so hooked on Godzilla that not only is he doing the driving for this because HE wants to see the new one, but when his cerebral palsy necessitated trading his Dyna Street Bob in for a trike, he got said trike a permanent plate reading KIRYU.

I have a BUNCH of Godzilla toys, and many of them are in the 7" scale because that goes great with our "Christmas village" display stuff. We slacked off last year but this year I'm hauling that outta storage and putting up our Kaiju Christmas Village display on the breakfast bar . The 7" plush Godzilla also does duty at potlucks--he has a string of mini lights wrapped around him (and they light up radiation-warning yellow, too perfect!) but it's pretty easy to rig up a little ribbon harness and strap him to the little wicker sleigh that I like to fill with cookies.

The real jewel among the toys, however, has company. It's a vinyl Final Wars edition Godzilla with a slightly melted leg; I have it propped up on a rock. Up on the shoulders stand the action figures comprising the rest of my "goon squad", which are a very recent Loki and an original 1978 flexible-cape Darth Vader (long since out of its original packaging as it spent most of the 80s actually getting played with).

I live a fun life
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Old 10-11-2016, 07:46 AM   #7
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Also, because I had a weird childhood, on my computer desk amid the clutter and a bunch MORE Godzilla toys, I have Uncle Deadly from the Muppets and the Chamberlain from Dark Crystal. If you ever need a laugh on a day when you can get to YouTube, there were a number of sketches from the Muppet Show that were not included on the DVD releases due to rights issues. The gem of THAT collection, in my opinion, is Vincent Price and Uncle Deadly singing a duet on "You've Got A Friend." Pure genius, and Vincent looked!
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Old 10-11-2016, 07:50 AM   #8
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I'll post a spoiler-free review as soon as I can get back home, late Wednesday or early Thursday most likely, provided we don't get stuck in traffic/snow/etc and miss the movie...We're bailing southward at 10 this morning and the start time in Idaho Falls is 7 tonight. A little under 300 miles, which will almost certainly include "hopping" a Rocky Mountain pass at over 7,000 feet in elevation. Lucky for us the passes are expecting clear weather and no snow accumulation!
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