rk that must really piss you off. I can only imagine how frustrating that must be. Doesn't happen much over here (I don't think) because most of our Christian culture isn't evangelical in nature (it's more tea and scones and village fete, with a bit of fire and brimstone to keep it interesting). Though, that's changing. Congregations to traditional C of E is falling, but take up rate on newer evangelical groups is growing quite fast.
I do wonder though, and this is not in any way to deny how annoying it must be....and far be it from me to defend the happyclappers, but maybe they're not so much trying to recruit, as to offer the thing that they truly believe will bring some kind of comfort to a person they know to be suffering pain and distress. Doesn't in any way mitigate the fact that they are breaching what should be a strong divide (religion and state), but it may mitigate their motives a little. I think they're wrong....but they may just be trying to do their best for you in terms they understand.