In re: stupid people:
1) just got this question on one of my bodymod forums:
Hey, not sure if someone asked before but I'm not sure which size is the biggest 1/4", 1/2", 5/16", 3/8" 7/16"??
I mean, come on--did she not graduate from fourth grade? I know fractions can be confusing, but surely she knows how to use a ruler? (ETA: she's a 24-yo college student)
2) At the grocery store, the person ahead of me was being all know-it-all and tried to tell the checker (a 30-something woman) a bit of food history, saying that the Chinese invented catsup. After he left, I said, they may have had a word for a sauce that sounded like our word, "catsup," but it sure wasn't any tomato sauce, since tomatoes are a New World food. Her response? What's the New World? I'm like, the Americas, you know -- Columbus sailed the ocean blue? Blank stare.