Woe Is Me
I think we need a thread for general woes. Life's daily woes. What is your woe? What or who are you woeing today? Why was woe wreaking wretched havoc? Why you woe? Will you woe? When'd you woe?
I woe for my job. My job is a big woe, not just my woe but co woe-kers' woe too. A daily clusterfuck of woe that is showing no signs of improving. The woe that keeps on woeing.
Woe. Woe. Woe.
That is all. Please share your woes. We don't need to commiserate (unless we wanna) and we don't need to out-woe (unless we wanna) but just let your WOE be heard. Get your WOE out. Breathe. Repeat.