good news: spoke with a brewery today and got an invite for a tour, to shadow the brewer for a day, and on my deathbed I'll receive total consciousness.
bad news: son of a friend eavesdropped on Mrs. Foot talking with son of a friend's mom about our imminent split. Being the sensitive and caring friend of our son, he immediately sought out our son to offer his sympathies and condolences. (genuinely; he's a very sweet boy whose parents have also split recently) Luckily, my wife handled it with uncharacteristic grace and aplomb since I was not around. By the time I spoke to him he was pretty chill about it, relieved wen I assured him that he and his sister wouldn't need to re-locate, I'd be here daytimes many days, occasional nights (for now) he knew where I'd be when I wasn't here, and that it had nothing to do with him or his sister and that it was because, get ready for this part, the part he divined on his own, it was because I have trouble sleeping.
If that's what he needs to wrap his head around it, then OK. In some ways it's not far off the mark.
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs