Conspiracy theories come and go, on nothing more than rumor and conjecture, but this one is rock solid.
Stanley August Miesegaes had deep pockets. He was the money behind Supertramp's Breakfast in America album. A photograph of him at
Dangerous Minds, shows him wearing a medallion, which means he might have been a mason. If he wasn't a mason he must have belonged to a cult. Either way, when the album he financed was released in 1979, it was clearly a signal to his fellow terrorists the target and date was set. This gave them time, 22 years, to bid their families farewell.
If that doesn't clinch it for ya, look here...
Furthermore, the words “super” and “tramp” are synonyms for “great” and “whore,” which indicates the Great Whore of Babylon, a figure from Christian mythology, with Babylon also mentioned as a place of evil in the Book of Revelation. And if that’s not proof enough for you, why the back cover has yet another illustration of a plane flying above the twin towers.
All in all, it’s a pretty compelling case that “somebody pre-knew about it,” right?
Drop the mic.