Originally Posted by Clodfobble
I suspect it's like an outhouse, that the white part is just sitting on top of a much deeper hole. When it gets mostly full, they can just cover the top with dirt and move the throne to another hole.
I reckon my glitch on the image is the blue pipe coming from the back of the crapjack, ehem, excuse me......... Head I should say.
It looks like a peice of 4-6" PVC or CPVC. I've seen it used on construction sites. The pipe may be a lot bigger than I think, as the animal & the head are both huge. You can see the pipe very well on Bruce's link.
Anyway, IMHO the image would be more convincing without the "pipe", or whatever.
Wonder if "it's a floater?" Hope not..............
Maybe the cement looking opening the "pipe" goes into is one of the gates of hell. "Some folks call it hell- I call it hades".