Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
So ladies, get involved in the process of running this country....you are the majority, remember. Grind down, or replace, the politicians until they give you the schools, parks, social programs, or whatever you want. Just never make the mistake, that the boys and their tanks and planes are just big over priced play toys. Defending what you've got, is very serious business and paramount to the utopia you want.
Get real, you're never gonna have it all. But rather than grouse about it, why not see how much you can get by getting involved. You may be surprised. 
Hmm, a little condescending and assumptive...but I still love you.
Do not fear, Bruce. Many women of influence are on the same page with you on the subject of a balanced society--plus we also have plenty of ladies whose agendas fall on either side of the balance. Many women want the toys, too. And it's not just women who strive for utopia.
That's what feminism is about--that women are regular human beings, regardless of intelligence or position.