Originally Posted by monster
But you said you don't chat, Ali. You said it was ruined by people pretending to be you. and you said if you ever did go in there you don't use your own name. So how does that put you in a position to protest/dictate terms? Sure, jim can be an arsehole at times -who isn't-, but he keeps the trolls at bay and has an amazing nose for their stink. Set a thief to catch a thief and all that..... plus he's there more than most. It may not be perfect, but what moderation situation is?
I'm not trying to dictate terms. Simply stating a fact. Jimbo booted me from chat to suit his own adgenda and nothing else. That's an abuse of his power there. Maybe it's funny when you lot do it amongst yourselves, and I'm sure it was funny to some when he did it to me, but he did it to me not with any intention of being funny to anyone but himself and those who find his behaviour acceptable. I didn't think it was funny. He was just being nasty again.
I haven't used my own name since Jimbo started going into chat pretending to be me again to promote his own adgenda.
You got one thing right in your post though monster. He is an arsehole.