Mustard Gas Dump from WWII
I guess darling downs farmers now have one thing to be thankful for to the mineral exploration going on at the moment.
A CACHE of 144 World War II mustard gas shells uncovered in Western Downs bush land is set to be destroyed a stone’s throw from where they were buried for 65 years.
A portable destruction system has been assembled on a former US military depot at Columboola, between Chinchilla and Miles.
It features a 70 tonne destruction chamber and a filtration system designed to completely neutralise the deadly chemical agent contained in the 105mm and 155mm Howitzer shells.
Contract destruction company CH2M HILL project manager Steve Romanow said the highly technical detonation and filtration system was one of very few in the world.
System testing will begin this week with the first chemical shells expected to be detonated before April 4.
"We hope to get through eight to 10 (shells) a day," Mr Romanow said.
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber