Originally Posted by limey
If they called it something else, it'd prolly taste OK, but you expect it to taste like beer.
I actually think it
tastes remarkably like beer. The problem is, it doesn't
feel like beer as it's going down, so there's a mental disconnect that happens.
Today I learned that there is such a thing as
The Royal School of Needlework. I did not know that before.
The other day I learned that NASA found a
HUGE frozen lake of CO2 buried deep at the south pole on Mars. And while this is fascinating enough, in and of itself, what kind of freaked me out a little, was learning that a couple of billion years ago, Mars was pretty much like earth! I do
not want to imagine that earth will
ever become as uninhabitable as Mars, even if the possibility of that isn't for billions of years. Yikes!