It varies.
I clean up nice, and that can raise my stock for city settings. I'm generally more comfortable with less fastidiousness, like the result of working outdoors all day, or camping. That sense of satisfaction and confidence reveals an inner light that shines through the grime. How attractive do I feel? Just as a mirror reflects my image, the reactions of others informs me about my image. Different people focus on different aspects of me. I feel very attractive--a 10--when my girlfriend tells me (and shows me) how appealing she finds me. It's very gratifying and I'm (slowly) surrendering my urge to question her judgement (and eyesight).
When I don't have these optical or social mirrors to "tell me" how I look, I judge myself on other criteria. In general, I like my own company, but that attractiveness has little to do with my external appearance
Be Just and Fear Not.