Originally posted by ladysycamore
[/i]In THIS situation however, that won't happen, because heaven forbid, whites can not be profiled in such a manner (Is anyone watching the future Timothy McVeighs in this country? I doubt that the watch is not as hard and as focused as the watch is on people of color). Welcome to America.
Well, the fact of the matter is, 8 of the last 9 people that flew planes into buildings were Arabs. If you want to count their entire force, we can bump it up to 19 out of 20 - I'm just counting the actual pilots here. So yeah, when they're looking for people to fly planes into buildings, I bet Arabs receive more attention.
Conversely, Eskimos are generally not suspects in insider trading criminal investigations. They just haven't had as much of a role in it as white guys have.
Blacks are looked at more closely for murders in Baltimore, because blacks kill more in Baltimore than whites do.
Whites are looked at more closely in serial murder cases, because whites are serial murderers more frequently than blacks are.
This doesn't happen because the police hate niggers or gooks; serial killers are not investigated by some cracker-hating Black Panther. These aren't stereotypes. It's just statistics.