Originally Posted by Clodfobble
Oh, absolutely. But look at the credits for rendered films, there are three times as many creative types working on them, maybe more. The secret to those films is that no one person comes up with all the stuff that makes them great.
Yes, they're labor intensive at the moment. Each person or group working on such a little portion of the film means they pour their creative juices into the details to amuse themselves, and the people they work with. The Disney animators did the same thing for the same reason when it was all rendered by hand.
How ever the key is "at the moment". When we try to look down the road at how things will be, we're making assumptions about how robots(technology) will advance. That's why I picture one dude/dudette, sitting at a mic dictating the story line to a completely automated production robot(s).
But once again...
Maybe my imagination is too far in the future... but