98-year-old Doris Crabtree of Dodderygit County, Iowa proudly displays the mousy-thingy she used to make the writing go up and down. Last year, the plucky nonagenarian learned to click on icons and says it was "like a gateway drug" for her. Soon she was right clicking and double-clicking, and this year she got up the courage to move the wheel in the center. Doris said "I was just trying to read my friend Maisy's obituary, but it was longwinded like her and went off the bottom of the screen. I'd heard you could click on the arrows to get to the next page, but when I went to try that, there was one of those darn popcorn commercials. I'm always worried I'll click on one and they'll steal all my money, so I threw caution to the wind and tried the wheel thing. There's no stopping me now!"
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