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Politics Where we learn not to think less of others who don't share our views

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Old 08-10-2018, 12:34 PM   #1
henry quirk
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"Why did you write your post in English?"

cuz I'm tryin' to convince a hypocrite to not be a hypocrite (coulda been french, spanish, esperanto, or the idiosyncratic marks I use when I write for myself...I used english cuz I'm communicatin' with you, which, I see is a waste of my time).

As you were.
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Old 08-10-2018, 01:52 PM   #2
Radical Centrist
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Originally Posted by henry quirk View Post
I'm communicatin' with you, which, I see is a waste of my time).
The hell? I asked you one question, is that the limit of your tolerance for discussion?
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Old 08-10-2018, 07:45 PM   #3
henry quirk
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"is that the limit of your tolerance for discussion?"

Do I strike you as particularly tolerant, of anyone, or anything, at any time?

Here's the thing, toad: all this...

I don't vote because I believe that tribalism is by far our biggest current problem, and fighting it is more important than voting. Declaring myself outside of it by declaring myself a non-voter is a principled stand. Being on no side allows me to more fairly judge and criticize the excesses of all sides.

I don't vote because I am not 100% certain of the best policies to govern us.

I don't vote because I am not a great judge of character.

I don't vote because I am an anti-authoritarian moderate and never find anyone that represents me.

I don't vote because people generally vote by their personality type and I don't think we should be governed by anyone with my ridiculous personality type.

I don't vote because I don't care to stay fully informed about politics in a world where our sense-making establishments are broken and desperate to reach audiences that demand only the affirmation of their own point of view. poop.

Again: you can't make a show of the glories of democracy and respresentative government and then opt out.

Well, yeah, you can but that just makes you a hypocrite (not principled or thoughtful or insightful or an example to be followed).

As you like.
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