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Old 02-08-2007, 08:54 PM   #1
Ronald Cherrycoke
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 153
Originally Posted by tw View Post
And that is the damming part we should be taking up with our so called leaders - Democrat and Republican. Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska is calling on our Congressman to start acting like leaders. How many others are doing same?

Take the case of Hilary Clinton - a very competent Senator. But where were her leadership skills? A leader would have voted against the war rather than appease a population seething with veins in their teeth. She did not act like a leader. She acted like a philander panning for votes.

Well, we have many Senators that still don't have the balls to face facts - who instead kowtow to a lying president. Yes, many even on the Democratic side will never be in the next edition of "Profiles in Courage". What is interesting - Obama voted against the war.

Meanwhile, the president went many steps beyond lying. He associated Saddam with bin Laden. He made no effort to get bin Laden. He lied about WMDs even after (for example) a mobile biological weapons lab had been secretly captured and examined. He lied about the aluminum tubes even after Zippe demonstrated six times over why those aluminum tubes could not be for centrifuges. Whereas many in Congress were talking based only in what the White House was saying, the White House was also lying knowing full well that the White House was only lying.

Yes we have a large number of Senators who have much to answer for. And then we have a lesser but large numbers of Senators who fully know the president was lying and still support the scumbag. How many times will these fools work against the people of the United States? Yes, most of them still working against America are currently Republicans. They don't have the balls to even say what all retired presidents have said; what all retired Secretaries of State have said about Condi Rice; don't have the balls to stand up for the Iraq Study Group report; don't have the balls to demand a strategic objective and in exit strategy in Iraq; and appease Americans who hate America and the American soldier.

Sorry. Every sentence in this post is based in facts. If you have emotional problems with any of it, those emotions are yours. The facts are that blunt. We have a leadership problem. And some of our so called leaders are so contemptible as to still promote themselves at the expense of America.

Bottom line: this president was told we were losing "Mission Accomplished" even before Bremer arrive in Iraq in 2003. He was told by Bremer that we were losing. He was told by the military that they needed more troops. This president was such a liar that long after it was known Saddam had no WMDs that, well, in interview with Bob Woodward, it took George Jr 5 minutes and 18 seconds of repeated questions to finally admit this reality. For 5 minutes and 18 seconds, George Jr refused to admit what was a known fact - Saddam had no WMDs.

And so the title of Woodward's book - State of Denial. No way around that reality. This president is even lying to himself. Even his own father was worried about the mistakes he was making in Iraq. That's right. After Gerald Ford died, even Ford's statements were released. Ford was the last of every retired president on the record opposed in some manner to George Jr's "Mission Accomplished". No way around the fact that George Jr has been lying repeatedly. And no way around the fact that about one half of the current Congress remains just as contemptible as to still lie about Iraq.

Worse still – where is the parade of ‘leaders’ asking every week one question: when do we go after bin Laden? Yes we have a severe shortage of leaders in Washingtion. But none lie anywhere near as often and with contempt for the American soldier as George Jr. George Jr first and foremost is worried about his legacy. No person listed in this post lied more than the champion of lies – George Jr – who will not make any effort to go after bin Laden. That alone should be considered an impeachable crime. There is no way an honest man can have anything but contempt for the scumbag president. So contemptible because American troops are dying only for his legacy AND because George Jr all but protects bin Laden.

Take the case of Hilary Clinton - a very competent Senator. But where were her leadership skills? A leader would have voted against the war rather than appease a population seething with veins in their teeth. She did not act like a leader. She acted like a philander panning for votes.

Our population was seething with veins in their teeth against the war in to me.

lying president.

Prove that he lied...

Obama voted against the war.

Big did a lot others.......

Meanwhile, the president went many steps beyond lying. He associated Saddam with bin Laden. He made no effort to get bin Laden. He lied about WMDs even after (for example) a mobile biological weapons lab had been secretly captured and examined. He lied about the aluminum tubes even after Zippe demonstrated six times over why those aluminum tubes could not be for centrifuges. Whereas many in Congress were talking based only in what the White House was saying, the White House was also lying knowing full well that the White House was only lying.

Not true...he got the same intel just like Tony Blair got it from MI6....

George Jr – who will not make any effort to go after bin Laden. That alone should be considered an impeachable crime.

Hell...we couldn`t even find the Uni-Bomber for decades...and he lived in the U.S.....Haaaaaa....Haaaaaa...
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Old 02-08-2007, 09:15 PM   #2
Ronald Cherrycoke
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Posts: 153
lying president. You seem to forget a real liar.


* Article I: Perjury before grand jury on August 17, 1998
* Article II: Perjury in Paula Jones case on December 23, 1997 and January 17, 1998
* Article III: Obstruction of justice related to Paula Jones case
* Article IV: Abuse of high office

Article I was approved by a vote of 228-206. Article II was rejected by a vote of 205-229. Article III was approved by a vote of 221-212. Article IV was rejected by a vote of 148-285. On December 19, the House of Representatives forwarded articles I and III of impeachment (perjury and obstruction of justice) to the Senate. The two articles that were passed
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Old 02-09-2007, 10:04 AM   #3
Read? I only know how to write.
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Meanwhile Ronald Cherrycoke responds to a post chock full of George Jr lie after George Jr lie. What does Ronald Cherrycoke post?
Originally Posted by Ronald Cherrycoke View Post
Prove that he lied...
It's an old Rush Limbaugh trick. When confronted with lie and after lie, then Ronald Cherrycoke posts as if those lies were never posted and therefore do not exist.

Classic of extremists who advocate the massacre of American troops. Deny facts even when posted under your nose. Ronald Cherrycoke - you deny so much that you are probably lying about being a soldier. Oh. Was that a dishonorable discharge? Is denial of reality a habit? George Jr lied repeatedly. Only one who is so foolish as to even advocate pre-emption (or not understand what pre-emption is) would deny those lies.

Posted are lies after lies from the mental midget president and his administration. Posted was the only solution available for getting out of Iraq with minimal loses. Ronald Cherrycoke pretends the Iraq Study Group did not exist. How convenient. Just another way to protect extremist rhetoric and ignore more presidential lies.

Provided were example after example of a lying president. But Ronald Cherrycoke does as any brown shirt would do. He pretends no such examples were posted. Then he need not face reality - such as his contempt for the American soldier.

Amazing that Ronald Cherrycoke has so little respect for the victims of 11 September as to associate it with a silly unabomber. Amazing that Ronald Cherrycoke would associate lying about sex equivalent to massacre of hundred of thousands of Iraqis. But that is how Rush Limbaugh also promotes hate and destruction.

Ronald Cherrycoke has utter contempt for people killed on 11 September and for the millions that will suffer and die in Iraq because - in both cases - the same president lied and denied. But then Ronald Cherrycoke provides a perfect example of a brown shirt.

Ronald, this is when you start posting honestly. Provided were lists of George Jr lies. Rather than pretending the list does not exist, instead return to reality and defend those presidential lies. Let’s see if you can be honest. Those George Jr lies are listed. Rather than denying them, instead, try to explain them. This is the time that you post honestly and not as Rush would do.
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Old 02-10-2007, 03:12 PM   #4
Ronald Cherrycoke
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Posts: 153
Originally Posted by tw View Post
Meanwhile Ronald Cherrycoke responds to a post chock full of George Jr lie after George Jr lie. What does Ronald Cherrycoke post?
It's an old Rush Limbaugh trick. When confronted with lie and after lie, then Ronald Cherrycoke posts as if those lies were never posted and therefore do not exist.

Classic of extremists who advocate the massacre of American troops. Deny facts even when posted under your nose. Ronald Cherrycoke - you deny so much that you are probably lying about being a soldier. Oh. Was that a dishonorable discharge? Is denial of reality a habit? George Jr lied repeatedly. Only one who is so foolish as to even advocate pre-emption (or not understand what pre-emption is) would deny those lies.

Posted are lies after lies from the mental midget president and his administration. Posted was the only solution available for getting out of Iraq with minimal loses. Ronald Cherrycoke pretends the Iraq Study Group did not exist. How convenient. Just another way to protect extremist rhetoric and ignore more presidential lies.

Provided were example after example of a lying president. But Ronald Cherrycoke does as any brown shirt would do. He pretends no such examples were posted. Then he need not face reality - such as his contempt for the American soldier.

Amazing that Ronald Cherrycoke has so little respect for the victims of 11 September as to associate it with a silly unabomber. Amazing that Ronald Cherrycoke would associate lying about sex equivalent to massacre of hundred of thousands of Iraqis. But that is how Rush Limbaugh also promotes hate and destruction.

Ronald Cherrycoke has utter contempt for people killed on 11 September and for the millions that will suffer and die in Iraq because - in both cases - the same president lied and denied. But then Ronald Cherrycoke provides a perfect example of a brown shirt.

Ronald, this is when you start posting honestly. Provided were lists of George Jr lies. Rather than pretending the list does not exist, instead return to reality and defend those presidential lies. Let’s see if you can be honest. Those George Jr lies are listed. Rather than denying them, instead, try to explain them. This is the time that you post honestly and not as Rush would do.

Drafted in 1969...MOS 11B10 (light infantry) 187th infantry 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile)..I Corps RVN...Honorable Discharge after two years service.
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Old 02-10-2007, 06:00 PM   #5
Ronald Cherrycoke
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Posts: 153
Hey...didn`t all those demorats read the bill they voted for?


(a) AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to--

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and

(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.

(b) PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION- In connection with the exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that--

(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and

(2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorist and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.

(c) War Powers Resolution Requirements-

(1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION- Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.
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