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Old 05-09-2013, 11:26 AM   #121
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Originally Posted by Trilby's sis View Post
I went to see a medium and Claudette came through.... (The medium said "who is it who had all the cats?") Anyway, Claudette said she was very happy in the spirit world and that she loved us all very much. Maybe it's hokey, but it made me feel better.

(not in a mocking way, but in a surprised, happy way)

That's awesome! I feel better too. Thanks for sharing that, and if you get in touch with her again (I know that sounds stupid/trite/patronizing--I assure you I don't intend it that way), please tell her hello and that I'm thinking of her.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 05-09-2013, 10:19 PM   #122
Lola Bunny
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Originally Posted by Trilby's sis View Post
I went to see a medium and Claudette came through.... (The medium said "who is it who had all the cats?") Anyway, Claudette said she was very happy in the spirit world and that she loved us all very much. Maybe it's hokey, but it made me feel better.
The next time you see a medium who perhaps seem reliable, could you ask who is the spirit that was messing with Trilby in her house? A spirit had been bothering her while she was sleeping and from what she said, he (it) didn't sound very nice. I'm just curious who that might be, that is all.

I'm glad you feel better.
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Old 05-09-2013, 10:46 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by Spexxvet's most recent post View Post
Hey, brah. Check in. Done bin 2 monfs nah. Y'Irie?
There's a Shadow just behind me. Shrouding every step I take. Making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. _tool
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Old 05-09-2013, 10:51 PM   #124
a beautiful fool
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Hey, Tribly's sis.....

Why don't you put in a request for a new user name with UNDERTOAD?

I'd like to get to know you a little. But as you, not Bri's sister.

Have you looked Around the forum at other threads and stuff?
There's a Shadow just behind me. Shrouding every step I take. Making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. _tool
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Old 05-15-2013, 01:28 PM   #125
Makes some feel uncomfortable
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Originally Posted by jimhelm View Post
Hey, brah. Check in. Done bin 2 monfs nah. Y'Irie?
I've been in and out a little. Bri's death really bummed me out. I've tried posting, but I get into and feel like it's pointless, and delete it. How can I think my opinion of the Bengazi scandal (for instance) is important when Bri is dead? I love you guys, but I'm sad in The Cellar these days.
"I'm certainly free, nay compelled, to spread the gospel of Spex. " - xoxoxoBruce
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Old 05-15-2013, 01:30 PM   #126
infinite monkey
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Old 05-15-2013, 02:20 PM   #127
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Take the time you need Spexx, but know that we miss you and are looking forward to when you're ready to post more often.
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Old 05-15-2013, 05:52 PM   #128
still says videotape
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Sorry man, deal in your own way.
If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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Old 05-15-2013, 09:09 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by Spexxvet View Post
I love you guys, but I'm sad in The Cellar these days.
Well get your ass back here and cheer us up, or I'm taking the sig line back.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 05-15-2013, 09:51 PM   #130
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o snap!
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Old 05-15-2013, 10:18 PM   #131
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Just coming back will cheer us up, Spexx.

I can't count how many posts I've deleted as useless because, you know, Bri isn't here. I lurk more than I post these days, but still ... Cellar is family. That's why we feel so deeply about Bri. Take your time but please stay connected.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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Old 06-01-2013, 02:57 PM   #132
polaroid of perfection
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So many books I want her to read. I haven't even looked at the new Kate Atkinson. And I finished a new-favourite author and then cried because I couldn't share it with her.

Silly ideas about stories (too verbose for children's books, but with a childish theme.) We had 101 non-fiction books to write when our ships came in. And silly ideas in equal measure. I wanted to make a coffee table book of Crazy Golf Courses of the British Seaside. Glossy photos interspered with a travelogue. And pics of us - two fat ladies - and a running total of who managed to get through the windmill first.

Amusement arcades of the Welsh Coast, because it's rarely a suitable location for outdoor activity. Seriously, we'd have ended up with our own series and been a hit both sides of the Pond.
She never even saw how much weight I'd lost.

Pretendy lottery spending. I found a new perfect house.
She liked the last one. But I've been casting my net closer to home all the time.
Seems I don't want to run away any more. Because part of me still wants to live. It's down to about 51%, but a politician will tell you that's a resounding Yes.

My potential future at Waitrose.
That was where we were going to shop when I lived in my £850k house in Thame.
She'd have liked me going there on a regular basis, for real and not daydreaming. She was always so supportive.

Dad's ongoing and conflicting diagnosis.
My health and how I got the bullet she dodged, the witch, and what spells she used.

And perhaps benefits (welfare), and perhaps time free in June/ July and perhaps Arran in the Summer.
If I do get this job I don't start til 22 July. Old debts and travel costs to hospital make it a "perhaps." No idea how I'll make it through but money is just money and as Shawnee's Dad says, "They can't kill you and they can't eat you."

So I want to focus on living. And if I can, walking through ankle high/ knee high grass, to a landscape of sacred belief an making another memorial to someone I wish I could have touched, because she touched me.

And if I can, making good food for the Limeys.
The Limes deserve my cooking when I'm at my best. Some Dwellars don't, but only because they have honed their skills to such a level my cooking would be an insult.
I'd still make them an English style cake (coffee and walnut mebbe?)

Sorry. It's all very self-indulgent.
Missing that woman pretty hard today.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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Old 06-03-2013, 06:13 PM   #133
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I haven't visited the cellar in a while because I have been missing her so much, too. I'm getting worse instead of better. I don't want to be Debbie-Downer, but really...what is the point of life? Why fight? All the "mother-approved" religions say heaven is paradise. Why wait? Life is shitty without her around; without her sense of humor to easy the pain.
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Old 06-03-2013, 06:20 PM   #134
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Dear Gypsy
I do know how you feel.
But, her sense of humour is still around - catch her reactions, you know what they would be, and smile to yourself. She lives on in your memories of her, of how she reacted, how she was, what she shared with you, what she taught you. Keep that alive, for everyone that knew her.
You have family and friends who would be devastated if you hurried off now.
Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of
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Old 06-03-2013, 06:29 PM   #135
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That's erroneous thinking, gypsy. The 'why wait' stuff, that is. I think we take the next step of our journey, ideally, when we have gleaned everything we can from this step. I don't pretend to know what was in Claudette's mind in her last days except that my firm impression, from talking with her in very intimate terms about death (I have breast cancer and Claudette befriended me and guided me through the worst once I brought it up in this community), was that she wasn't thinking in those terms. It may be that, after due deliberation, she concluded that it was her time; but she never conveyed to me any sentiment of 'why wait?'.

I'm so sorry you're struggling. I do understand. At least, I understand grief and despair and lack of hope. All I can say is that Claudette negated all of that in her interactions with me, that she expressed hope in the strongest possible terms, and she never gave a moment's consideration to me pursuing any other option than to move forward and appreciate and enjoy every moment.

I think life contains its own hope, its own reasons. You may, likely do, still have work to do and miracles to appreciate. The next step will still be there, Claudette will still be waiting for all those she loved and helped in this life. But she'll be busy too, I'm sure of that, and she'll want to know what you've been busy doing. Say yes to life as we know it, gypsy, until it's clear the next step is, well, your next step. PM me any time.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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