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Old 11-14-2011, 04:24 PM   #61
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Sorry HLJ, I forgot to take the befores. It's almost looking like a bathroom again, which is a thrill bearing in mind the cussing that was going on under the washbasin when we left the guys to it three hours ago!
Oh Monster - you'll just have to take your knitting to keep you calm. That's what I'd do!
Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of
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Old 11-14-2011, 05:23 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by limey View Post
We are currently suffering from a Groundhog Day version of the bathroom refit from Hell. The workmen are all very nice, but the guy who built the house originally did everything himself and didn’t know what he was doing, which means that every time I have someone to come and do some work they are amused/appalled/stunned by what he did and any job takes far longer to do because of what he did in the first place. It will be lovely when it is done, but at the moment Handyman and Joiner are undoing the work of Tiler so that they can do the work of Plumber (who has gone to Las Vegas on holiday) and extend the pipes to fit behind the wall before they reattach the washbasin. I am anxious that they don’t spoil the work of Floorman (men, actually), and also hoping that it won’t be long before Electrician comes to fit the giant heated towel rail. I never thought that this little task would involve nine assorted tradesmen and their merry quadrille through our house at unexpected moments has been rather a trial, lovely as they all are individually and keen as I am to get the work done.
Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus View Post
I hope you're taking lots of pictures of the work in progress, including before and after.
yes please!

and good luck!
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Old 11-14-2011, 05:24 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by limey View Post
Sorry HLJ, I forgot to take the befores. It's almost looking like a bathroom again, which is a thrill bearing in mind the cussing that was going on under the washbasin when we left the guys to it three hours ago!
Oh Monster - you'll just have to take your knitting to keep you calm. That's what I'd do!
No problem. Just ask them to put it back the way it was for the pictures.
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Old 11-14-2011, 05:50 PM   #64
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Comcast just raised our rates $85 a year for basic TV and simplest ISP
My mixed feelings are:
anger at Comcast
rage at Comcast
curiosity about alternative sources
regret we have too many trees for dish TV
questioning whether we really need TV
anxiety over whether we really need ISP
fatigue over too much worry about $ for entertainment
apologetic for cussing out loud
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Old 11-14-2011, 06:10 PM   #65
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Lamplighter, We got rid of cable 3 months ago and have not looked back. We got netflix streaming and DVD, for $16.00 a month, and an apple TV for $100.00 and we love it. You will need a 3meg internet connection for it to work rite.
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Old 11-14-2011, 06:16 PM   #66
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Thx Fargon, I will be checking out the alternatives available to us.
I had not thought about an Apple TV, but will look into it.
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Old 11-14-2011, 07:03 PM   #67
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I fired Comcast a long time ago. They're evil. This is a perfect example. No competition, therefore no incentive to lure you to their product. Take it or leave it. F*ck them.

I don't have AppleTV. I *DO* have a Roku. I've got a few actually. I can't recommend them highly enough. They stream my Netflix, and many other channels (as does the Xbox 360 and the PS3). I have more of my own life back that I used to pay in $$$$ to Comcast and in attention I used to pay to commercials. You've no idea how much advertising there is... and there's a lot.

I don't have an idea for your isp, you *do* need a line and maybe you can use DSL from the local phone company. But even using Comcast for internet services and not for cable tv would be an improvement by my standards.
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Old 11-14-2011, 09:28 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by limey View Post
Oh Monster - you'll just have to take your knitting to keep you calm. That's what I'd do!
A LOT of swim moms knit. Sadly I can only knit when my hands are good, and it's not really something I enjoy doing anywhere but home and then once in a blue moon.

but maybe I should anyway. nah. no way unless hands improve
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Old 11-15-2011, 03:41 AM   #69
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BigV and HLJ - how about I do that for the living room - that's next (and last) on our list and also needs a major refit ... ?
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Old 11-15-2011, 07:45 AM   #70
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Lamplighter, there are lots of boxes that will stream Netflix. We do it from our Wii. Many dvd players now have it included. You might want to look around at what's out there. You may be able to get a box that plays BluRay discs and also does Netflix for around the same prices as just a Netflix box.

Also, I'm not sure what the terrain around you is like, but over the air broadcasts are better now than they ever have been. The digital signals are very strong compared to the old analog ones. If you don't have a regular antenna now, go to and put in your address and then move the icon around on the map as needed to select your exact location, and the website will tell you what stations you can get with different antennas.

we have no cable, but with the antenna on our roof, we get something like 50 channels. with Netflix, and our recently purchased DVR, we have more viewing options than we need.
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Old 11-15-2011, 08:53 AM   #71
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@Glatt: That's a very interesting link.

Our property is about 50 ft above the level of the Willamette River,
with 100 ft basalt cliffs and hills covered with 100 ft trees all
around and behind us. So I did not expect to find anything via antenna.

Going through the antenna map, apparently there are 4 stations available to us.
Surprisingly, one is an analog station 50 miles away in Salem, OR
NBC, FOX, and PBS are the other three.

My wife and I are extreme news junkies.
We're on CNN and MSNBC a lot, plus the 4 local stations,
(FOX News, not so much )
so we're probably destined for some sort of dish or cable set up.

But thanks very much for the suggestion.
I would have not found that link with out it.

Last edited by Lamplighter; 11-15-2011 at 08:59 AM.
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Old 11-15-2011, 11:35 AM   #72
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Lamplighter, unless you're living in an alternate universe, there are no analog television stations around you. OTA (over the air) television broadcasting is all digital now. The antennaweb site is excellent, but not definitive, "your mileage may vary" so to speak. Do you have a digital television(s)? They're required. I only have analog sets, but I don't have a need at the moment for a digital set.

Furthermore, the premium channels like you describe, CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, etc, those are not being broadcast over the air, digitally or otherwise. You can't get that programming that way. But, you likely can get it via the internet either streaming (Roku) or from the source's website. Those sources *want* their content consumed, they'll help you consume it. You don't *need* cable, though it is popular and easy.

--more later
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Old 11-15-2011, 01:26 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
Lamplighter, unless you're living in an alternate universe, there are no analog television stations around you. <snip>

But, you likely can get it via the internet either streaming (Roku) or from the source's website. Those sources *want* their content consumed, they'll help you consume it. You don't *need* cable, though it is popular and easy.

--more later
I was surprised too, but the analogue station in Salem was what Glatt's antenna map link reported for my addess.

I saw your link to Roku, and was going to send a PM to you to ask
some of the questions you answered above. As I understand it,
we would need to keep some kind of ISP connection, either Comcast
or our via our telephone company.
Then the Roku would make the transfer from various "TV" sources to our tv set. ???

I want to look into that and AppleTV.
A $50 item doesn't seem like a terrible investment for equipment that should last quite a while.

Whatever information you can send to me (PM is OK) will be appreciated.
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Old 11-15-2011, 01:42 PM   #74
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Around here, Verizon FIOS + unlimited minutes of landline phone bundle is a tiny bit cheaper than Comcast, and is a far better internet service.
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Old 11-16-2011, 12:22 PM   #75
infinite monkey
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The Great American Smokeout.

It's a nice concept. Those who want to quit are made more aware of resources to help them.

But when is the Great American Eatout? They could then outline all the horrifying numbers, the costs that the big eaters could be made to feel guilty about.

Followed by the Great American Drinkout.
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