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Old 01-14-2013, 03:10 PM   #4786
To shreds, you say?
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I don't miss what I've never had.
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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Old 01-14-2013, 03:25 PM   #4787
trying hard to be a better person
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Sundae, it happens after pregnancy because of a drop in oestrogen. When oestrogen drops suddenly, it does all sorts of weird things to your body, including stopping your body from producing serotonin - and we all know that's the happy drug we make ourselves - so check your moods and emotions and see if there's any correlation between hair fall and your moods.

Post pregnancy though, it's also associated with hair coming out of a 'resting period', but in a big way.

Hopefully my hair will all grow back nicely after a few months.

I'm sure yours will too Sundae. xx
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
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Old 01-14-2013, 03:54 PM   #4788
polaroid of perfection
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Oh I know chick. I worked in a nursery store remember
I used to envy the glossy hair of our female customers... all the while knowing it wouldn't last.

This is liver related (everything is these days of course.)
It's temporary too, now that I'm 100% teetotal.
And a bright hair colour helps!
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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Old 01-14-2013, 04:02 PM   #4789
trying hard to be a better person
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haha...yeah. New hair colour always makes things seem brighter.

I can't wait to go get my hair cut and coloured, but just waiting for it to go a bit back to normal before I waste my money paying for something that's going to fall out. lol
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
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Old 01-15-2013, 03:43 AM   #4790
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It's 1:41am and I have another 135 pages to go.... Thank you PZ and f3.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 01-15-2013, 11:16 AM   #4791
To shreds, you say?
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Originally Posted by ZenGum View Post
Don't you wish there was a photic orgasm reflex?
I saw this post again and I mis-read it as 'photgrahpic orgasm reflex' and thought 'I've got that. sometimes when I look at certain photographs I have an orgasm.'

It's probably more common than we realize.
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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Old 01-15-2013, 02:17 PM   #4792
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Nice to see you're putting your x mas gift to good use
Speaking simply... do not confuse this with having a simple mind.
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Old 01-15-2013, 03:39 PM   #4793
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Originally Posted by Nirvana View Post
Nice to see you're putting your x mas gift to good use
I thought as much. I really really will post photos. I also need to get my gift in a friggin box and to the P.O.

The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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Old 01-16-2013, 07:32 AM   #4794
polaroid of perfection
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I smell.
According to Mum.
Since I stopped drinking.

Well of course the petty, spiteful part of me wanted to suggest I started drinking again. But she wasn't trying to be nasty. She said she knows I'm clean (bathroom and clothes evidence speak in my favour.) But she has to open the window in the spare room after I've been on the 'puter.

I asked her to describe the smell, but all she could come up with was that it wasn't pleasant. I am tempted to believe that it's payback for the reaction I have to her farts (OMG they are rank - and she lets them go without any consideration.) But I have to accept she has a very good nose and maybe I do have a new stink about me. Nothing I can do about it, I'm being as healthy as I know how.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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Old 01-16-2013, 07:37 AM   #4795
Big Sarge
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i still love you even if i have to wear a gas mask. LOL. Seriously, could it be a medication?
Give a man a match, & he'll be warm for 20 seconds. But toss that man a white phosphorus grenade and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Old 01-16-2013, 07:44 AM   #4796
polaroid of perfection
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Actually, that was how she introduced the conversation.
I was on anti-depressants for a while that made me smell really meaty. Luckily they also didn't work for me, so it wasn't a terrible choice to come off them.

I've been taking the same things.
Except an iron supplement. I hate it. I'm not going to buy any more once it's gone. If anything is making me smell, it's that. The taste is apparently a delicious malty orange. It's not disgusting, but it certainly isn't delicious!

Still. Apparently I was very "chatty" last night, like I always was when I was drinking. But all Mum could smell was this new smell, so when she asked if I'd been drinking and I said No, she believed me. Dad isn't so sure. This road of suspicion is one I made myself over many years I guess,
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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Old 01-16-2013, 07:44 AM   #4797
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It could be detoxification. Your liver's job is to get the bad stuff out, it may have finally kicked into high gear now that it can. Stuff doesn't just filter out through pee/poop, but in sweat and breath too. If so, it's a good sign but all you can do is help your liver along. The milk thistle is supposed to be good, and you might see if your local vitamin shop carries "activated charcoal" capsules. It's good for absorbing damn near anything it comes in contact with, so take it several hours away from any medicines, and preferably on an empty stomach with lots of water.
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Old 01-16-2013, 07:58 AM   #4798
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Could be related to the hair loss -both could be hormonal. Can you get the doc to order up some blood work?
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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Old 01-16-2013, 08:16 AM   #4799
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Originally Posted by Sundae View Post
I smell.
According to Mum.
Since I stopped drinking.

Well of course the petty, spiteful part of me wanted to suggest I started drinking again. But she wasn't trying to be nasty. She said she knows I'm clean (bathroom and clothes evidence speak in my favour.) But she has to open the window in the spare room after I've been on the 'puter.

I asked her to describe the smell, but all she could come up with was that it wasn't pleasant. I am tempted to believe that it's payback for the reaction I have to her farts (OMG they are rank - and she lets them go without any consideration.) But I have to accept she has a very good nose and maybe I do have a new stink about me. Nothing I can do about it, I'm being as healthy as I know how.
I'm so sorry but I'm laughing my ass off at this. Not AT YOU but just your mom...she's so...undermining, I guess is the word. I mean no offense, Sundae, only family members can critisize OTHER family members but this is just too funny. You could become a ghost and your mother would have something negative to say about it.

"Is that moaning sound coming from Cheryl? I TOLD her not to moan about like that! It annoys the neighbors!"
In Barrie's play and novel, the roles of fairies are brief: they are allies to the Lost Boys, the source of fairy dust and ...They are portrayed as dangerous, whimsical and extremely clever but quite hedonistic.

"Shall I give you a kiss?" Peter asked and, jerking an acorn button off his coat, solemnly presented it to her.
—James Barrie

Wimminfolk they be tricksy. - ZenGum
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Old 01-16-2013, 10:00 AM   #4800
To shreds, you say?
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I agree with clodfobble, but not in a fawning, sycophantic way. My first thought was liver is catching up and getting all Malcolm X on your ass using means necessary.

The best way to deal with mom is just to say, "I know you are, but what am I?" over and over to what aver she says. When you get tired of that you can switch to "According to you." with a little eye roll.

If she still gets on you after a few weeks you'll need to get out the big guns and answer everything she says with up turned face, clasped hands, and the solemn phrase, "In accordance with the prophesy."
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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