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Old 06-05-2013, 05:38 PM   #16
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
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Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
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Went in to find out the results... left with a mammorgram appointment and biopsy requesition! Hubby found a lump in my breast the other night and demanded I tell the dr asap. Dr's words were.. "wow, thats a sizable mass, where it should not be, Lets get that checked right a way".

Ultrasound shows nothing. Blood work is wonky, so I will have to re-do it. Red Blood cells are not right, white ones... can't remember what he said now.. My iron level was 6, supposed to be 95-100!!! On pills,(4 a day to start, in 2 weeks it goes down to 3, 2 weeks later it goes down to 2) and have changed diet as well. Bone Scan is at 7am tomorrow.

I am a basket case since Monday at 3pm. I have random bouts of crying fits, panic and then I am my strong happy self. Hubby says don't worry, until you have something to worry about... then I see him taking T3s and admitting to a headache. The man has had 3 headaches that bad in 20 years, and gets physically ill taking T3s 50% of the time. So I know he's stressing, and just does not want to show it. Add the financial hit... and well... stress sucks!

Lets hope the bone scan finds out the reason for my hip pain. Then we can tackle the "sizable mass" in my breast. One thing at a time, thank you very much. lol
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Old 06-05-2013, 06:25 PM   #17
Not Suspicious, Merely Canadian
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I just lost my entire post into the ether.
I sent you a cyber-hug, Jaydaan - of course you and your husband are stressed! It's so hard having not enough information and not knowing anything definite. I'm sorry you have a breast mass, although glad your husband found it - if it's there, it's better found. Have your mammo and biopsy been scheduled? Feel free to pm me if you have questions about the biopsy; I had that done last July.
It's hard not to worry,but there are multiple possible reasons for what you're experiencing. Once you have definite information you'll have direction as to what comes next.

Sending calm vibes and encouragement. Please feel free to pm me any time. {{{hugs}}}
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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Old 06-20-2013, 07:31 PM   #18
Lola Bunny
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How are things going, Jaydaan? I hope you have some answers to your pain and are on your way to getting treatments.
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Old 06-21-2013, 12:50 AM   #19
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
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No news on the bone scan yet... mammo was today, had to take several more pictures. The tech wanted me to get an ultrasound at the hospital today, but there was a 6 hour wait. So I opted for an out patient ultrasound. That might take a week or so more, but at least I can make an appointment. So the mass is concerning enough to get more info.. so much for, bah its nothing.
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Old 06-28-2013, 10:10 PM   #20
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
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Bone scan showed normal... no clue on what is causing the hip pain. Dr tisk tisked me for not waiting to do the ultrasound.. and has ordered one done and marked it urgent. Again, no real answers yet...
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Old 06-29-2013, 01:44 PM   #21
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boy, you sure are a patient patient.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 06-29-2013, 06:35 PM   #22
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I hope you get some answers soon, Jaydaan.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Ghandi
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Old 06-29-2013, 11:46 PM   #23
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
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BigV, no not really... just have nothing else I can do. I am off work, without ANY income, slowly going insane, and most likely slightly depressed. The past week, I have had 2 panic attacks and 3 crying fits over the breast "sizeable mass". I am trying to sell my lingerie, and the wiccan items I make... basically anything to keep food on the table and my dogs fed. So---- if you know anyone who is into wish necklaces, spell bottles, hand painted wooden boxes, spell kits, hand etched items, sage smudging kits, etc... send them my way, and as always I have all kinds of clubwear, corsets,!
I am getting frustrated with the lack of answers, if there is nothing wrong with my hip, why the hell does it hurt so much? Walking, sitting, laying down, any pressure (ie: dog stepping on my leg) causes shooting pain, melting into throbbing pain in my hip joint area, and it still feels like I am sitting on a huge fresh bruise. There is no bruise there, but thats the ouchie closest to explain it. Its not fibromyalgia pain, I know the difference. But at least the dr told me flat out, its not bone cancer, and not arthritis. Next could be muscle, or nerve? BAH.
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Old 06-30-2013, 02:20 AM   #24
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I wouldn't be surprised if it was nerve, from the symptoms you described. For instance - Sciatica:

Causes and symptoms

"... The most identified cause of the pain is compression or pressure on the sciatic nerve. The extent of the pain varies between individuals. Some people describe pain that centers in the area of the hip, and others perceive discomfort all the way to the foot. The quality of the pain also varies; it may be described as tingling, burning, prickly, aching, or stabbing ... The pain may be intermittent or continuous, and certain activities, such as bending, coughing, sneezing, or sitting, may make the pain worse. ...

... Chronic pain may arise from more than just compression on the nerve. According to some pain researchers, physical damage to a nerve is only half of the equation. A developing theory proposes that some nerve injuries result in a release of neurotransmitters and immune system chemicals that enhance and sustain a pain message. Even after the injury has healed, or the damage has been repaired, the pain continues. Control of this abnormal type of pain is difficult. ..."
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Old 06-30-2013, 10:37 PM   #25
Lola Bunny
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My mom has hip and leg pain because of a nerve compression on her lower back. She doesn't have sciatica but short of a herniated disc. The only way to check is to have an MRI. I hope you get answers soon.
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