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Old 01-28-2004, 03:55 PM   #16
Has Body Temperature
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Location: I come from a land downunder
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Yeah i saw a similar show, other coffins included a large shoe (red and white sneaker with laces and all) and a little row boat looking one also.

I would like to be cremated and my ashed scattered over the waterfall up the road from my home, its very beautiful, eventually the waterfall turns to a stream, which leads out to the tasman sea... this is where i will finally end up. And then ill spend eternity making some awesome swell and rollovers for the surfers to come and enjoy

I will not be donating any of my organs to science. i have elected to remove this from my file. I only have to walk down the street here in sydney to catch a glimpse of the 99% of the human race that i have no interest in saving or helping.
We'll never be as young as we are right now
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Old 01-29-2004, 07:53 AM   #17
Coronation Incarnate
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Thet there ''coffin'' don't look like no coffin to me .... looks to me, more like a cupboard .. drinks chest .. wall storage, of some sort .... I reckon there's been a slight mistranslation when the pic was passed on ....

'Sides ... coffins are nuthin' ... they get looked at for half an hour and then buried away to rot ... headstones is where the style is ... ever seen the American Almanac headstone quotes page .. ?
Great reading ...

My favorite .. (in Tombstone, AZ) ..

''Here lies Lester Moore ..
Four slugs from a .44 ..
No Les, no more .. "
Illiterate??? - Not a problem! Write today for more information!! ....
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Old 01-29-2004, 09:07 AM   #18
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A few have mentioned donating their bodies to science. I think that's very noble, but it may not always be what the donor imagines.

I was reading an article in Washington Post a while back. It was about forensic science. It was a pretty cool article. A lot of what those scientists know about how bodies look at different stages of decomposition come from having plots of land where they dump bodies that have been donated to science. Those bodies are just tucked under bushes, or dumped in the grass. The scientists go back every week or two and look at the bodies to see what happens to them as they decompose and are eaten by wild animals. Eventually, nothing is left but a dirty skull and maybe a moss covered bone or two. It's legitimate science, I suppose. The younger scientists/technicians learn a lot, and that helps them solve crimes. And the overall body of knowledge grows as well. But it may not be what people have in mind when they donate their bodies to science. I think a lot of people imagine they are helping to find the cure for cancer or something.
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Old 01-29-2004, 09:08 AM   #19
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Because prices will only go up over time, why not buy your coffin ahead of time. If you don't want to use it straight away, you could use it as a:
• large coffee table
• small wardrobe
• new-age fish tank
• single bed for visiting relatives
• go-kart
• book case
• hampster house
• boat
• bedding chest

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Old 01-29-2004, 09:25 AM   #20
Intouch with his inner sheep rider.
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Umm...because I don't want a coffin?

I want my naked body tossed into the dirt with no tombstone.

Tombstones, coffins, cemiteries, they're all just vanity.

I have no problem being forgotten the moment I die as if I never existed. It doesn't bother me. People get massive tombstones with large patches on the cemitery trying to be remembered. Well what good does it do that for the next say 100 years people might remember you? What's 100 years anyway? The earth is 4 billion years old...I'm happy feeding the worms.
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Old 01-30-2004, 11:40 PM   #21
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Re: 1/27/2004: Coke coffin

Originally posted by Undertoad

It's Ghana, and these carpenters are proud of their work on this coffin and severe trademark violation.

It turns out that Ghana has developed a tradition of building wierd, wild, and wonderful coffins.
I've seen other types of these coffins, chile peppers, luxury autos. I can't remember if the autos had logos, but you're right about the trademark violation.

Considering how tough some companies are cracking down, especially in the third world, I wouldn't put it past them to get a court order to dig up the coffin and destroy it.
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Old 02-01-2004, 05:07 AM   #22
May Ter Dee
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Posts: 26
Originally posted by ndetroit
What *would* be the most environmentally friendly way of disposing of you ?
I know what would be the most "me-friendly". Cryonic suspension. Replace the water with glycerol, freeze and store in liquid nitrogen. Then, in a few decades thaw and restore my body and my brain, so that I can continue my life after this unfortunate interruption.
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