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Old 11-29-2001, 04:51 PM   #16
Dafydd Wynne-Evans
Cakeman D
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Posts: 19
Cell phones stuck to ears while driving

I'm a motorcycle rider. The last week this year that I rode my motorcycle to work, I had three close calls and one <actual-contact> close-call, all with people driving while phoning.

I'm a very cautious rider, that's what saved me from harm in the actual-contact incident. I had almost stopped the bike by the time the lady in the minivan, who had decided to drive across a busy road, got in my way. I hit her minivan's rear quarter-panel at about 5 mph... she FINALLY noticed that I was there when she heard the thump... and she stepped on the gas so I couldn't catch up to her. Musta been scared of road-rage; I was so scared that I was gonna get hit from behind that I just drove off.

The other close calls were all due to invasions of my highway space by people on cell phones, too busy to actually look out their damn window (that would mean their head had to turn), when they decided they wanted my lane.

Yes, bikes are harder to see than many vehicles... but since they are legal transportation, drivers should be ready to see them on the road.

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Old 11-29-2001, 08:15 PM   #17
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AOLers (not people that just use AOL. I did myself when I started out. However, I grew off of it. I'm talking of people refuse to leave AOL and evolve to a higher state of tech-consciousness. Reactionaries....)

hacker-posers (you know, those people that come up in a chat room every so often, randomly pick out someone and threaten to hit them with some virus or another)

Pittsburgh drivers (I ranted about these people earlier. As it's on the record, I'll spare you now.)

The Sixth Sense

My current job (A tad too fascist, for-the-good-of-the-company kind of place. And I'm working on salary, so I have no real reason to bust my ass)

Fear not, I'll think of more.

Like the wise man said: Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
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Old 11-30-2001, 04:05 AM   #18
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*had to be said in response*
people who wouldn't know a light joke if it stood up and slapped them in the face with a wet trout.
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Old 11-30-2001, 10:19 AM   #19
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I got a new one:

People that think they deserve everything.




The world doesn't owe you anything.

People that think that offend me, for about eighteen thousand reasons. Besides the fact that I hate paying taxes for lazy fuckers on welfare (though a lot of cases are legit and I'm down with that), they inevitably bitch about being owed something. Well fuck you. The rest of us that work hard for a living think you're full of shit and you need to get a goddamn job and stop bitching. If your job can't give you enough to live off of, you need to cut your expenses. I hate it when I see poor people buying shit and then complaining about not having money - THAT'S BECAUSE YOU SPENT IT ALL, YOU DUMB FUCKING RETARD! Man.

I think I need to go do work before I write 20K about this shit. But man does that ever just tweak my fucking nerves.
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Old 11-30-2001, 07:26 PM   #20
Join Date: Apr 2001
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you reallyreally need to switch to decaf
i guess it depends what they expect. SOcial secuurity i'd agree is often abused though..
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
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Old 11-30-2001, 08:36 PM   #21
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally posted by jaguar
you reallyreally need to switch to decaf
i guess it depends what they expect. SOcial secuurity i'd agree is often abused though..
Not really. Social Security is primarily for older Americans. The disability portion of Social Security (for those who are unable to work) is abused somewhat, but probably nowhere near as bad as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (formerly known as AFDC). And even with that, the abuse is probably nowhere near as bad as some may think.
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Old 11-30-2001, 10:10 PM   #22
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Okay. Here is how I feel.

Those that need help and cannot help themselves need to be cared for by the government. This is absolutely the government's responsibility.

Those that can care for themselves but are too lazy to do so, so they then apply for welfare and actually get it... should be shot.

I pay 1/3 of my paycheck in taxes. So for every $1000 I take home, I paid $500 in taxes. I understand that a lot of this went to various worthy causes, but some of it goes to people that are too fucking lazy to work. I know this for a fact because I know people that have done it, including an aunt of mine. Those that do this are despicable people.

I also meant that I don't like paying hard earned dollars for the irresponsibility of others. The mom in Baltimore that has 5 kids of her own doing. Of course it's going to be hard for her to work and raise her kids. Well, there she is, on welfare, taking my money. Here's a tip: DON'T HAVE SO MANY FUCKING KIDS! Only if you have the means should you have the kids. If you don't have the means, have some really fucking careful sex. For fuck's sake, ladies. Like the world needs more kids on the fucking streets. And fuck all the absentee fathers of these children too. Mother fucking fuckers, all of them.

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Old 11-30-2001, 11:49 PM   #23
Join Date: Apr 2001
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you sure?
Then i think a tranquiliser or 30 is in order..

I cna understand your point, although how your tax dollars are spent is always a messy issue - faith based charities come to mind. WHile i pay no *real* tax atm (i pay tax but i get it all back) the idea of my hard earned money going to faith based charities shats me up the wall.
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
- Twain
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Old 12-01-2001, 12:23 PM   #24
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'nough to drive you nuts, eh? That's why I try not to think about it very often
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