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Old 06-25-2012, 09:25 AM   #316
Radical Centrist
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As a worker at a pawn shop I can confirm this theory

There are two things that give it away. One is that the cameras obviously can't wait around all day for people with interesting things to sell. They go out and find things to be on the show and come back and video them.

Two is that people with interesting things to sell do not sell them to pawn shops.

If you look around Youtube you can find a video of Rick working his shop before Pawn Stars and it does not look anything like it does on the History channel. It looks like a pawn shop.

The truth is that the History channel wanted to have actual ratings, and certainly noticed that Antiques Roadshow gets big ratings (on a channel that claims to not be about ratings but actually is). How can you have Antiques Roadshow but not obviously have it be Antiques Roadshow?

So they crow-barred antique Historical items into it to justify it being on History, a channel that claims to be about History but actually is not. And then it worked, so now there are copycat shows such as Storage Wars and Pickers that are also Antiques Roadshow but, you know, not Antiques Roadshow. There are the items, the stories, the Lotto-mentality money happening, but no mandolins playing so you know it is not on PBS.

And they are all fake! People would not negotiate on camera. It's all fake. Ironically, Antiques Roadshow can claim to be unique and special and thus justify its existence on PBS because it's not *totally* fake, only partly fake.
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Old 06-25-2012, 09:27 PM   #317
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Spot on, Toad. I still enjoy the show, though.
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Old 06-26-2012, 12:26 AM   #318
When Do I Get Virtual Unreality?
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Other cool things at Maker Faire KC...

A nice art bike ala old school sci fi Mars ships...and...anyone remember what The Prisoner drove?
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"To those of you who are wearing ties, I think my dad would appreciate it if you took them off." - Robert Moog
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Old 06-27-2012, 07:00 PM   #319
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that's totally cool guys!
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Old 06-28-2012, 07:32 PM   #320
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here is a week ago last sunday. i'm only just now posting them.

As y'all know i worked the go kart track for a better part of two years while looking for a job back in engineering and from previous posts in this thread you know how much work Bobby (and I when i worked for him) has put in there making improvements. well Bobby put in a third track and just opened it up to the public about a month ago.

we finally got up there to take some pictures for his website and to hang on the wall at the track. now taking pictures of the track from the air is to say the least, challenging. why? Houston Intercontinental Airport is right there. i mean right there as in jets were diverted around us!

(oh the pics were cloudy because of the windows)

it was all safe mind you, i had called Tracon (houston approach control) prior to getting up in the air and got permission to get within what's called the "Houston Class B" airspace and within spitting distance of the big airport.

when we got to the track and started our orbit i started snapping pictures as fast as i could with my nikon while talking to Houston tower and fighting with Bobby over the rudder because he kept putting the wing strut right in my frame of view. this is almost what it was like:

Bob: "HEY! get your foot off the rudder!"
Me: "NO! you either fly the plane with the ailerons & rudder..."
Houston: "N9568L traffic, twelve o'clock, boeing 747 climbing through 1,000"
Me: "and keep that strut out of (roger Houston, have the traffic in sight) my way or i'm..."
Houston: "use caution 68L, wake turbulence"
Me: "gonna operate the rudder! (roger, we're ready for it) now what's it gonna be?"

i know, hard to follow but that's something you get used to up there. listening to the radio and talking at the same time. needless to say, it was a blast. here's a few pics. one of the airport as we were passing, another of an RJ jet nearby and then a pic of the track from the north and one from the south
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Old 06-28-2012, 08:06 PM   #321
infinite monkey
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Awesome, plt!
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Old 06-28-2012, 08:22 PM   #322
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Wow, great pics! Having 747s thundering by close enough to make wake turbulence warnings necessary, though ... yikes.
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Old 06-28-2012, 09:07 PM   #323
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Verry Cool , witch track is new ??
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Old 06-28-2012, 09:35 PM   #324
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thanks y'all, it was a blast. wake turbulence isn't so bad as long as you know what to do if you encounter it. i've been flipped upside down from mountain eddy currents before. kinda similar.

Originally Posted by zippyt View Post
Verry Cool , witch track is new ??
that one right there! no! next to that one! no not that one, the other one!
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Last edited by plthijinx; 06-28-2012 at 09:41 PM. Reason: added before pic
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Old 06-28-2012, 10:24 PM   #325
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Oh i see that one right there ,
over behind that other one ,
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Old 06-29-2012, 06:28 AM   #326
Doctor Wtf
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That lighter-coloured track looks NUTSO FUN!
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Old 06-29-2012, 08:01 AM   #327
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I totally guessed the wrong track was the new one. I thought it was the roughly triangular shaped track.

That sounds way too stressful for me. It looks like you were right in the flight path of the airport. Gah!
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Old 06-29-2012, 08:35 AM   #328
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I've been away for a few days.

I went with my son's Webelos den to scout camp in the mountains of Virginia. It was a crazy experience. Lots of mahem and boys being boys running around and yelling and having fun. It was a blast.

This is Goshen Virginia. It's owned by the National Capitol Area Council of the Boy Scouts. The land was purchased decades ago by the heiress of the Post cereal company and donated to the Boy Scouts.

So here's where I slept for 3 nights. It was freaking cold at night, and there was little to keep the bugs out. But they weren't bad at all. My tent mate had to leave after the first night, so I got a tent to myself for the last two nights.
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This was the swim area. Very scenic. In the time I was there, there was only swimming on the first day, and that was just to pass the swim test. The other days, we were busy with other activities. My son is still there, and it's supposed to hit 100, so they better let the kids go swimming today.
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Here's the dining hall. What a freaking zoo! The food wasn't bad, but it was so loud and crowded. Almost 300 people there this week. All eating at once. Since we went to the dining hall 3 times a day, it was a big part of the experience.
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Tuesday, we went for a hike in the morning. It was supposed to be a mile long, but was actually 5 miles long. We got some bad information from the leaders, and I felt bad because I brought water, but no snacks for the kids I was responsible for. Oh well. Very nice hike though.
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Old 06-29-2012, 08:37 AM   #329
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That afternoon, the kids did archery and BB guns. Our den went last, and there were extra slots, so I got to shoot a BB gun for about 5 minutes. I hadn't shot one in 30 years, and had never shot from a prone position. it was really uncomfortable and felt all wrong. But looking at the pictures my son took of me, I can see that I should have been lying at a slight angle to the target instead of facing it directly. That would have fixed everything. Next time. (I still got several bulls eyes.)
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This was our fishing spot. We spent two evenings here after dinner. It was spectacular and so quiet and peaceful, and the setting sun lit up the distant mountain range beautifully.
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The morning before I had to leave, we did a hike up to the top of the mountains you can see from the fishing spot. There's a nice viewing rock up there. What you can't see in this picture is the 300 other people who had hiked up there that same morning.
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I enjoyed this scout camp a lot, and was sorry to go, but it's clear that it's a lot more fun to do things as just our den of 12 boys than to be thrown in with a group of 300. But the benefit of the large group is all the activities that they have for you.
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Old 06-29-2012, 03:14 PM   #330
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
I totally guessed the wrong track was the new one. I thought it was the roughly triangular shaped track.

That sounds way too stressful for me. It looks like you were right in the flight path of the airport. Gah!
that's the original track. reason it looks so dark is it gets 2 coats of tar seal every year. the new one is just plain asphalt without sealant.

@zen: yeah that's the half mile track (the other two are a quarter mile). it's loads of fun unless you work there! people can't seem to stay on the track so you have to go out there and get them going again. the one's that do it on purpose get booted back over to the "kiddie track" as we called it

Glatt? that looked like a blast! i bet y'all had a large time! great pics dude!
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