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Old 09-15-2006, 10:41 PM   #676
The future is unwritten
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You know, Elspode...I think DiVine wanted to climb all over the Rock man.

Wolf, I wouldn't drink any of that beer, it looked like they broke some glass on at least some of them.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 09-16-2006, 05:04 AM   #677
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Opening beer bottles...with a helicopter.
From the starting point
Male commentator (MC): Moving towards the 1st beer bottle
at a distance of 100 m
[opens first bottle]
Next a distance of 50 m away is the 2nd beer bottle
Positioned directly on top of the target
Will he do it smoothly?
Female commentator (FC): I can feel that he wants to open it quickly
MC: Yes, he's gone into the level of psychological warfare already
How's the 2nd bottle!
He renews his resolve (sorts out his feelings)
Aims at the bottle...
[breaks 2nd bottle]
There seems to been a little accident!
Voiceover: Let's see what happened just now
The bottleopener overshoot the top of the bottle,
breaking the glass
So, this bottle does not count (towards the points)
MC: Jim renews his resolves
And try to open the 2nd bottle
Slowly getting closer
He's in position
Will it open?
It's open!
The second bottle successful!
FC: It was so quick this time
MC: Yeah, so fast!
Audience #1: Seems to have gotten the hang of it
Audience #2: Yeah
FC: He learns so fast
MC: Yeah
He positions himself anew
Towards the 3rd bottle
Slowly getting closer the 3rd bottle
He's already opened 2 bottles
There's only a minute and a half left
How is it? the 3rd bottle
[3rd bottle opens]
Success! It's open!
Voiceover: Let's see the moment he opened the bottle
Jim bravely uses the grip of the opener to open the bottle
On this point he is not breaking the rules
MC: Miss Saito, so there's such a technique
FC: Yes there is, it's very smart, there's all kinds of techniques
MC: He's opened 3 bottles and there's still a minute left
Towards the challenge of 4th bottle
Aiming from above, Gathering concentration...
He succeeds with the 4th bottle!
FC: That's amazing
MC: Really amazing, so fast! Aoyama can only gape (laugh bitterly?)
The speed is now getting faster
Although he had a small accident, he's already opened 4 bottles
It's going pretty smoothly
Okay, the 5th bottle
There's less than 30 seconds left
The challenge of the 5th bottle...
It slide off
There's less than 15 seconds...
He's still aiming, Jim is still aiming
The fifth bottle... success!
He's opened the 5th bottle!
Can he continue??
The timer's going to... STOP! Time up!

He's succeeded in opening 5 bottles
Although there was a small accident but on the whole it was a success
Opponent: The speed at the end was really fast
He really got used to it
It should be because he was learning
Before you can turn he has opened so many
It was a real sight to see
I can only do my best then
The wind seems to be getting stronger
Voiceover: The Japanese representative Aoyama is finally facing up to the challenge
Aoyama gets his spirit up
But God doesn't seem to be helping
Suddenly, the wind blows stronger at 6m/hr
The wind direction is unsure
In this difficult situation
Can Aoyama exceed Jim's record of 5 bottles?
MC: The Japanese representative finally takes off
Miss Saito, Aoyama has lift off
FC: Yes, good luck to him, I hope he can exploit his potential
Being the last, the pressure is greater on him
Hopefully he's perform well
MC: What's special about Aoyama's model?
FC: Although his turn is smaller, it is easier to be affected by the wind
MC: But the wind has turned stronger!
FC: Yes, it has
Hopefully he won't lose to this wind
Good luck
MC: This is Miss Saito's analysis
The Japanese representative has reached the starting point
We will start soon
At the moment, Jim's record is 5 bottles
Can Aoyama break this record?
The race begins!
He speedily flies to the front of the 1st bottle
FC: Flying straight isn't that easy
MC: Oh, is that right?
FC: Looks easy but isn't. You need to get a grasp of the distance
MC: Here it comes! He flies straight to the front of the 1st bottle
How is it? Just now it struck across
FC: It's so exciting
MC: Yes, let's grasp the distance... How is it?
Slowly getting closer, Slowly getting closer...
He opens it! Success
FC: Oh, I'm so happy!
MC: So fast!
(Something unexpected to Aoyama!)
[Show returns]
Jim: OK Number 1
Voiceover: It's expected for a world champion, opening the 1st bottle 28 sec faster than Jim
He's flying towards the 2nd bottle
MC: Miss Saito, this first task can considered a success, right?
FC: Yes, I'm so happy, I hope he can continue with the same showing
MC: Yes, he's already opened the 1st bottle, now onto the 2nd
The Japanese representative Aoyama!
Looks like it's starting to shake (to and fro)
FC: Yes, he's affected by the wind, It's shaking quite hard
MC: He faces up to the challenge in this difficult weather condition
Success! It's open!
FC: I'm so happy!
MC: He begins the challenge of the 3rd bottle
Jim's record is 5 bottles, Aoyama has opened 2 bottles up til now
His speed is very fast
He gets nearer the 3rd bottle
He backs away a bit
And starts to get closer again
MC: Miss Saito, it looks like it's shaking up and down this time
FC: Yeah, it should be because of the wind
I feel this wind's direction is changing
MC: So that's what it is, it is'nt very stable
And just now Jim's wind speed was at 3m and it's already 6m now
FC: I feel it's a little stronger than 6m now
MC: The conditions are getting worse now
Towards the 3rd bottle!
Can't target, can't target
There's still a lot of time
Getting nearer to the 3rd bottle... how...
Getting nearer from the side
With Jim observing Aoyama's 3rd bottle
The Japanese representative... succeeds!
FC: It sure wasn't easy under these circumstances
Voiceover: Under these conditions, Aoyama bravely, with the thirst to win. Like Jim he makes use of the foot of the grip and opens the bottle from the side
MC: There's less than 1 minute left
He needs to fight with the time now
Jim's record is 5, Aoyama's opened 3 for now, there's still 2 bottles left!
The 4th bottle
He needs to move quickly and attack from the side
How is it... Oh no!
FC: That was too bad
MC: Let's try again, how is it... no, he's struck across
He needs to get a grip on it
There's not much time
How's it... the 4th bottle, success!
There's still one more, faster!
There's still 15 sec left, he'll need to open one more bottle
Can he succeed? Good luck!
Jim's starting to countdown
Less than 10 sec
Can the Japanese representative Aoyama open the last bottle?
One more try, last chance
Time's up! Oh, this is too bad.
[opens 5th bottle]
He only opens it now!
FC: Oh but it was already very difficult under these conditions
In the end, American representative Jim wins
The Japanese representative's record is 4 bottles
World champion Aoyama missed by 3 seconds
(Thought bubble: It was too bad just now
Thanks, thanks Aoyama, that was a great contest, 3 seconds, close)
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Old 09-16-2006, 02:10 PM   #678
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The best video I've ever seen. I didn't know weather to cry or cream my jeans. never the less, safe for work. (Unless you work in Milwaukee's Beast brewery)
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Old 09-17-2006, 09:17 AM   #679
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Old 09-17-2006, 10:19 AM   #680
The future is unwritten
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Wow, ashke, maybe that's how SteveDallas stays fit.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 09-17-2006, 11:40 AM   #681
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Originally Posted by Elspode
Those people are really neat in person.. the walking trees/plants were from the San Diego Zoo.. very cool
Kiss my white Irish ass.
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Old 09-17-2006, 06:42 PM   #682
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The marching band piece was absolutely brilliant! How the hell did they manage to play so well with all the running about, knees bent behavior?
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Old 09-17-2006, 07:12 PM   #683
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Originally Posted by Elspode
The marching band piece was absolutely brilliant! How the hell did they manage to play so well with all the running about, knees bent behavior?
Heheh, I have no idea but the musically-obsessed friend who showed it to me was going "Mad, mad!" and was telling me how difficult the piece was.

This seems to be the show they're performing for Blast!

Born on athletic fields across the nation, Blast! is a novel art form evolved from the showmanship of outdoor pageantry. A unique experience, Blast! explodes the genre with the artistry of the theatre. It is musical spectacle; it is music in motion. Described by Richard Christiansen of the Chicago Tribune, ‘Blast!’ And a truer word was never spoken. A terrific good time … explosive entertainment. It is indeed a blast.”
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Old 09-17-2006, 09:24 PM   #684
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I saw this earlier and thought of Blast. i stumbled on it looking for versions of Ravel's Bolero. Here is theirs. At first I wondered if they were "air playing". That is some serious cardiovascular shit. And a great performance of the piece.

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Old 09-17-2006, 09:30 PM   #685
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Of course nothing beats the Kodo drummers live. They are ripped. insane, livin on an island drumming lifestyle while we're just dubbin' around.

teeny tiny taste:
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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Old 09-17-2006, 09:35 PM   #686
The future is unwritten
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Excellent, 3foot.
Bolero huh....find yourself a "10" did you?
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 09-18-2006, 03:57 PM   #687
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Excellent, 3foot.
Bolero huh....find yourself a "10" did you?
Yeah, Rosy Palmer has a twin sister! That makes 10.
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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Old 09-18-2006, 07:37 PM   #688
The future is unwritten
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But that clip is 5 minutes long. What did you do with the other 4 minutes?
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 09-18-2006, 07:38 PM   #689
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4:45, but who's counting?
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Old 09-19-2006, 11:08 AM   #690
barefoot serpent
go ahead, abbrev. it
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Dude, are you sure you plugged it in?

... before plugging it for good.
Chooses rowing vs. wading
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