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Old 09-29-2012, 05:51 AM   #61
still says videotape
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I think the assumption of evil intent by each side in the voter ID argument is interesting. It is most likely true on both sides. Republicans do want to disenfranchise the poor who won't have photo ID. They think they can absorb the collateral damage of old timers whose drivers licenses are expired, because they will be known at their polling station and not challenged. My Dad, a GOP voter, was in that position, it took an entire Saturday and a trip to Dunmore to get him an ID because my county in PA does picture ID's for limited hours once a week on Thursdays. Not exactly helpful to someone who needs a ride. Two evil parties, we have them. This time Obama is closer to the center and less evil so I may vote for him. The big issue coming is attacking Iran, unfortunately Obama has been seduced by power so either way we're bombing.
If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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Old 09-29-2012, 05:54 AM   #62
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What's with all the racism, Bruce? You must be a Democrat!

Where did Reagan describe this "welfare" belief? I just ask, because you're full of shit.

When Reagan was running for re-election, he had a commercial with the theme of:

"Morning in America"

And in it, his accomplishments over the last four years were listed:
lower unemployment, lower interest rates, more jobs, etc.

Like Obama, Reagan took over when the economy was in a serious recession. Still, after less than four years, he had a very substantial recovery underway, and a stronger country, overall -- by any measure.

Now we see Obama, in a similar situation. Except he has NOTHING but cherry picked numbers to talk about, and almost NOTHING substantial in a recovery - despite spending Trillions of dollars on his plans. By his OWN statements, earlier in his term, his economic plans have been a failure, in every way possible.

1) Our unemployment rate is a failure, according to Obama.

2) Our job creation number (a negative net number, btw), is an obvious failure, according to Obama.

3) Our national debt and balance of trade, is a failure and "unpatriotic" according to Obama.

What ARE his successes?

1) Gays allowed to serve in the military -- long overdue, but Bush wouldn't have done it, so well done, Obama.

2) Michelle's better eating campaign - although I note that HER child goes to a private school - and serves Pizza (cheese or pepperoni), in the school cafeteria. (true, but just a bit of humor)
     Reagan:                            Obama:
"Morning in America"               "Mourning in America"
All I hear from Obama is cherry picked numbers, and platitudes about what he WILL do! But I've already SEEN what he will do -- and it's just more of the same crap that hasn't worked for the last 3 1/2 years!

Do you REALLY want four more years of these failures?
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:36 AM   #63
infinite monkey
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Where do you live that you need photo id to get a library card, adak? Here you fill out your info, get a card. Of course, a 'public' library reeks of socialism...the idea that any bum off the street can read a book? Hmmmph.

But it was a lovely little speech, cherry picking aside.
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Old 09-29-2012, 10:15 AM   #64
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Everything old is new again. In the 60's they used money, guns, and lawyers (Zevon) for intimidation. In the 2010's it's just money and lawyers.

Exercise your rights and remember your obligations - VOTE!
I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting. -- Barack Hussein Obama
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Old 09-29-2012, 11:17 AM   #65
The future is unwritten
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
Where did Reagan describe this "welfare" belief? I just ask, because you're full of shit.
Is that so, well I'm old enough to remember it well, but that's not good enough so;
And when you're done with those I've got a whole lot more.

When Reagan was running for re-election, he had a commercial with the theme of:

"Morning in America"

And in it, his accomplishments over the last four years were listed:
lower unemployment, lower interest rates, more jobs, etc.
Last four? What about the first four if you're going to compare Reagan with Obama... Mr cherry picker.
Like Obama, Reagan took over when the economy was in a serious recession. Still, after less than four years, he had a very substantial recovery underway, and a stronger country, overall -- by any measure.
Yes he did, raising taxes in 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987.
Sure makes it a lot easier when you can raise taxes 5 times AND the loyal opposition actually cared about America instead of their rich Patróns.
Now we see Obama, in a similar situation. Except he has NOTHING but cherry picked numbers to talk about, and almost NOTHING substantial in a recovery - despite spending Trillions of dollars on his plans. By his OWN statements, earlier in his term, his economic plans have been a failure, in every way possible.
Thank you for the view of the uninformed.
1) Our unemployment rate is a failure, according to Obama.

2) Our job creation number (a negative net number, btw), is an obvious failure, according to Obama.

3) Our national debt and balance of trade, is a failure and "unpatriotic" according to Obama.
I'm sure you're shaken to the roots hearing a politician speak honestly, candidly, about the progress of recovery. You certainly don't from Romney, Boehner, or Ryan.
You seem to have trouble distinguishing between Obama's plans and what Congress actually enacted. Like mom making a balanced meal and the spoiled brats only eating dessert.
What ARE his successes?

1) Gays allowed to serve in the military -- long overdue, but Bush wouldn't have done it, so well done, Obama.

2) Michelle's better eating campaign - although I note that HER child goes to a private school - and serves Pizza (cheese or pepperoni), in the school cafeteria. (true, but just a bit of humor)
For starters, we could add;
Getting out of Iraq.
Improving America's image abroad.
Passing health-care reform.
Getting Osama bin Laden.
Preventing a depression.
Won the Nobel Peace Prize. (true, but just a bit of humor)
And here's a list of a couple hundred more.
All I hear from Obama is cherry picked numbers, and platitudes about what he WILL do! But I've already SEEN what he will do -- and it's just more of the same crap that hasn't worked for the last 3 1/2 years!
Liar, liar, pants on fire! I've never, ever, heard Obama say HE was going to do any of those things. I've heard him say His/Democrats, plans/goals are such and such, but since you were sleeping in high school civics, the president really can't do much because congress makes laws and controls the purse strings.

Do you REALLY want four more years of these failures?

Honestly, I've been disappointed in Obama's first term. I did know he was more center-left than most of his supporters believed. I'm glad he didn't go crazy trying to jam a whole lot of change at once, which would never fly.
My gut feeling, and it's just that, is after the last campaign whipped the public into such a frenzy almost 62% bothered to vote, he felt he would get more help from the public pressuring Congress to support his plans. Like I said, it's just my gut feeling, but if that's true, he hadn't seen the mid-season TV schedule. I mean who cares about government when Superstars of Dance or American Idol is on.

From the depression to Reagan, the tri-lateral commission (government, labor, and the 1%) kept everything in balance, not letting power swing too far in any direction. But since 1980 I've seen labor decimated causing real wages to decline, Congress bought by K Street, lock, stock, and barrel, and the 1% play the "Global Economy" card to put themselves back in power.

I honestly believe this election is the last stand against a power grab that we peons may never recover from. Mainly because unlike the Robber Barons of old, the current 1% don't give a shit about the country.

And it's not Romney so much, he's just a hey-look-over-here, the Congressional elections is where karl Rove & Co is directing their efforts. Well that and electronic voting machines. haven't heard much about them but I doubt they are any more secure than they have been.

So that's why Moi, a lifelong independent who even voted for Nixon and Bush (first terms only), is strongly supporting Obama...

and maybe Hillary in '16.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 09-29-2012, 12:01 PM   #66
Pico and ME
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Damn. Great post, Bruce.

You need your own talk show. You would have a million fans.
Jesse LaGreca in 2012

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Old 09-29-2012, 12:33 PM   #67
We have to go back, Kate!
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Yeah, that was awesome.
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Old 09-29-2012, 12:44 PM   #68
The future is unwritten
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Probably get death threats and my peonies trampled. But thank you.
Adak's a problem because instead of the crazy right wing zealots you see on the web, his posts sound rational. It's only when you get into the facts that they fall apart.

A friend of mine has a couple girlfriends she shops and walks with, who are tea partiers. They send her a constant flow of right wing emails, which she passes along. Half of them are lunatic scary, a quarter make sense if you just accept the facts as they state them, and a quarter you have to do some semi-serious research to find the flaws.

Those are the ones with links that back up the statements, but from dubious web sites. Then they'll say "Snopes says it's true" with a link to Snopes where it says it's false. They're counting on people being to lazy to click the link (maybe at work seeing the dozens of addresses attached), and just forward.

I got one yesterday that complained soldiers only get half pay when they retire after 20 years. I accepted that without checking, and believe it's a possibly legitimate complaint. Even full after 20, at 40 to 45, I don't want the job.
But the next statement was congressmen get full pay for life after one term. What? I know that's complete bullshit, but I've seen it written many times before, and probably these clowns believe it.

Next, to reinforce sympathy for the first statement, is a picture of a Marine that was really fucked up, blown up and burned, but alive. The kind of picture that puts a lump in the most dispassionate throat.
Obviously this Marine has nothing to do with retirement pay plea, he's a 100% disability case right now. Maybe disability just moves the same pay from 20 years to now? But if that's the case, say so, because it makes the whole thing sleazy otherwise.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 09-29-2012, 01:23 PM   #69
Master Dwellar
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Adak's a problem because instead of the crazy right wing zealots you see on the web, his posts sound rational. It's only when you get into the facts that they fall apart....
I believe this is part of the job description for most of the "reporters" on Fox.

Thanks for this post Bruce. Facts are nice to see. :-)
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Old 09-29-2012, 04:13 PM   #70
Franklin Pierce
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
Bottom line is, nearly EVERYONE has a valid photo ID.
Not true. I'm guessing you don't live in an large urban area?
I like my perspectives like I like my baseball caps: one size fits all.
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Old 09-29-2012, 05:03 PM   #71
Doctor Wtf
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From the depression to Reagan, the tri-lateral commission (government, labor, and the 1%) kept everything in balance, not letting power swing too far in any direction. But since 1980 I've seen labor decimated causing real wages to decline, Congress bought by K Street, lock, stock, and barrel, and the 1% play the "Global Economy" card to put themselves back in power.

I honestly believe this election is the last stand against a power grab that we peons may never recover from. Mainly because unlike the Robber Barons of old, the current 1% don't give a shit about the country.
Bruce can be grouchy at times, but he sees things very clearly, and if we all saw what was going on this clearly, we'd all be grouchy too. Bloody angry, in fact.

The present global situation is similar to the middle stages of the Roman empire, as the plutocrats eroded the republic and gained total control. Social demoralisation followed, and the Roman world became so brittle that a handful of barbarians was enough to destroy it. That is the future I fear.

Adak, although I disagree with 80% of what you say, please, keep it coming. Really. I like the cellar because it gives me a window into the way US folks are thinking, and with Merc on Hiatus, you're the chief republican spokesman here right now.
Shut up and hug. MoreThanPretty, Nov 5, 2008.
Just because I'm nominally polite, does not make me a pussy. Sundae Girl.
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Old 09-29-2012, 08:23 PM   #72
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Boehner is not the problem. He saw the problem early. How often he made deals with Obama to only have it yanked out from under him by extremists - especially Cantor. How many times have so many Democrats and Republicans complained that Cantor should not even be in that room? How many long time most conservative Republicans (Simpson, Dole, Lugar, Gramm, Grassley, etc) complain about the extremism in their own party that is so destructive? Again, point to its best example - Cantor. Whose political objectives are quite clear - to make America fail.

How many times has Boehner made a deal to make American great? And then have Cantor yank it out from under him? Routinely. Cantor believes America will restore George Jr extremists if he makes America fail. Boehner is but another victim.
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Old 09-30-2012, 12:32 AM   #73
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For Boehner to go, the Republicans would have to loose control of the house.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 09-30-2012, 06:32 AM   #74
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I think Adak IS merc.


same vitriol, same personal attacks, same yelling-sort of painting everyone with the same brush.

It all seems so very familiar.
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"Shall I give you a kiss?" Peter asked and, jerking an acorn button off his coat, solemnly presented it to her.
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Old 09-30-2012, 07:25 AM   #75
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But Adak was registered way before Merc left.
I don't think of Merc as that sneaky - he had a more bull-at-a-gate style to life.
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