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Old 08-29-2013, 01:50 PM   #1
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Marijuana use legal, Feds will not prosecute

Obama administration to allow recreational marijuana laws to stand

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration announced Thursday a limited pullback on federal enforcement of marijuana, saying it will not interfere with new state laws that permit recreational use of marijuana.

The Justice Department said it will not seek to veto new state laws in Colorado and Washington that legalize the recreational use of marijuana, and it will not bring federal prosecutions against dispensaries or businesses that sell small amounts of marijuana to adults.

A department official stressed, however, that marijuana remains illegal under federal law, and that U.S. prosecutors will continue to aggressively enforce the law against those who sell marijuana to minors and to criminal gangs that are involved in drug trafficking.
This is a **BIG DEAL** here in Washington. Uncertainty about how the federal authorities would respond to people engaging in activity recently deemed legal under state law but still in conflict with federal law has been responsible for stalling action by local and state authorities and by citizens interested in partaking, if you will, as customers or as entrepreneurs. With this announcement, the fear of prosecution has been eliminated, and those with plans can proceed. Not everyone, not every city or county in Washington wants legal pot consumption and commerce in their locality. Some places have instituted moratoria on these activities, but in my mind, they're simply favoring black market trade in marijuana. One of the main arguments during the election was to legalize, and tax, production and consumption of marijuana. No taxes can be collected on a local score, right?

Still, this announcement represents a further step toward the end of prohibition, and a big one at that.
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Old 08-29-2013, 02:10 PM   #2
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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They've also banned credit card companies from working with dispensaries, and warned off armored truck companies from taking them on as clients, apparently in a bid to make them attractive targets of crime, to justify cracking down on them in the future.

So, if you're hopeful, be cautiously hopeful.
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Old 08-29-2013, 02:30 PM   #3
The Un-Tuckian
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...that sell small amounts of marijuana to adults.
What's a "small amount" amount to? A gram is a small amount. But, what about a gram a day for a month? A year?


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Old 08-29-2013, 02:36 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Gravdigr View Post
What's a "small amount" amount to? A gram is a small amount. But, what about a gram a day for a month? A year?

Possession of up to an ounce by adults is legal. Not sure of the timeframe. How long does it take to consume an ounce of marijuana? How much does an ounce cost?
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Old 08-29-2013, 03:03 PM   #5
The Un-Tuckian
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3 days/$70

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Old 08-29-2013, 03:49 PM   #6
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Damn, that much? That is an expensive fucking habit. Makes me glad I only binge on sushi.
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Old 08-29-2013, 03:51 PM   #7
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In other news, my brother is apparently going to California to work on a medical marijuana farm for a month. I don't know what they're paying him, cash or in-kind, but either way I can't imagine it will be enough to make it worthwhile.
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Old 08-29-2013, 04:27 PM   #8
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In kind heh heh
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Old 08-29-2013, 04:51 PM   #9
Perry Winkle
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Interesting. I'll be in the Seattle area (Maple Valley or something) Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Will have to try some. I'm one of those losers who has never smoked because it's illegal. Doc says it'd be good for my anxiety.

BTW, BigV, sushi, pho, something? I'll have wheels so I don't have to waste away in the 'burbs.
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Old 08-29-2013, 05:57 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Gravdigr View Post
3 days/$70
he said ounce. not quarter.

christ man.

around here, a good quarter is 75-90. and ounce is 250 from a buddy.... and if you can smoke all of that in 3 days.... you're some kind of unemployed machine.

it used to take ....a person i knew very well until about 3 years ago.... about a 2.5 months to go through a QP. (1/4lb)[4oz]. and she would start around 7:30 with 2 bowls.... then maybe pack 2-3 more during the course of the night. I used to get that QP for $550, but we knew someone who knew someone pretty close to the top of the chain. We used to get 1/2lb and split it. A half a pound of buds fills up a freezer bag. It looks like a small throw pillow for your couch, but smells a LOT better.

Now, I can make a 1/4 oz last me 3-4 months. I use a one hitter though, and i'm a 2-3 hit max lightweight. I don't do it daily, either. maybe 1-2 times a week. It's SO much more enjoyable in moderation.

Clod, the hippies call the really good weed "Kind Buds"
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:26 PM   #11
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I'm sort of curious as to how this is going to work with employee drug testing. Even though it had absolutely nothing to do with impairment, employees who tested positive for marijuana use were in trouble because it is illegal. Now that it is legal in parts of this country, how will that affect someone in Illinois who tests positive and states that he spent the weekend in Seattle?
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Old 08-29-2013, 10:27 PM   #12
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I'm sure they can still fire you. Under previous law, you couldn't tell your employer that you tested positive because you took a vacation to Amsterdam. Peeing hot isn't illegal in and of itself. The employer has to make you sign something when you're hired that says you won't smoke pot and you consent to pee tests, then they fire you based on that.
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Old 08-29-2013, 11:41 PM   #13
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It's still illegal but they pinky-swear not to prosecute. So, yeah, that's great. Everybody go ahead and engage in this illegal activity.

Someday, maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but some ineviatble day, they will have a need to 'take somebody down' and guess what they can use? That illegal activity that they tricked you into thinking was okay.

The dystopian nightmare society is one in which everyone is always doing something illegal. The government vans can swoop in and grab you off the street--no questions asked. You are a criminal because EVERYBODY is a criminal. It's the ultimate god-trip power that a government can have.

So, no, not impressed. This is worse than just meaningless bullshit, this is misleading and manipulative.

It's ƒucking ILLEGAL or it's NOT.

They will not "bring federal prosecutions" ???

But they reserve the right to do so.

God have mercy on your soul if they decide you are a 'terrorist' AND you ILLEGALLY smoke pot. Because it is STILL ILLEGAL.
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Old 08-30-2013, 07:43 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by jimhelm View Post
around here, a good quarter is 75-90. and ounce is 250 from a buddy....
Yeah, my recent information is $55 for a 1/4 of not very good stuff. When I started in, oh let's say 1975, it $15/oz
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Old 08-30-2013, 07:55 AM   #15
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Kind of like how the cops can but don't arrest you for driving one mile per hour over the posted speed limit. What is the federal penalty for possession of one ounce of marijuana anyway? Be unimpressed, it is still a big deal announcement, a public announcement by the federal government. Despite your cynicism, you rely on the government to keep its word. That's why scandals like the nsa's extralegal spying is such a scandal in the first place. Because they do something they said they wouldn't do.

Regardless, you and I have no defense against being swept up, dope or no dope, witness stop and frisk. We just hope and expect them to respect our wishes and keep their word.
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