I went to Ikea today and figured out the easter story
One Sunday in Spring, Jesus and Mary-Mag went to IKEA and found a cartload of cheap storage and kitchenware. As they headed to the checkout they passed through the plant section where big frondy palms were on a great sale and Mary-Mag decided she wanted a couple of dozen to surround their little patio. Those in themselves were a cartload, but more perishable, so they left the furniture and went home with the palms. The following Friday, Mary-Mag decided it was time to go back for the furniture. The store was crazy busy and the parking lot overflowing and there were donkey jams everywhere. As yet another Ass spooked their donkey and stole the parking spot they had been waiting for, Jesus had had enough and yelled "Stick a nail in me, I'm done"
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart