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Old 03-07-2019, 04:24 AM   #31
Junior Master Dwellar
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Thanks for your video, plthi.

I know that the days of two VORs and an ADF are pretty much gone, but I was wondering what NAV fit you have.
Presumably a glass cockpit display with waypoints and all the other info needed in one place?
Do you still use paper charts of any description?

Hope you don't mind my asking!
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Old 03-07-2019, 10:25 AM   #32
The Un-Tuckian
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Radio link was prety cool. Reminds me of the days I was really into radio scanners. I'd hear pilot/tower comms and try to figure out just what in the hell those guys were saying. I could understand them just fine, but they may as well have been speaking a different language til I sort of assimilated the patois.

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Old 03-07-2019, 01:55 PM   #33
Master Dwellar
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Originally Posted by Carruthers View Post
Thanks for your video, plthi.

I know that the days of two VORs and an ADF are pretty much gone, but I was wondering what NAV fit you have.
Presumably a glass cockpit display with waypoints and all the other info needed in one place?
Do you still use paper charts of any description?

Hope you don't mind my asking!
Not at all, ask away!

VOR's are becoming a thing of the past but they are still in use and will be for some time to come probably. They have decommissioned some around the US already, though.

The navigation setup that we have on the Hawkers is GPS, VOR, and NDB via our FMS (flight navigation system). It incorporates almost all fixes, be them VOR, NDB, or GPS HOWEVER not all of them are capable of certain navigational functions such as the newer LPV approach. This requires an upgrade to the system. An LPV is a newer approach that makes the older non-precision GPS approach which only has horizontal guidance to the runway and makes it like an ILS approach in which WAAS (wide area augmentation system - it's ground based and works with the satellites for pin point accuracy) is utilized and enables the system to give both horizontal AND vertical guidance to the runway.

The two Hawkers I fly both have the Collins systems installed on them but they are not identical by any means and this is because of the two different models of the FMS's. They both do the same thing, but they have different ways of going about doing them, kind of like a Samsung phone vs. an LG. It's annoying.

As you can see in the pics, I fly a mostly analog panel with some "glass". The flight instruments are glass while all the engine and fuel monitoring, environmental are older analog (or steam gauges). It's an older system, but it works fine and gets the job done.
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Old 03-07-2019, 02:25 PM   #34
Junior Master Dwellar
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Many thanks, sir!

Your comments about VORs being withdrawn came as something of a surprise I must admit but I am somewhat out of touch.
I know that in the UK there is a program of withdrawal of NDBs but I now find that VORs are about to follow suit.
From a total of forty-four there'll be nineteen left by 2020. Times change...

Thanks also for the cockpit pics which have shed some light on the subject, so to speak.

All the best,


NATS VOR article.
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Old 03-07-2019, 10:47 PM   #35
Master Dwellar
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yes, they are being phased out but a lot of them are still being kept to aid in navigation in the event of gps outages.

from an article in the May 2018 AOPA magazine:
As of April, the FAA had discontinued 23 of the more than 300 ground-based navaids it plans to shut down by 2025 as more aircraft equip to fly performance-based navigation routings enabled by GPS. Selecting navaids for removal involves evaluating whether a navaid should be kept in service as part of the minimum operational network, which will serve as a backup system designed to ensure that an aircraft can navigate to an airport within 100 nautical miles of the navaid and shoot a VOR or ILS approach there in the event of a GPS service interruption.
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Old 03-07-2019, 10:50 PM   #36
Master Dwellar
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here is another vid from the two flights yesterday. This one is the take off from Lafayette La. back to Houston to pick up the pax for the second trip that afternoon.

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