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Old 10-13-2020, 09:16 AM   #31
Person who doesn't update the user title
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What Limey said again.
Annoy the ones that ignore you!!!
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Old 10-13-2020, 09:41 AM   #32
Mrs. Fargon
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Originally Posted by fargon View Post
What Limey said again.
Yes. But let me be more specific about what activities have caused the most irritation:

1. Giving a moments thought to any poster's sex/gender
2. Thinking that your age matters.
3. Necroing at last count 14 threads, some older than 10 years, not reading them for comprehension and getting the spirit/intent of them ALL WRONG.

This is my observation and others may have different ones.

On a personal note, I want to congratulate you on posting more in your short time here than I have in 15 years. My advice to you is to read more, post less.
Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.

Last edited by keryx; 10-13-2020 at 11:04 AM.
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Old 10-13-2020, 10:42 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
I used this one yesterday in real life, and thought of UT as I did it.

I've had long discussions based on that premise with my Dad. (He likes bluegrass, the poor fool)

And also with Spencer..... who rebutts it with how varied his taste in music is. And then we spun off talking about normalizing pressure and how TV shows set your expectation for family life and fashion and everything. It got deep.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
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Old 10-13-2020, 01:46 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by jaminhealth View Post
I have NOT had a allergy issue, cold, flu, and never a vaccine in probably 40 vits and supps don't work, oh YES they do.
I never take supplements. And have same health. Last time I remember taking an antibiotic was in 1974(?). That proves what? That taking no supplements creates even better health.

Your logic is classic junk science. Makes a conclusion only from selected reasons. And ignores other facts that dispute it such as me. Classic example of cherry picking. An example of how myths and lies are created. And then imposed on others who are not 'officer material'.

You do not way why? Nothing in chemistry or other science justifies that conclusion from wild speculation. You have simply done what we were all taught in elementary school science. A conclusions only from observation is classic junk science reasoning.

Those are facts. You observations can only be called possible symptoms or speculation. Nothing more. Same symptoms also proved that blood-letting saved people's lives. Just another example of your reasoning.

We know that people who take too much Vitamin C can have genetic damage. Happens even when only takes 1500 mg daily. But then science says that by also saying why - with numbers.

"Oh yes they do" - proven by no facts and no numbers. Another example of why my father so enjoyed manipulating people using junk science reasoning. Since your same reasoning also proved smoking cigarettes increases health. Same reasoning that also proved Saddam had WMDs. Clearly demonstrated: junk science is alive and well.
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Old 10-13-2020, 02:41 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by jaminhealth View Post
I've been treated so SHITTY here
When one attacks the person, that is unacceptable. Those mythical claims live a separate existence. When not supported by reasons why and with numbers, then claims deserve to be viciously attacked.

Attacking outright lies from junk science is never an attack on any person. But some people, for reasons that always escape me, somehow and foolishly attach themselves to that bogus claim. Every attack on those supplement claims are never an attack on you. And if you feel so, then you are the problem.

Posted was classic junk science. When another attacked you personally, he was repeatedly disparaged. Meanwhile, you have yet to post a single fact or number that says those supplement claims are credible. So those must be attacked viciously. Since such lies can cause others to die.

Why are facts ignored? 90% of contents of health food supplements were not what was listed on their label? Why do health food stored never need submit their products and claims to third party review or regulatory inspection? They are marketing to people most easily manipulated by lies. And that is legal. Those health conclusion are justified only by observation and wild speculation. Just like Saddam's WMDs.

So why do you ignore those facts? Where are any facts that dispute that well proven reality?

In Pakistan, he recorded a video where he told the children to stop moving and just lie on a sheet. One could watch the entire video where completely healthy kids were ordered to stop moving. He then labeled the video as children killed by polio vaccinations. Then people, who are not 'officer material', were rioting in streets three days later. Polio vaccinations were killing kids for the same reasons that supplements increase health.

The ignorant simply ignored that children were first told to stop moving. They worshipped the soundbyte conclusion. And then rioted. Same type reasoning also proves supplements work - when the stuff so often does not even have what is listed on its label.

Also in Pakistan, people now widely believe polio vaccinations are sterilizing kids. Another said polio vaccinations are poisoning people. Suddenly thousands of people were flooding each hospital daily claiming they or their kids had been poisoned. They knew they were dying. Claimed symptoms that proved so. Just like logic that proves supplements increase health.

Show me regulations that have inspected those supplements. And that proves it does those claims that you put forth. No such proof exists or will be posted. For the same reason you ignored what the Attorney General discovered. Junk science reasoning is called cherry picking. Scams are that easily promoted. And should be attacked viciously.

Those attacks on wacko extremist rhetoric never treated you shabbily. Others would be irresponsible for letting such junk science lies live unmolested. Unforunately you are not separating who you are from those claims that have no business surviving.

I expect to see you explain the "90% of health food supplements" were not what was on each bottle's label. Otherwise you must also attack those mythical supplement myths. You are expected to defend that other entity that is not you: claims about health food supplements. Instead you do even ignore that "90%" fact. That is irresponsible.

Do your own research. Well understood. Too much of any vitamin is toxic. Can result in organ failures such as kidney that must work overtime removing those toxic vitamin levels. Well proven by science. For same reasons, even too much liquorice might kill. "I feel it is true so it must be true" is classic junk science reasoning.

You health supplement claims cannot be treated shabbily enough. Because they were made without any valid reasoning. Were created only by emotions (as proven by supporting facts). And contradict well proven science.
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Old 10-13-2020, 08:47 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
When one attacks the person, that is unacceptable. Those mythical claims live a separate existence. When not supported by reasons why and with numbers, then claims deserve to be viciously attacked.

You health supplement claims cannot be treated shabbily enough. --snip.
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Old 10-14-2020, 06:16 AM   #37
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tw got this.
If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
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Old 10-14-2020, 06:19 AM   #38
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Yes he did.
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Old 10-14-2020, 07:09 AM   #39
We have to go back, Kate!
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Old 10-14-2020, 12:57 PM   #40
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tw and all NAYSAYERS: Nonsense Nonsense Nonsense

Last edited by jaminhealth; 10-14-2020 at 01:05 PM.
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Old 10-15-2020, 02:26 PM   #41
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I bet she said that with her fingers in her ears. Shaking her head and running around the room.Name:  willy_nilly.gif
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Old 10-15-2020, 02:34 PM   #42
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Her mind is made up, don't confuse her with facts.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 10-15-2020, 11:30 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by jaminhealth View Post
tw and all NAYSAYERS: Nonsense Nonsense Nonsense
And honest man says why. A child only denies. Please post always required facts and numbers that justify supplements.

You were openly challenged to explain what that Attorney General discovered on health food shelves. Silence only confirms that those health food claims are junk science. Not at all healthy. And marketed to consumers who are most easily scammed (are probably Trump supporters).

A credible recommendation explains why those bottles did not contain ingredients listed on labels. Silence is an admission that one was easily scammed.
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