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Old 02-06-2007, 08:58 PM   #16
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She is slowly getting her mind made up.

She's down to either the James Bond or RHPS themed wedding
No word on which Bond it is.
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Old 02-07-2007, 08:51 AM   #17
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I vote for RHPS....something about the groom being in a leather well.. fitting
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Old 02-07-2007, 09:10 PM   #18
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Brian, my wedding cost $120.00 just like Case's did, $75 of it being for the cake, and it still didn't work out. But that is irrelevant. If I could have been married by the Archbishop of Cantebury at a cost 1,000 times greater, the marriage still wouldn't have worked out any better.

That having been clarified, it is important for you to feel that you are really getting married instead of going to a circus. A wedding should be special enough that you will not think you are just a trained dog performing at the whim of another person who you dare not disobey. That does not bode well. Besides, what is special about being married in an assembly line and being just one more forgotten, faceless couple out of ten thousand others who got processed in that place? Honestly, what does that have to do with you? There are some really cool people in Texas who are authorized to perform wedding ceremonies who COULD make it really special if you take the time to find one of them. You could even be married at sunrise on the banks of the Rio Grande on the road to Albuquerque and ride off in a cortege of 18-wheelers decorated for the occasion. Heck, Brian, think about it some more. You're a really nice guy, you deserve to have this to be about YOU too.
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Old 02-07-2007, 09:28 PM   #19
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Weddings are now and always have been about the bride. The groom is just a bit player. I care not which form the wedding takes as long as I do not have to wear a corset and high heels. again.

I kind of like the Bond theme. But I want Connery. He was the one true Bond. In my opinion anyway. Bottom line: if SHE'S happy then *I* am happy. How many guys drag out the old wedding album among their friends anyway?
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Old 02-07-2007, 09:45 PM   #20
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That would be Bridezilla you're talking about?

Weddings are not all about the bride unless you make it that way. Is that the way you want to carry on with your partnership? Will she be in charge or will this be the ceremonial control you grant her and after that you're in charge?

Sorry to be so direct but... if you have so little care about your wedding ceremony, why are you bothering to get married? What is the purpose of marriage in your opinion?
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Old 02-08-2007, 02:55 AM   #21
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I agree with monster on this one mostly. I would have felt very hurt if my husband hadn't had any interest or wanted any say in our wedding. He played as big a part on the actual day as I did. The only thing I did more of was stuff to do with flowers and decorations even though he still had input before we made our final decision. I can't imagine doing it any other way.
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Old 02-11-2007, 04:30 PM   #22
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Congratulations, Brian.
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Last edited by xoxoxoBruce; 04-07-2007 at 05:47 PM.
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Old 02-22-2007, 06:44 PM   #23
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Ooops! She DID see this thread.

Now she won't wear a wedding dress in my truck, darnit!
Thanks a lot Bruce!

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Old 04-13-2007, 09:46 PM   #24
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Marriage date finally scheduled for the last week in August. The exact date is a secret from me but we will be vacationing in Las Vegas then and plan to marry there. And I think I've talked her out of Elvis at last.

We'll do something interesting though. Maybe we'll even have it broadcast on webcam or something for all the relations who cannot make it.

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Old 04-13-2007, 10:23 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by BrianR View Post

Marriage date finally scheduled for the last week in August. The exact date is a secret from me but we will be vacationing in Las Vegas then and plan to marry there. And I think I've talked her out of Elvis at last.

We'll do something interesting though. Maybe we'll even have it broadcast on webcam or something for all the relations who cannot make it.

Aw, man, you missed us by about a week. When are you leaving Vegas? BTW, as part of an Internet search I did run across a Vegas chapel that posts videos. Actually, most of them do, but this one was better than the other one I watched.
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Last edited by richlevy; 04-13-2007 at 10:34 PM.
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Old 04-14-2007, 04:56 AM   #26
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Thank you Rich, I will pass that website on to Mary. She will enjoy it I'm sure, as if she isn't overloaded with ideas already!
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Old 04-15-2007, 08:07 PM   #27
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One of my patient's son's was wed at the Little White Chapel in Vegas. They had a lovely video. My patient was thrilled that I was able to watch the video online.
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Old 04-16-2007, 10:42 AM   #28
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congratulations, Brian!

My fiance and I are just planning our wedding. My mom and I are doing most of the work (she and I both work part-time and he works full-time), but Daniel is very interested in the planning and we are including both of our tastes as much as we can. I wouldn't mind if he wasn't interested, but I would probably be annoyed if he didn't even make an effort to seem invested in it.

We joked around a lot about having an Elvis wedding, but we both do really want it to be a serious day. We're trying to put together a real celebration without spending too much money, and it's not easy! Much like to you, Brian.

Oh, and I don't understand the whole thing about who's in "control." It sounds like she's interested in planning the wedding and he isn't really, so why shouldn't she be in charge of it? Some guys act like if they let a woman make any decisions their dicks will shrivel up and fall off. Oh noes!
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Old 04-17-2007, 07:21 PM   #29
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Don't give her any more ammunition...

The reason she is doing a majority of the planning is that I am not at home to discuss things, view websites, pick out stationery etc.

I kinda like it this way, too. All I really need to do is get my tux out of the closet and have it cleaned and pressed. IIRC, the shirt and tie are new or only worn once. Close enough.

In the end, it's HER day. She will be displaying the pictures in a place of honor (I hope) on the Wall O' Pictures at the house. I want her to be proud of them, and not hiding them in the bathroom behind the door.

As for me, I let her deal with that stuff, I'm less sentimental and more practical. I wonder how much it will all weigh when we move again.

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Old 09-14-2007, 10:28 PM   #30
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She has chosen a date. Sorta.

Thanksgiving weekend-ish. Friday or Sunday. Probably. She has the chapel, hotel suite, dress, cake and champagne reception for relatives and any friends who make it.

I have to pay for it.

Ain't love grand?
Never be afraid to tell the world who you are. -- Anonymous
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