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View Poll Results: Do you own a gun?
Yes 27 42.86%
No 36 57.14%
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Old 05-07-2007, 06:22 PM   #301
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Originally Posted by Kingswood View Post
The problem is, not all gun owners are as careful as they should be.
Very true...that's why I can't agree with the argument that gun ownership makes everyone safer, including non-owners.

When I was 7 years old, the gun owner who lived in the apartment above us wasn't what I'd call careful--he kept his gun in his unlocked nightstand drawer. I know this because one day, two of his kids, not much older than me, decided it would be fun to sneak into dad's room and show the gun to me. Thank god it wasn't pointed at anyone or the trigger pulled.
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Old 05-07-2007, 06:38 PM   #302
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So your neighbor was an idiot is reason to tell 300,000,000 people they shouldn't have guns and only the other few million that are criminals will have them?
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Old 05-07-2007, 07:19 PM   #303
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I've never said that I'm in favor of banning guns. In fact, I've said that I'm fine with people owning guns, as long as they are responsible.
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Old 05-08-2007, 02:54 AM   #304
Franklin Pierce
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Originally Posted by Christopher Scum View Post
No, We will have to have hand guns. They are light wiegh and indetectable. The main reason not to throw down your guns is
the right to protect ourselves agaist our own fucked up leadership. It's happened throught History Time and Time again. It's due to happen here!
This is the first time in history where the weapon difference between the people and the leadership is so large, it is almost scary. A handgun would do nothing against a tank or anyone with body armor. Remember the LA (?) shooting where those two guys with AKs held off all those police officers for an insane amount of time. And what did the LA police do about it? They gave the police officers more powerful weapons.

To get to my point, handguns won't do shit against an opposing/our own army. And let’s be serious here for a second, if we do become a police/1984 state, who would seriously fight against it? I can't see many people actually doing anything about it and the few people that do fight would be dead very quickly.
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Old 05-09-2007, 07:22 PM   #305
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
So your neighbor was an idiot is reason to tell 300,000,000 people they shouldn't have guns and only the other few million that are criminals will have them?
Only idiots would violate the rights of millions for the irresponsibility of a relative few.
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:16 PM   #306
Urbane Guerrilla
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
Unbanning guns on campus will just make it worse. I do not trust many of the people on my campus, especially when drunk, and it will just create problems.

Banning guns on campus does not mean that someone will shoot up the campus, that is just stupid.
Pierce, you have a little problem with truth -- especially when you hear it from me, child.

I'd say transferring to a college in Utah would acquaint you personally with the truth of the matter.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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Old 05-11-2007, 05:17 PM   #307
Franklin Pierce
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Umm....what truth?

I live on one of the biggest campuses in the country. What do I not know?
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Old 05-14-2007, 08:25 PM   #308
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How in the heck did you do this?

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Old 05-14-2007, 08:40 PM   #309
Urbane Guerrilla
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
Umm....what truth?

I live on one of the biggest campuses in the country. What do I not know?

What don't you know? Practically everything.

Is it or is it not true that Utah doesn't forbid college students concealed carry and on campus? Is it or is it not true that Utah isn't having school shootings?

Was it or was it not true that the U of T at Austin tower's sniper, way back in the Sixties, was shot back at, and in quantity? Wanna guess how many lives were spared because the sniper had to keep his head down?

Banning guns on campus does not mean that someone will shoot up the campus, that is just stupid.
Contrariwise, is it or is it not true that by disarming students and faculty at Virginia Tech, the authorities created a hunting preserve for a crazy? Is it or is it not true that they couldn't stop him immediately at the beginning of his rampage? Is it or is it not true that the only one who killed the crazy was himself -- when he was durn good and well ready? No -- banning the guns meant exactly that somebody would shoot up the campus. Only a matter of time.

Are you living and studying in a hunting preserve?

Is any of this the desirable outcome?

It is not.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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Old 05-14-2007, 09:02 PM   #310
Franklin Pierce
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Last I heard Minnesota hasn't had a school shooting and legalizing guns on campus wouldn't have stopped the Texas shooting. He was in a tower with a sniper rifle, you are delusional.
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Old 05-14-2007, 09:18 PM   #311
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
Last I heard Minnesota hasn't had a school shooting and legalizing guns on campus wouldn't have stopped the Texas shooting. He was in a tower with a sniper rifle, you are delusional.
Yes. Red Lakes, but no one heard about it because it was an Indian Reservation.
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Old 05-14-2007, 09:35 PM   #312
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Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla View Post
The problem with the kind of strict gun control you find on college campuses is that it creates a hunting preserve for any crazy willing to defy the gun control.

Creating hunting preserves for crazies is just perverse -- and any advocation of it merits the most brutal and comprehensive of personal attacks and pointed questions as to the advocate's sanity, because what he's doing is asking that things be made easier for the bad guy. Anyone caught doing that should just do the mature thing and take his correction with good grace; he has, after all, stepped beyond the pale.

It has come to my attention that Utah, the one state in the union that does not prohibit keeping one's own guns on-campus, is also a state that's not had school shootings or near-shooting scrapes, not on college campuses anyway.

One article about it.

Hey, Chicken Little! Shut the f*ck up, ok? You're scaring the children, and pissing off the adults. "Hunting preserves for the crazies"?!?! Do you listen to yourself? Ever? You should stick that load of crap back up your ass so far you choke. *Everyone* would be better off. Including you.

Tens of thousands of campuses in this nation. All "hunting preserves for crazies", eh? Ah, no. The answer is no. Let's change "all" to "any"; are any of these campuses "hunting preserves for crazy people"? Still no, you loudmouth dumbass. You're spreading FUD, fear uncertainty and doubt. Fearmongering. Your logical constructions are gossamer smokescreens that obscure only your blind eyes.

Even Virginia Tech, where we have all witnessed this horrific mass murder does not rise the level of your hysterical raving hyperbole. It's a college campus. A school. People are getting shot All. The. Time. And in places that *do* allow guns, which leads you to what conclusion? Everywhere is a hunting preserve? BWAAK!

You weary me and sadden me. You should know better. You're an adult (putatively), who has apparently wasted the experiences of a lifetime to be able to know better. To think better, as you sometimes (rarely) demonstrate. It is posts like these that are most common, however. It is posts like these that reveal you to be such a comic figure. Edith Wharton nailed it: "You are intemperate, aggressive, disputatious, and extremely sensitive to adverse opinion", especially regarding gun control, Democrats, and those *stupid* people who oppose your point of view.

Especially the "stupidity" of others. We are not all stupid, UG, and, brace yourself, you are not all that smart.
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Old 05-14-2007, 09:54 PM   #313
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Darn, and I thought that what he said made some sense.
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Old 05-15-2007, 09:26 AM   #314
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It does make "some sense" but the hyperbole turns people off.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 05-15-2007, 10:48 AM   #315
Urbane Guerrilla
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Hunting preserves for crazies is hardly hyperbole -- especially not when it's happened, and how many times?

Your manner of thinking, V, will help you die very quickly, helplessly, and hopelessly should you ever be so unfortunate as to be caught up in something like this.

My way of thinking, on the other hand, offers you a hope of survival. That's why I'm the good guy.

And if you're not stupid, why aren't you talking smarter? Stupid's a good way to go to your death, but is it a good life? It's likely to mean a short one.

What I tell you is still right, for all that you don't want to hear it ever. Your post (#314) is the equivalent of shoving a finger into each ear until the tips meet and chanting "La la la" at the top of your lungs. Pro-gun, pro-self-defense viewpoints apparently reduce you to an extreme degree of childishness, which is both immoral and grotesque.

Don't be immoral and grotesque.

The gun controllers support not peace, though they promise it, nor freedom, though they promise that also. Instead, their actions perversely open the way to extra crime, episodes of genocide, and a free path to oppressive government. It's not even control: it's banning, and it buys mass abuse. Is that smart?

All these things come to pass when the people are stupid, or unduly cowed. That is why I reject gun control and <s>gun controllers</s> gun banners. [I wish this board supported the strikeout BBcode -- and ASCII coding of foreign characters with diacriticals.]
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.

Last edited by Urbane Guerrilla; 05-15-2007 at 10:59 AM.
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