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Old 11-29-2007, 05:12 PM   #91
Franklin Pierce
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Originally Posted by rkzenrage View Post
No, LJ chose to ignore the multiple times I stated that the tests were incorrect and that I don't believe that I am that intelligent and chose just to use that one small part of the statement to try to hurt me, which you are now doing too because you are exactly like him. Someone who uses something they know about someone to try to hurt them when you simply disagree with them instead of debating them with your intellect like a stand-up human being. The proof is clear, shown by your above action.
A good thing, now I know who you are.
And the "hilarious man, that was awesome" was so much different than what I did? I know mine was much more personal but you just took a small part of my post that could very easily be taken wrong and then tried to hurt my creditability by laughing at it with no backing on what you thought was wrong with my statement.

The reason LJ attacks you is not out of pure sport, but because you set yourself up for it. For example, you get very pissy when someone takes your words out of context or you have to repeat yourself but then you just go and do it to other people. If you wouldn't have said what you did, I would have never even thought about using that attack. I am not offended by what you said, just as I am sure you are not offended by what I said, but we can both agree of the frustration we both get when faced with a response such as that.

Sure, as long as you feel the same way about a white only school when someone wants one.
I will support a white-emphasis school when there is the need for one. Black-emphasis school's could have the possibility of significantly increasing the educational results of black children but there is nothing in comparison for white children.

Either way, if you want to go to a white-emphasis school you can send your kid's to a private school or move to the suburbs, there isn't much difference.

As long as we look at people as different based on their shade we will CAUSE this problem and will never be able to solve it with anything that continues that behavior.
Yes. But for any major changes to happen we need society to change and that will prove to be extremely difficult.
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Old 11-29-2007, 05:22 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by rkzenrage View Post
So, some cultures are less intelligent than others?
I never said anything about skin colour and intelligence or culture and intelligence. In fact if it were a matter of intelligence the children would be receiving special help anyway.
So ironic, because the most ignorant and lest educated people I know, by population, locally, here are light skinned. NO ONE wants to start any special programs or affirmative action for them... why is that?
Did you read my post about the fact the disruptive pupils in the series I watched were all white but one? I'm not going to pretend I know what percentage one in sixteen is, but it's a pretty overwhelming white majority. Would I like disruptive children to be put into a program that has a possibility of working, given they are failing in the current system? Hell yes.
By your logic, those who are the least educated here should have the affirmative action, right?
What? I have said (in agreement with other posters) that if you help children at an educational level - the same way you help children with problems in maths, reading etc - then you won't NEED to make allowances/ exceptions based on colour/ race/ culture at a later date.
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Old 11-29-2007, 06:55 PM   #93
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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Originally Posted by rkzenrage View Post
Sure, as long as you feel the same way about a white only school when someone wants one.
NOTE TO RKZENRAGE: A black-only school was not proposed. White-only schools are irrelevant.
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Old 11-29-2007, 11:44 PM   #94
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Are readin', writin' & 'rithmatic, black or white?
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Old 11-30-2007, 07:15 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
Race (black culture, call it what you will) is less of an issue in the UK than socio-economic status.
It's the same in the states, the difference is in the stats. There's probably a much higher correlation between color and social class here (because there is a VERY big correlation in the states). The problem is not their color, it's their moneys. Now, if you're poor, you have a good chance of being black. If you're black, you have a fantastic chance of being poor.

And rk, my initial reaction (and one that continued until about two days ago) was that this kind of segregation is a bad bad bad idea. It probably stemmed just from a negative association with the words "____-only schools." However, I've changed my mind for two reasons: first, the powers of segregation are not institutionalized really, but are self perpetuating (as piercehawk did a pretty good job of describing, saving me some typing), and second (and more importantly) is that the school will not actually be segregated in rule, just in content. The only way to change these socially stratifying forces is to give special attention to the group that is in need. It might not be "fair" to the rest of the world, but frankly I couldn't give a crap, we've got it alright and we can spare some money and time.

The main point is a large section of our society is getting crapped on from every direction. I could care less who's fault it is, or if someone deserves the help or not, I'd just be happier with a lower class that was more socially mobile... which was supposed to be the American dream.
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Old 11-30-2007, 07:46 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by rkzenrage View Post
Sure, as long as you feel the same way about a white only school when someone wants one.

They're not proposing a black-only school.
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Old 12-02-2007, 02:14 AM   #97
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I am not offended by what you said
You shouldn't be, it is accurate.
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Old 12-29-2007, 02:21 PM   #98
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Racism is not just a white thing, baby.
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Old 12-29-2007, 11:26 PM   #99
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Hate to say it, but here in the Mid-South, 90% of our public schools are black-only. Not a racist comment; a fact. My brother and I were the only whites on our bus (standing room only by the time it got to us), and that was 1974.
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