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Old 02-29-2008, 07:12 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by richlevy View Post
Are you talking about Stanley's Tavern in Wilmington, DE? I haven't been there in years.
Absolutely, grew up goin there - Its one of his favorite places. Nothin like your local watering hole to really make you feel at home, ya know.
I'm still having a hard time understanding what Navy personnel are doing at an FOB. I know that a lot of the aircraft are Navy, but doesn't the Air Force manage land bases?
They are doing all kinds of things, planning , logistics, training.... you name it. The stories he told me were amazing, insightful, frightening, sad and shocking. Hold on to yer hats - thats all I'm sayin'.
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Old 02-29-2008, 08:25 AM   #92
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Originally Posted by yesman065 View Post
They are doing all kinds of things, planning , logistics, training.... you name it. The stories he told me were amazing, insightful, frightening, sad and shocking. Hold on to yer hats - thats all I'm sayin'.
Many are FAC's, Logistics guys, and some are NAVSPECWARFARE. Anything that is considered Joint is going to have reps from all the services including OGA's. Everyone wants a piece of the action. It what people train their whole lives to do.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 03-02-2008, 10:40 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
That IED explosion is immense.
If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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Old 03-10-2008, 06:52 PM   #94
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Yon nails another one. This guy should get an award.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 03-17-2008, 07:24 AM   #95
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Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 2:19 AM

I have been on the "road" a lot here in the last couple of weeks. I
know you are having bad weather, sorry but we have no snow here just
sand, IED's, EFP's and a lot of crazy people with guns running around
here in Baghdad doing bad things. Some how, being back in the states
shoveling snow just doesn't seem that bad at all! I now have time to
send out some pictures from Iraq. Enjoy, relax, sit down in your
favorite chair and have a nice cold one for me!

"Logging air miles in Iraq"
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Old 03-17-2008, 07:27 AM   #96
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Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 12:49 PM

Well I hope you were able to enjoy the "March Madness" over the weekend. I had to go out and about over Baghdad to a FOB, (Forward Operating Base) for a mission. It looks nice but we have to fly low and quick, (we prefer to fly at night, but did not have time to do that on this trip) At this low of an altitude you got to remember, "If you can see them they can see you, so you got to be ready for you never know who you might come across up on a roof top!". I wonder if Santa Clause has to deal with this kind of issue. I'm sure he does alright once he blacks out Rudolph's nose !

"Just a hop, skip and jump across Baghdad"
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Old 03-17-2008, 07:38 AM   #97
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I know at times it can be a bit of a challenge when you have to drive home from work. You think about taking short cuts to avoid traffic and get home quicker. Well here in Baghdad there are some short cuts you just do not want to take. Good thing we don't have a couple of inches of snow to deal with. How good is "Crash" driving at night?

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Old 03-17-2008, 07:43 AM   #98
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Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 1:25 AM

I had to roll into Bayji, on Sunday, in the new "MWRAPS" that the army has. They are really nice! They can pretty much stop bullets, grenade, IED's and the RPG's. Not good against the EFP's (Explosive Formed Projectiles that shoot a 10,000 degree slug of molted metal coming at a velocity of 3,000 feet per second.) Now those EFP's are really nasty! You need to get one of these for "your sister" as her family vehicle, she can drive off road and go pretty much any where and beside, she really would not have to worry about being towed away for commercial tow trucks can not move them, especially when you lock up the transmission! Also it would be very hard for those stationary intersection camera's, to get a good picture of the driver due to the heavy blast glass installed! Crash would not have a problem pulling his boat out of the water with this beast! And best of all each one comes with your own personal portable anti-tank missile, you just got to try and avoid road rage when driving one!

"Out for a Sunday drive in Iraq!"
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Old 03-17-2008, 07:46 AM   #99
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Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 2:21 AM

Well I had to go out again over the wire and deep into the "red zone". I was up in the rail yard of Bayji Iraq on Sunday. This was the second
busiest yard in Iraq, after Baghdad. I went to get a look at what was
there and working along with IRR, (Iraqi Republic Railroad) personnel to evaluate and try to get those facilities running as much as we can. It was a interesting place for you have criminals, squatters and organized crime working out of it. We were able to get the Iraqi Army to help us set up security and start to take it back and properly secure it. It got a bit spooky at times when driving through "Sopranoville", the town of Bayji, to get to the railyard with all of those people looking at us. I know a lot of them were having very unpleasant thoughts about us, but that is OK for this is Iraq and..... "it is all good!" Well you just got to tighten up your body armor and hold your M-16/A4 close and just keep going, "rolling through Bayji". It was advised we stay mixed in with the rail cars or in among the buildings due to snipers. It made for a very very interesting and long day. Another day out and about in Iraq!

...Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!

"International Railroad Consultant"
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Old 03-22-2008, 06:02 PM   #100
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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A good article from the NYT.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 03-24-2008, 07:33 AM   #101
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date: Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 1:17 AM
subject Easter Egg Hunt in Baghdad....I don't think so!

I hope you and your family had a really good time doing the Easter Egg hunt. Well here today at first light the insurgent started a rocket
attack on us here in the Green Zone. It got a bit intense for they seem to be able to shoot in a tight pattern with their rockets. We had some damage. A couple of buildings got hit and it started a mild fire. They managed to get the fire out in about 3 hours, as of now it seems that no one was killed. I don't think the Easter bunny will be stopping by my hooch here in Baghdad. I did not find any hidden Easter Eggs in my bunker this morning either, but "it is all good" for this is Baghdad Iraq!

Hope you are able to relax and enjoy your Easter meal, at a nice table, and just enjoy life!

"Still looking for that Bunny"
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Old 03-25-2008, 07:33 AM   #102
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date Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 3:42 AM
subject A rough Easter Sunday! all day event!

Well Easter Sunday started off at first light with a rocket attack here
in the Green Zone. They came really close to me and my area, I spent @ a hour in my bunker hearing the rockers pound the complex. It was a bit spooky for I could hear the rockets striking in groups of 2-3 in one area and than more off to another area and striking again in groups of 2-3. The patterns were all pretty tight and they were definitely going after a specific target. Well during the day we had 4 separate attacks.

Starting at 06:00 am and the last one was at 8:00 pm. I was in my bunker for 3 of them and the other one I was at the embassy for the attack. In the end, there were 2 American soldiers wounded, several vehicles destroyed, couple building hits and a petroleum fire started. It was pretty intense! I started out in the morning with myself and one other solider going to the bunker, by the last rocket attack, 8:00 pm, I was in my bunker and now there are 16 other soldiers who now come to my bunker. Well we do not turn any fellow soldiers away no matter how many show up, so we all make room for whoever needs to get in. I guess I am getting popular!

On the down side, I saw the next morning that we had a few people who got really rattled and seem to be "shell shocked". We try to talk to them and let them know that these types of attacks happen for you are in a war zone in down town Baghdad surrounded on all sides by @ 8 million Iraqi who wish you harm and really do not like you and you have to just deal with it! You got to take precautions in your movements in the area and increase your situational awareness, (SA), of what is going on around you at all times! All of these people are pretty new here and have many more months to go so you try to get them to relax or else they will burn out!

One of the fellows was talking to one of his men and giving him the
"Baghdad spin"......You can not take killing or getting killed personally for it is an everyday thing in here need to take precautions for yourself and your buddy, but when it is your time to go, it is time to go...this is Baghdad..."it is all good". (a very different perspective on things!!! a strange view of things in the Army, but this is Baghdad.)

Well it made for a long busy Easter, no bunny showed up and we had no egg hunt. I hope yours was a lot better!

" egg hunt!"
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Old 03-28-2008, 07:26 AM   #103
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Baghdad is raining rockets!

date Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 4:06 AM
subject Baghdad is raining rockets!

Well it has been really busy here in Baghdad since Easter. We have been under rocket attack every day, except Tuesday the 24, by the insurgents. Unfortunately we had 2 Americans killed here so far. We have had @ 10 people injured. When you get "injured" from a 107 mm or a 122 mm rocket you need more than a band aide and you just don't get up and walk off. The stress is showing on some of the state department employees and some of the contractors. I guess they never thought they could get shot/rocketed at while working in a "War Zone", the money is great, but you got to also be prepared to take the risk. We had a few who quit and are waiting to go home (that is something that I guess they can do).

I have spent a lot of time on the dirt floor of my bunker, not a good
camping trip! The attacks start at @ 05:30 am and are scattered
throughout the day until 8 pm so it makes for a long day. Of course we also have all of the constraints such as more body armor, limited
movement, lock downs and all that other good stuff. Well it is spring in America so everybody needs to get outside and take a nice walk or run and enjoy the green grass! You don't need to get in the dirt!

CDR "Bunker Rat!" USN
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Old 04-05-2008, 10:06 AM   #104
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date Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 4:08 AM
subject Are you ready to run at midnight?

Well it looks like the shelling has slowed down a bit so I moved back
to the hooch for a decent night sleep. Nigel came back with me from out of the Palace/Embassy harden shelter, (the homeless/boys town shelter I call it) Well we got our hooch set back up for when you go to sleep at night. You got to make sure your are "Ready to Run!" Well I had to set things back up, have the soft shoes on the floor next to the bed ready to slip on, side arm in my holster hanging on the bed with all spare magazines attached. I keep the M-16/A4, (when I have it) inside my wall locker with several spare magazines attached. We do not keep the weapons locked and loaded in the hooch for safety, but we can very quickly get them locked and loaded. Keep the body armor and helmet in a chair next to the foot of the bed in the ready position so you can load it on. You just don't "slip" into the 45 pound of Kevlar so you got to get it on and then grab the rest of your stuff and head out to the bunker. Well we had to do it last night/early this morning and all went well in my hooch, no accidents or incidents. Unfortunately some other person in another hooch ended up breaking his leg pretty bad trying to get to his bunker.

So now that "Crash" is getting ready to come over here to Baghdad and help us out, he may need to practice so he can do the "Hooch Scoot" when he has too. Well you need to put a broom and a couple cans of canned vegetables under your bed, ( to simulate his M-16/A4 and ammunition magazines) and a 40 pound bag of potatoes next to the bed, (to simulate the body armor). What you have to do is wake up at 1 am, sit up in bed clap your hands and yell "incoming". "Crash should jump up right out of bed, put his shoes on, reach under the bed and get the broom and the cans run over and pick up the potato sack and head down stairs out the garage and see if he can crawl up one of the parked cars. If he can do that in 90 seconds or less he is ready to come on over here to Baghdad and live in a "hooch". Now remember he should show up here with that good shovel and metal pail so he can help do some upgrades, if needed to his bunker. Well let me know how he is doing in his Baghdad deployment training!

CDR "Beat feet to the Bunker" USN
There's an alternate reality for ya - huh? When is this insanity going to end?

Take care of yourself buddy - come home in one, live piece please. I'm prayin for you.
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Old 04-05-2008, 11:11 AM   #105
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Yesman - can you pass onto your buddy just how many people read his "letters" and think of him every time Iraq is on the news? I found myself arguing a point in the pub the other night, using the classic "I know someone" defence. But damnit - I feel like I do know him! We don't have the same demonstrative pride in our armed forces as the US, but the personal angle of the "letters" does make me realise how hard the forces work, and why Americans support their troops so well.

Oh and thanks to you too - a viewpoint I would never have found myself.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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