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Old 04-13-2008, 12:30 AM   #106
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Say hello from me yesman.
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Old 04-21-2008, 01:24 PM   #107
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Another day in Baghdad

date Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 1:27 PM
subject Another day in Baghdad

Well we had a couple of days of sandstorms here in Baghdad and they have finally lifted today. You would go outside in the middle of the day and it was nothing but a brown haze, you though it was around 10 pm. You could spot the sun as a brighter brown spot in the sky. The dust was a very fine brown chalk and it ended up getting everywhere. We had to suspend air operation, (Helo), and air surveillance. It was prime time for the insurgents and Al-Queda to move around in Sadr City and resupply and rearm. On Sunday afternoon we got a bit of a temporary break in the sandstorm and we got a little clear break in the weather.

On Sunday Secretary to State Condoleeza Rice was in Baghdad and stopped off at the Embassy here in Baghdad. She was talking to all and trying to help motivate the state department people to keep going on and deal with the "hard and dangerous" assignment they have in Baghdad. Well we had to shut down part of Baghdad so she could move around. Well it did not take much time for the insurgents and Al-Queda to figure out what was going on. They also watch TV and knew she was in the middle east so they put it together and they went out of their way to welcome her to Baghdad We had 4 separate rocket attacks here in the compound. One of the attacks got in really close. It seemed 3 people were out side the embassy building and a 107 mm rocket came in and air burst right on top of them. No one was killed but they all were wounded pretty bad. I spent a good amount of time in my bunker due to the timing of the rockets coming in. I hope you were able to enjoy Sunday and watch the Pope on TV.

CDR "No cable in my bunker" USN
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Old 04-21-2008, 06:58 PM   #108
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I don't see Condi Rice having the public speaking skills with the ability to motivate people in that environment.
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Old 05-01-2008, 02:14 PM   #109
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date: Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:40 PM
subject: Another drive in the red zone of Baghdad

Well we still have to roll out around in the red zone here in Baghdad and go and visit places. I was out and about last month heading out over to the airport for some meetings. It is just not the same as getting in the car and heading out to get a pizza and have a cold beverage. I wish it was at times!
We continue to get rocket attacked several times each day, it seems we are losing one solider and having two others injured each day we get attacked here in the Green Zone. You try and guess when you think the incoming rockets are coming and move/work around that.

I was in my bunker last night/early this morning with 10 other people. Monday we got caught up in a pretty intense rocket attack. I was in my bunker with others and one of them was 2 Star Army General who got caught outside and he ran into the bunker with us. We were stuck there for about an hour. We could here the "zip" of incoming rockets really loud, we had 1 rocket impact about 20 yards from the bunker and it blew up rocks and strap metal and it landed all around the bunker and we could smell the gun powder burning around the bunker. It was a bit spooky, but that is life during wartime.

CDR "Road rage.....what road rage!" USN
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Old 05-01-2008, 11:32 PM   #110
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I refuse to believe, with all the technology we have in the air, they can't pinpoint those rocket launches.
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Old 05-02-2008, 05:50 PM   #111
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They definitely can - Michael Yon mentioned it in one of his dispatches.
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Old 05-02-2008, 07:28 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
They definitely can - Michael Yon mentioned it in one of his dispatches.
Pinpointing a launch is completely different from responding to that launch. Problem is not tracking incoming ordinance. Problem is getting that information to someone who can respond to it.

Even the safest place in Iraq – the Green Zone – remains far more dangerous than it was when “Mission Accomplished” was declared five years and one day ago. In an attempt to diminish those attacks, we decided to invade and wall southern Sahdr City. To mask that reality, first, we sent in our surrogate army – the Iraqis. Second, we pretend this invasion and wall are only for security of Sahdr City residents. We cannot even be honest about the purpose of that wall.

First, the Iraqis (as in Basra) conduct operations with the same vigor that S Vietnamese soldiers did. Some units get all the attention while the desertion and refusal by so many rarely gets reported. Americans are quietly replacing Iraqis in that invasion - that does not exist because the surge was so successful.

Second, the wall in southern Sahdr City is only to protect the Green Zone because Americans are so dislikes that even the Green Zone is still attacked often. We ignore that reality, in part, because routine attacks are no longer news.

What is the purpose of war? A political solution. In Nam, we confused tactical victories with the actual purpose of war. For example, if we responded to those rocket launches aggressively, then we only lose – make more enemies – make the strategic objective less possible – play into the hands of the various civil war armies. If we admit why southern Sahdr City is being invaded, then we admit no strategic objectives are being achieved. Tactical victories say so little about achieving the purpose of war - the strategic objective.

If a political settlement was ongoing or even possible, then the invasion of southern Sahdr City would not be necessary AND the Iraqi Army would operate without American troops to prod them on.

The fact that every Green Zone still comes under attack regularly says we are still looking for light at the end of the tunnel – we are winning just like in Nam.
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Old 05-04-2008, 01:54 AM   #113
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Latest news applies: From the NY Times of 4 May 2008:
Missiles Strike Sadr City, Damaging Hospital
The missiles that hit close to the Sadr General Hospital were American. After a night of clashes in the neighborhood, the Americans fired at least three “precision-guided munitions” at the small building next door to the hospital. Neighbors said the building was used as a place of prayer for pilgrims, hospital employees and neighborhood residents, but the military identified it as a command center for the Shiite militias that it is battling. ...

Sometimes it feels as if nothing is what it seems. Iraqi ambulances have been used to ferry weapons, and homes are used as safe houses for militia fighters. Men in the vests of municipal road workers sometimes toil at burying improvised explosive devices while Iraqi and American forces have holed up in schools and Education Ministry buildings.
Of course. The people are not working for the invader. Welcome to a country in civil war, similar to Nam, or Somolia. Does anybody see light at the end of the tunnel? Did someone misplaced it - George?
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Old 05-04-2008, 11:43 AM   #114
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"Sometimes it feels as if nothing is what it seems. Iraqi ambulances have been used to ferry weapons, and homes are used as safe houses for militia fighters. Men in the vests of municipal road workers sometimes toil at burying improvised explosive devices while Iraqi and American forces have holed up in schools and Education Ministry buildings."

It is what it is...
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 05-04-2008, 01:53 PM   #115
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Iraqis begin to 'despise' the Mahdi Army in Baghdad's Rusafa district
By Bill ArdolinoMay 3, 2008 11:57 AM
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 05-15-2008, 07:18 AM   #116
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Well with the increase in shelling here one needs to get creative in
establishing a fortified sleeping area. Here is one of the latest that
we have come up with, the coffin bed. You build up a wall several blocks thick, (if you have extra blocks), close around your sleeping area than you put several reinforce supports across the top with a board over where you lie down and than pile up sand bags on top of it. Well if the rocket or mortar comes in through the hooch it has to land right next to you, within a few inches to give you "the full effect". It gives a whole new meaning to "you can sleep when you are dead".

It is not like at the house with the King-size bed, watching TV with the
Phone and remote next to you! Once you are in for the night you better be prepared to sleep all night, "popping up" or "jumping up" in the middle of the night is not a good idea! It could be very painful.

Now you better get "Crash" out in the garage and have him build himself one of these "beds". When he gets over here he will have to do it for himself so it would be good to already have the experience of building one!

"Trying to powernap when I can"
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Old 05-15-2008, 04:01 PM   #117
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I noticed the lock on the bed... to lock up the camera?
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 05-16-2008, 11:21 PM   #118
Urbane Guerrilla
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Tw never did approve of ever actually fighting against fascists, communists, or any totalitarian abuse or abusers.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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Old 05-26-2008, 06:44 PM   #119
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Well we had the official farewell with Major General Zamzow
so it is all over with. I got to pack up my sea bag and get ready to head home.
The war is over for me. I will be leaving this week. I got the chance to
head down to Kuwait a few days early and just rest up. I will do that,
for Kuwait does not get mortar or rocket attacks on them. So I will
go camping in Kuwait for a week and than begin the journey back to
the states and get back to a normal life. So how are you doing at
your beach hooch?

CDR "Coming Home" USN
Being dull and boring sounds good!
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Old 05-26-2008, 09:00 PM   #120
The future is unwritten
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Hooray!... and thank you.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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