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Old 02-07-2008, 10:00 AM   #31
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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My personality type? Where's the category for surly?
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Old 02-07-2008, 10:34 AM   #32
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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I have actually met the Briggs portion of that duo 4 times. She let me adminster the full test to my kids and send them to her. I am not sure it told me any more than I knew before but it was insightful never the less.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 02-07-2008, 11:59 AM   #33
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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I took the full version through our career office here.

ISTJ: Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging

Keywords: Inner-directed, Realistic, Logical, Organized

General Description:
ISTJs are good with details and think logically. Because they think logically, they often become practical problem-solvers and adopt a responsible outlook on life. ISTJs are good organizers and get things done. In their own quiet way, they see what must be done, analyze the alternatives, and organize the solutions. And they manage to do it with quietness and grace.

Careers that value an organized, practical approach to problem solving will appeal to ISTJs. They often become good managers or hands-on technicians. They enjoy a workplace that is organized with clear expectations, where they can use their detailed knowledge and ability to organize. They enjoy working by themselves and taking pride in their work. The types of careers that may appeal to them include all kinds of different management positions, computers, police work, engineering, accounting and teaching (math, technical subjects).

ISTJs are serious students: they value a clear approach to their studies and want to achieve their educational goals. They like courses based on facts where they can apply these facts in a logical manner. They are well organized, so missing assignments is rarely a problem. They enjoy working by themselves. However, if they need to work in groups, they'd like the groups to be small and the responsibilities of the group members to be well defined

It's very true about liking organization, and preferring to work alone. I hate group projects!

If I could take all the person stuff out of my job it would basically be accounting: I would be happiest in an office crunching numbers and data all day! (Our institutional research person said she asked for an assistant in her budget. If she gets it, I will apply. I really like this person, too!)
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Old 07-27-2008, 06:34 PM   #34
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huh. I've been trying to clear some of the clutter from my house, and came across my Meyers Briggs test results.


Apparently, the rarest personality type.

"Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards!"
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Old 07-28-2008, 11:04 AM   #35
polaroid of perfection
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Sorry to burst your bubble
C'est moi, aussi.

Life as an INFJ
(Intravert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger)

People of this type tend to be creative, original and independent; thoughtful, warm and sensitive; global thinkers with great passion for their unique vision; cautious, deliberate and planful; organized, productive and decisive; reserved and polite.

The most important things to INFJs are their ideas, and being faithful to their vision.

Great careers for INFJs

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is INFJ:

* Special education teacher
* Alcohol and drug addiction counsellor
* Universal design architect
* Holistic health practitioner
* Diversity manager / trainer
* Speech / language pathologist
* Career counsellor
* Therapist
* Director of religious education
* Editor / art director
* Writer
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Old 07-28-2008, 12:22 PM   #36
Buffalo Bill
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Life as an ISTJ
(Intravert, Sensor, Thinker, Judger)
People of this type tend to be cautious, conservative and quiet; literal, realistic and practical; careful and precise; logical, honest and matter of fact; resistant to change and comfortable with routine; hardworking and responsible.

The most important thing to ISTJs is being of service, getting the job done right, and being responsible.

Great careers for ISTJs

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ISTJ:

Chief Information Officer
Database administrator
Healthcare administrator
Real estate broker
Construction / building inspector
Police detective
Agricultural scientist
Primary care physician
Biomedical researcher
Office manager
Credit analyst
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Old 07-28-2008, 02:20 PM   #37
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my bubble is not burst. I said rare, not unique! So glad there are other weirdos out there . . .
"Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards!"
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Old 07-28-2008, 04:28 PM   #38
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we want to help people, but are too introverted to actually do it . . .
"Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards!"
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Old 07-28-2008, 11:03 PM   #39
Thats "Miss Zipper Neck" to you.
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I couldn't decide on any of the answers. I don't like the categories, I don't fit well in any of em. What does that mean? I have no personality or multiple personalities?
Addicts may suck dick for coke, but love came up with the idea to put a dick in there to begin with.
-Jack O'Brien
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Old 08-01-2008, 02:27 AM   #40
I know, right?
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Originally Posted by Nic Name View Post
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator Test

Nic Name is an INTJ

Life as an INTJ
(Intravert, Intuitive, Thinker, Judger)

People of this type tend to be autonomous, aloof and intellectual; imaginative, innovative, and unique; critical, analytical and logical; intellectually curious, driven to learn and increase their competence and knowledge; socially cautious and reserved; organized and definitive.

The most important thing to INTJs is their independence and being able to live according to their own standards.

Great careers for INTJs

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is INTJ:

Intellectual property attorney
News analyst
Design engineer
Biomedical researcher
Network integration specialist
Software developer
Freelance writer
Media planner
Chief Financial Officer
Desktop publishing specialist
That's me, INTJ Freelance Writer.
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