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Old 12-04-2001, 07:27 PM   #16
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally posted by blase
I keep toying with the idea of transferring to the University of Alaska at Anchorage just because I really want to spend some time up there. I'm also pretty impressed by the fact that the state has no taxes and every years you get a check that I've heard is on the order of $3000 just for being a resident.
The only problem (besides lack of sunlight in the winter) is that the cost of living is higher there. Granted, given that Anchorage is a good-sized city (over 200,000 people), I would think the prices there aren't so bad. You always see the ads for the pizza chains on TV that say, "Prices may be higher in Alaska and Hawaii." But in looking at grocery prices from Carr's (which is owned by Safeway), the prices there don't look bad at all. Plus, they sell beer in their grocery stores...just like Missouri and Virginia. $14.49 for a case of Miller Lite w/your Carr's Card (Safeway Card)...that's about what you'd pay for it here in PA. $3.99 for a 12-pack of Coke w/ that's a tad high. But all in all, fairly comparable. I was reading about Barrow last night (which is the northernmost city in the US), and the prices for some items there WERE higher, but understandably so.

Plus, I would figure you make more up there. I remember when I got a job offer for $22,800 in DC and I thought that was great...until I tried to find an apartment.

Now, I want everyone to look at the last two pics again. You'll notice that there is a little Geo Metro parked on the street. Nome is only accessible by air and sea. 4-wheel drive cars are the norm. Yet, there is that little Metro, probably tooling around town. I've driven a Metro in the snow...I will this winter as well...and that is just TOO funny!
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Old 12-05-2001, 07:39 AM   #17
That Guy
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$14.49??! that still seems like a rip-off (especially for meeler lite). I think I saw an ad in the paper for an 18-pack at ~$9 today. Then again, this *is* Texas
Along a similar note, I bought some Old Stock Ale the other day (11.4% alc -- whew!) and loaded up on the xmas time brews. Man, this is what I love about the holidays!
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Old 12-09-2001, 07:58 PM   #18
Dafydd Wynne-Evans
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I was stationed at Shemya Air Station, at pretty much the tip of the Aleutian island chain, in 1982.

It's nothing like the most of Alaska, there are no trees to speak of... there are ropes suspended between the buildings, so you've got something to hold onto while walking between buildings (the wind gets a mite strong).

The ocean is visible when the weather permits.. the island is tiny!

I kinda miss it though, something about the harshness of the land calls to me. Must be Nordic blood flowing in my veins eh?

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Old 12-10-2001, 12:58 AM   #19
..the small and meek.
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Originally posted by blowmeetheclown
$14.49??! that still seems like a rip-off (especially for meeler lite). I think I saw an ad in the paper for an 18-pack at ~$9 today. Then again, this *is* Texas
Along a similar note, I bought some Old Stock Ale the other day (11.4% alc -- whew!) and loaded up on the xmas time brews. Man, this is what I love about the holidays!

beer = gross.

but to each their own, i suppose.
i sneak up and hit you like a fuckin' tornado

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Old 12-10-2001, 01:42 AM   #20
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Originally posted by jennofay

beer = gross.

but to each their own, i suppose.
Oh, like totally! I only buy it as a barometer of the local economy...I swear!
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Old 12-10-2001, 06:58 AM   #21
..the small and meek.
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uh huh, likely story...

i stick to water, thanks... its not scary.
i sneak up and hit you like a fuckin' tornado

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Old 12-10-2001, 06:57 PM   #22
Coronation Incarnate
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Location: Boulder, CO
Posts: 91
Originally posted by jennofay
uh huh, likely story...

i stick to water, thanks... its not scary.
I fear no beer! :p

Ok, I'll stop now.
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