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Old 01-18-2012, 09:57 AM   #16
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I miss being able to just buy the stuff I want (within reason.) It's been at least ten years since I used to be able to do that.

I think I might have been 27 when we bought our leather recliner. That thing was like $1500. I'd never in a million years pay that much money for a chair now. But we still have it and it's in pretty good shape still and it gets used every day.
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Old 01-18-2012, 10:30 AM   #17
Pete Zicato
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27 was half a lifetime ago. I don't remember too much about it.

Talk nerdy to me.
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Old 01-18-2012, 10:37 AM   #18
We have to go back, Kate!
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I remember 27 very well. It was, looking back one of those turning point times, the held breath just before the step forward.

Given it was the year we got Pilau, it's one I've been remembering in detail just lately.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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Old 01-18-2012, 11:22 AM   #19
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
At 27 I was married and had no idea just how I was about to be treated like shit and just put up with it for years and years.

but I also had three kids and three jobs. gah. Life was FLYING back then.
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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Old 01-18-2012, 11:47 AM   #20
polaroid of perfection
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I was 27 from July 1999 to 2000.
I was in flux after moving from Aylesbury to London in August.
It was the time when the Evil Ex had the most influence on my life, although I wouldn't let go for a few years to come.

In my memory it was always dark and raining those 12 months. Partly because he established a routine of booty calls. But again that might have come from the next couple of years.

Life followed a miserable pattern for much of the time I lived in London the first time round, so it's hard to pin things down. Some of the high points I've remembered happened after this time, because I can order certain events (this happened when I had hair extensions, that happened after this, the other happened after the Millenium party etc).

I've written and deleted this many times, struggling to get it right!
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Old 01-18-2012, 11:58 AM   #21
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Interesting how many people's lives were falling apart or just about to at this age.

27 was the year my daughter was born. My barely 2-year-old son was weird and pretty difficult, but not yet unmanageable. If we wanted to go to a restaurant, we just did it. When I saw cute kids' clothes at Target, I just bought them. Ha! It wasn't until a few months into 28 when the world spectacularly collapsed.
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Old 01-18-2012, 12:14 PM   #22
We have to go back, Kate!
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Originally Posted by Clodfobble View Post
Interesting how many people's lives were falling apart or just about to at this age.

27 was the year my daughter was born. My barely 2-year-old son was weird and pretty difficult, but not yet unmanageable. If we wanted to go to a restaurant, we just did it. When I saw cute kids' clothes at Target, I just bought them. Ha! It wasn't until a few months into 28 when the world spectacularly collapsed.
Yeah. It does seem to be a theme.

Funny thing is, I felt older in many ways then than I do now. I recall very strongly the feeling that time was somehow slipping past me unheeded, and I had done none of the things I always thought I would/should/could. Was just starting to come to the conclusion that actually I probably never would go to university, or get published or any of the other things I really had wanted to do at one time. That was ok...because I had some new ambitions, but I remember almost mourning the passing of those opportunities (as I then saw it).

It was wild times and fun as well that year. Lot of partying, and drink and uppers fuelled gatherings.

But that little part of me was yearning for something else.

Strange looking back. My ambition was a degree. Now I'm working for a doctorate. I'm not a published writer, but online friends like my poems and my readings, and if my current plans succeed, I will at some point get a book published. And, no, it's not the next great contemporary British'll be an expanded thesis on crime in the 18th century British Army.

13 little years. And the deck has changed completely.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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Old 01-18-2012, 12:17 PM   #23
We have to go back, Kate!
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When i was a lot younger, in my mid teens, I had as an image in my mind, the life I saw myself leading when I was grown up.

I imagined myself as a writer. Living on the Yorkshire Moors, with my dog/s.

I took a fuck of a roundabaout route, but I got pretty close to it.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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Old 01-18-2012, 12:43 PM   #24
The Un-Tuckian
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Many moons ago, a month before I turned 27, I bought my first brand new vehicle. It was a 1995 Chevy S-10, black, short-bed, regular cab. I fucking loved that truck. It represented a new level of freedom for me. I no longer had to carry every tool I owned everywhere I went in fear of mechanical fuckery. I no longer had to carry a list of phone numbers of people I could call for help.

It had .2 miles on it when I test drove it, and I picked it up freshly detailed, and full of gas with 2.2 miles on it. The first sound I heard through the stereo (which was quickly replaced with 480 satan-inspired watts of 'Fuck yeah!') was 'Black Sunshine' by White Zombie, running up the on ramp WFO.

In 24 months I put 97,000 miles on that little truck.

Sadly, I traded Black Sunshine for a 32' bucket truck w/chip box and a chipper. The business I started w/that combo, I later sold to a much bigger company a town over. The money I socked away, and take little tiny nibbles of every now and then (but more and more frequently).

And I haven't worked for anyone since.

Thank you Little Black Truck!

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Old 01-18-2012, 06:56 PM   #25
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When I was 27, I'd been married for 4 years already and had just earned my BA degree in biology from the University of Colorado (I had tuned in, turned on, and dropped out for a while). My husband was working for the forest service and we had the best adventures ever exploring the Colorado back country. I could still party big time in those days, and I made sure that I did so on a regular basis. 27 was an excellent year for me.
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Old 01-18-2012, 07:29 PM   #26
a beautiful fool
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when I was 27, we live in our first house in coatesville. shelby was pregnant with spencer. I would read to her from what to expect when you're expecting each morning as she got ready for work. I was just working my way out of sales into management in the car business.

spent our free time doing lemas classes and preparing the baby's room. every sunday morning we would have breakfast at the ingleside diner.
spencer was born on august 11th, I turned 28 on the 24th. so I will say that august 11th 1998 was the best day of my 27th year. definitely a good year.

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tappa talk does not do capitals, I notice
There's a Shadow just behind me. Shrouding every step I take. Making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. _tool
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Old 01-18-2012, 07:35 PM   #27
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Oh, I got pregnant again when I was 27....
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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Old 01-18-2012, 08:53 PM   #28
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That thing is NOT a Clown car Missy !!!
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. "
Brother Dave Gardner
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Old 01-18-2012, 09:39 PM   #29
I hear them call the tide
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I stopped at three.....
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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Old 01-18-2012, 09:43 PM   #30
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When I was 27.. I'll let you know in 2013.
Kiss my white Irish ass.
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